GitUp Git2- Support, FAQ, Review

Took a few photos with the Git2 today:








Not bad for a video camera :)
What config you used To get this pics?
What config you used To get this pics?
They were taken with a prototype Git2, before the colour balance was properly sorted. They are all taken in photo mode with automatic ISO/exposure (the manual settings didn't exist then) and probably soft sharpening. I may have used the EV+WB lock to get some of those exposures, the Gitup remote control and monopod for the leaves over the water, a close focus filter for the dragonfly and flower (background out of focus), and Paint Shop Pro to crop/resize/adjust colour/sharpen. There was no raw mode then so these are all jpg images.
They were taken with a prototype Git2, before the colour balance was properly sorted. They are all taken in photo mode with automatic ISO/exposure (the manual settings didn't exist then) and probably soft sharpening. I may have used the EV+WB lock to get some of those exposures, the Gitup remote control and monopod for the leaves over the water, a close focus filter for the dragonfly and flower (background out of focus), and Paint Shop Pro to crop/resize/adjust colour/sharpen. There was no raw mode then so these are all jpg images.

Im new at the action camera world, actually I'm new in the camera world in general, do you know if there is guidance on how to use the GIT2 so I can use it like a real pro haha, yeah I know Im asking for a miracle, but If you know something about it or someone knows something about it please tell me!!!
Im new at the action camera world, actually I'm new in the camera world in general, do you know if there is guidance on how to use the GIT2 so I can use it like a real pro haha, yeah I know Im asking for a miracle, but If you know something about it or someone knows something about it please tell me!!!
This takes a lifetime of practice, experimentation and reading!

The most important thing is to point the camera in the right direction at the right time and from the right position, the planning for this may require studying guides, maps, weather forecasts, maybe even star charts! Of course camera settings can be important for the result but you can't take a great photo/video just by changing the camera settings while sitting in your armchair at home.
@gitup when you will release official app?

This morning I got 4th Git2 camera and with same card that app will be released in few weeks. Same card I got back in january, then april and june and still nothing.

I have also noticed that you avoid questions about app on forums and FB page.

Please reply.

Thank you.
Can anyone help me with the best settings which would produce the most lifelike colours?

So far I have been using the default settings but I was wondering if there is a better one :)
every shooting situation is different. different settings will produce different results depending on available lighting. defaults are probably great on clear sunny days, but if it's a bit overcast or approaching dusk, you may want to bump up the color saturation one notch to avoid having dull colors in the videos. that's the kind of thing we're talking about that comes w/ experience.

personally i leave mine on full auto though... but then again, i'm not aiming to produce cinema quality videos with mine - just having fun.
I am using verified class 10 u3 micro sd cards (rated at 90mb/s) when recording but I still get a frame or two of skipping when using the 10 minute loop mode. Is this normal? Can it be fixed?
I am using verified class 10 u3 micro sd cards (rated at 90mb/s) when recording but I still get a frame or two of skipping when using the 10 minute loop mode. Is this normal? Can it be fixed?
If you are using 60fps then possibly it is dropping to 30fps due to low light conditions?

Also, could it be the playback that is the issue rather than the recording? You can use the camera to play through HDMI to check.

It is unlikely to be due to the card, it doesn't need anywhere near 90mb/s, a plain class 10 will do for the normal bitrate setting.
If you are using 60fps then possibly it is dropping to 30fps due to low light conditions?
No more fps dropping in 1.6 firmware.
But frame skipping, I suppose, can be happened due to the h.264 coding algorithm. The h.264 have key frames that are placed with some interval in file. So, if camera do the cutting the video not in a key frame position then it might be possible to loose some video frames up to the nearest next I-keyframe. I suppose...
Has anyone tried to connect the git 2 to a music console? I have tried to but only got noises, I plugged in one of the aux out of the music console to the git 2!! Should I tried with the headphone out? BTW everything works perfect before try and after too
If you are using 60fps then possibly it is dropping to 30fps due to low light conditions?

Also, could it be the playback that is the issue rather than the recording? You can use the camera to play through HDMI to check.

It is unlikely to be due to the card, it doesn't need anywhere near 90mb/s, a plain class 10 will do for the normal bitrate setting.

It was shot at 24fps in daylight so I don't think this is the problem. I brought the two files into Premiere and did a frame by frame preview and there is still a small skip.

No more fps dropping in 1.6 firmware.
But frame skipping, I suppose, can be happened due to the h.264 coding algorithm. The h.264 have key frames that are placed with some interval in file. So, if camera do the cutting the video not in a key frame position then it might be possible to loose some video frames up to the nearest next I-keyframe. I suppose...

That is an interesting possibility. Since it was 24fps it would be more exaggerated if there was a keyframe mismatch. @gitup Is that something that could be accounted for in a firmware update?
That is an interesting possibility. Since it was 24fps it would be more exaggerated if there was a keyframe mismatch. @gitup Is that something that could be accounted for in a firmware update?
So does it only happen at the end of each file?

I wouldn't be too surprised if the file length is a exact multiple of the key frames at 30fps and doesn't quite fit at 24fps.
As we heard from SJCAM factory, SJCAM new models are coming, looks cool!
If you are going to blatantly promote a certain manufacturer's product, at least have a little discretion, and also mark yourself as a retailer or manufacturer. Please contact @DashCamMan for help with that.
No necessary to act as a normal user, just tell us you are from SJCAM.
I haven't forgotten the XTACAM first post on RCGroups.

Yes, I am a worker from SJCAM headquarters :)
Yesterday I was just back to this great forum when i was an old user here but forget my old password and account.
And occasionally I saw Mr. Gitup posted his Gitup2 promote in SJCAM group.
So, my mind drived me to send some info about SJCAM in Gitup group lol
If this is wrong to the forum policy, I am feeling sorry about this.
But at least, this is fair that I post a new SJCAM product here to introduce more people to check if they like SJCAM new product or not AFTER Gitup send their product infos in SJCAM group.

At last, also I haven't forgotten the XTACAM first post on RCGroups. :)

Anyway, SJCAM is also keep working to offer customer's more choice about good quality sports camera.
Enjoying ;)