GitUp Git2 Firmware

OK, so DVR metering reads the lower part of the frame for exposure, isn't it? At least that's how i understood. Correct me if i'm wrong.

Hi mate, i'm with you on the fact that is not very clear...but the metering reffers to exposure, so it should say "DVR EXPOSURE METERING".

However, i think it should have been called BOTTOM METERING or something like that, it is easy to understand since the icon used explains this as well, and for people not familiar with dvr/dashcams is easier to understand when universal definitions are used, in this case, "exposure metering" vs "car metering".

Let see what @gitup think about this.

@Mtz also suggest bottom metering before, other use suggest car dvr metering, we have to decide. :)
the lower part would be the "bottom" of that square and not a "car/dvr".

CarDVR exposure metering mode does not use only the lower part of the image. It crops both upper and lower rows and modifies the sides of the central area. So it can't be called "bottom" for objective reasons.

Moreover, the icon used for this mode does represent 'a road' to help a user understand its purpose intended.
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On the flip side they may be trying to make it a little more approachable and understandable for... "less advanced" users who don't know anything about meeting or center weighting or any of that stuff.
"Less advanced" users should be happy with their SJs I suppose ))
"Less advanced" users should be happy with their SJs I suppose ))
I'm quite happy with my git1 and git2. I consider myself a power user in the computer and smartphone worlds, and heck, even in the automotive world - nothing I own ever stays stock very long. But in the camera world, even though I took a photography class back in high school, I don't remember all that stuff about f-stop,iso, etc... so those settings are meaningless to me. Very rarely do I take our point n shoot camera (Canon digital elph something or other) out of full auto mode.
I was using Git2 as a webcam with NLE, Niconico Live Encoder.
After upgrading the firmware to V1.5, it doesn't work on NLE anymore.

What can I do to downgrade the firmware to V1.4?

I want to use the Git2 in a science project where I need to acquire images in short time intervals (preferably 3MP 4:3 with 30+fps).
At the moment I'm using the 2880x2160 4:3 24fps video mode and extract the individual frames with FFmpeg.
This has the disadvantage that non-keyframes have compression artefacts which reduce the image quality during fast motion to an unacceptable level.
Is there a possibility to add a burst mode for images in the next firmware update, so that the camera starts to take pictures when pressing the shutter button and stops when pressing the shutter button again? Would it even be technically possible for the camera to write 30+ images per second to the SD card at a resolution of about 3MP?

Best regards
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I want to use the Git2 in a science project where I need to acquire images in short time intervals (preferably 3MP 4:3 with 30+fps).
At the moment I'm using the 2880x2160 4:3 24fps video mode and extract the individual frames with FFmpeg.
This has the disadvantage that non-keyframes have compression artefacts which reduce the image quality during fast motion to an unacceptable level.
Is there a possibility to add a burst mode for images in the next firmware update, so that the camera starts to take pictures when pressing the shutter button and stops when pressing the shutter button again? Would it even be technically possible for the camera to write 30+ images per second to the SD card at a resolution of about 3MP?

Best regards
I don't expect you can get more than 10 frames into the burst mode buffer, it certainly wont be able to do continuous burst mode without stopping to write the images to memory card frequently.

I imagine you would get better results with a lower resolution video mode, plus the high bitrate setting. The bitrates for the 4K mode are limited by the processor/memory card speed so don't have as many bits/pixel/second as the lower resolution modes and the higher frame rate will also help for motion artefacts.
Maybe I can use the 1080p mode with 60fps. But due to the lower resolution I need a narrower FOV. The Git2 with 90 degree lens would be an option. Perhaps it would also be possible to add a third FOV mode...standard...narrow...narrower. :)

If I order the Git2 with 90 degree lens would I be able to adjust the focus, or is the lens fixed?

Maybe I can use the 1080p mode with 60fps. But due to the lower resolution I need a narrower FOV. The Git2 with 90 degree lens would be an option. Perhaps it would also be possible to add a third FOV mode...standard...narrow...narrower. :)

If I order the Git2 with 90 degree lens would I be able to adjust the focus, or is the lens fixed?

The 90 degree lens is fixed focus, but it is reasonably easy to refocus it - take off the front cover and twist the lens, maybe having to deal with some glue before twisting.

Alternatively you can add a close focus lens (filter) mounted on a GoPro filter adaptor, then if remove it you are instantly back to standard focus. This may be the better solution as I don't know what the minimum focus distance is with the 90 degree lens on it's own and the close focus lens will also give some magnification, plus you can change to different strength lenses as needed. I guess you can get the FOV you want with the standard lens and a close focus lens.

1080 60fps should be a good choice if it gives you enough resolution.
The macro filters look promising, but for a narrow FOV the DOF region comes to close to the lens for my purposes.
Do you know if it's possible to get C-mount lenses attached to the Git2? Something like this:

Not sure I understand the FOV/DOF issue, you wanted to refocus so I assume that you need to be close to the subject, the closer you get the larger the subject appears without any need to change the FOV. But if you do need a narrow FOV from a distance then the 90 degree lens will help.

I wouldn't expect a C-mount lens to fit unless you removed the case and extracted the sensor board. Optically there is no problem and you can get mount adaptors but a 90 degree lens would be much easier since you can keep the case.
The problem is that the object has to fill the entire FOV in order to have enough resolution. When I use a macro lens I won't get the whole object into focus due to the short DOF. So I think the 90 degree lens is the way to go. Nevertheless, an additional "narrower" option in the next firmware would be nice.

Thanks Nigel
@gitup Please consider adding the appropriate frame rates and shutter speeds for PAL in a future upgrade. Thank you
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Hey, I need help here. I tried to do the v1.2 FW update. I followed the instructions and the camera does starts anymore. My pc does even show it when I plug it in.
Well that's what I tried to do. But anyway, tried 2 more time and it worked. I dont dont what i was doing wrong but now it's okay. But I'm wonderinf is there a way to know what FW im runninf ?

Btw thanks for the quick answer.
I'm about to go on a trip, and use my git2 its on 1.4 firmware should i update to 1.5 before i go?
I'm about to go on a trip, and use my git2 its on 1.4 firmware should i update to 1.5 before i go?
If you are leaving in a few minutes time then no, just in case something goes wrong and it takes you a day or two to sort it out! 1.4 worked fine so there is no need to upgrade.

If you have a few days then yes, it should be a simple upgrade although a few people do seem to have problems, and there are quite a lot of new and improved things in 1.5. If you are going to use the new features then make sure you test them out first so you don't accidently spoil all your recordings and not find out until you get back and view them properly. Trying things out properly takes time, it is not something to do at the last minute.
ya, thats why wondering if i should, or hold up when i get back, as im leaving in a week. so far been happy with the camera at 1.4