GitUp Git2- Support, FAQ, Review

thank you ! does this procedure incl audio and video stream or only video ?
Mounting hole on the frame mount is too short.I tried a tripod yesterday for some time lapse and would not screw in tightly.
So now hunting tripod with shorter screw.
Mounting hole on the frame mount is too short.I tried a tripod yesterday for some time lapse and would not screw in tightly.
So now hunting tripod with shorter screw.
Add a washer, preferably a leather or rubber one as they don't come loose, or fall off and get lost.
Now why the F did I not think of that>>>>Thanks Nigel
How git2 is converting image to different view mode? Is he cropping the image or interpolating up or down image data ?
Is it from 16:9 to 4:3 or from 4:3 to 16:9?
The best overall sharpness I've got is always from 4:3 mode.
When I zoom in 4:3 the image is like 16:9.

Mayby GITUP could make mode that is cropping 4:3 to 16:9 without loosing sharpness?
I think this would be a major improvement for the firmware 1.5.
When the recording is played through the miniHDMI connection, a timer and a pause indicator appears. This dirties playback. I think it would be better not show up anything during playback by miniHDMI, as it is assumed you are playing by connecting the camera to a TV full hd to enjoy your recording, and anything like this that also displays information that is not needed is very frustrating because it distracts you from watching the recording, which is important and spoils playback.

And again, texts and icons of sharpness in the options "low" and "high" do not correspond. When you choose this setting you do not know which of the two is fine, if the text or drawing. I think it's an easy mistake to correct.
Thank you.

Sorry, I forgot to say that the error is on the menu in SPANISH, translation is incorrect.
SOFT translates it as "BAJA" and should say "SUAVE" or "ALTA"
STRONG translates it as "ALTA" and should be "BAJA".
Hence, icons and text does not match in Spanish menú.
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I think this would be a major improvement for the firmware 1.5.
When the recording is played through the miniHDMI connection, a timer and a pause indicator appears. This dirties playback. I think it would be better not show up anything during playback by miniHDMI, as it is assumed you are playing by connecting the camera to a TV full hd to enjoy your recording, and anything like this that also displays information that is not needed is very frustrating because it distracts you from watching the recording, which is important and spoils playback.

perhaps if the icons just showed for the first 5 or 10 seconds or whatever when starting playback, navigating a change etc
You are completely wrong mate. Sorry.

"Soft" means less detail, objects look more rounded, that's why the icon.
"Strong" means more detail, more "aggressive" edges to the objects.

This nomenclature is used in all the cameras i know, if you don't understand the logic behind this you better start getting used to it. :D The icons are well placed, despite not being the clearest. :rolleyes:

I'm not using the FW1.4 but in my FW version the icons are correct, however, i would change them for something more meaningful (because people get confused).

Normal icon would be a zero (0), strong icon would be a (+) and soft a (-). Simplier, uglier maybe, but easier to understand.

I think your confussion starts because you believe SOFT is a better looking image, but technically speaking, in camera language, SOFT is less detail. That's what RAW format in photography gives, less sharpness, less contrast, less color to give more room in post.

Ups... I'm sorry. :rolleyes: Thank you for your explanation.
I would like to do some night videos, filming light balloons(?) /sky lanterns (?). What setting would you recommend? I'm on 1.5 beta firmware.
Thank you
Shared the latest V1.5 beta firmware here.
On what port there is a stream from git2 when connected to router? I can browse using web browser and wifi sdcard but I cannot find camera stream on autofinding web cam.
On what port there is a stream from git2 when connected to router? I can browse using web browser and wifi sdcard but I cannot find camera stream on autofinding web cam.
You can use the VLC to view the stream, the port is RTSP standard port 554.
Also you can use the tinycam(a IP cam app) to view the stream, choose XiaoYi or other brand, and RTSP over UDP protocol, then you can use it as IP cam.
I'm doing something wrong.
VLC player path: RTSP://
I think there is lack of pointing stream file
Hey guys,

I know, havent posted much in a while. Been really busy. Been using the hell out of my Git2 (need to actually get video compiled and added to my review thread....oops, sorry for the long delay there)

The other night I went out for a night ride and decided to try something new. Really put the image stabilization to the test. I mounted the GIT1 to my bars, the Git2 to my Fork lowers. I dont think ANYONE has put that much strain on the image stabilization, you dont realize how much the camera is being put through till you watch the Git1 video segments. This is all done on a 29er HT with extensively tuned air forks and carbon fiber handlebars. Git2 video was rather smooth. Which I couldnt believe being that there was no shock dampening or anything smoothing out the bumps for the Git2.

But something I did notice. I did have BOTH cameras set the exact same. and 1080/30fps mode (60fps may work being the level of light they are pointed into) The Git1 video all the colors of the brush, grass etc were very vibrant and defined. The Git2 video the colors were plain and boring looking.

It is late spring here, so everything is fresh growth, very colorful (well mostly green, not much for flowers and such where I live)

My question is, is this something that can be "fixed" or is a newer version of the GIT2 being released that the low light quality video quality is the same as the Git1? I know little of video editing to clean the videos up to make them look similar when finished, so I rely on my cameras to do as much as possible. I just assemble the videos, add the little bits (text and such) and post.

Ill happily buy an updated version so I have GIT1 low light quality with Git2 insanely amazing image stabilization.
