
Mtz said:
If you have enough space inside firmware I think is better to leave russian there even you will sell it in another countries. Russians can live in any country and even speak that country language is possible to prefer russian on their dashcams.
You can change the order of the languages in the menu and put chinese and russian last items.


there's a Russian version of the software if that's what someone wanted so it could still be accommodated, really only looking at western markets for this version anyway so not such an issue
I tried to be clever 8-) i had this new firmware and with hex editor i find from there that one word "iTracker" witch is the logo printed on to video.
So this is the clever part, i changed that word to my name, save it, update it, and everything went well -
except when i put camera on that damn name itracker is still there, not my name :lol:
My days as a hacker are over.
Nice story. :D
You used just an hex editor? Because is dangerous just to hex edit for almost all firmwares.
Maybe the iTracker is wrote in another style in the firmware for example as i T r a c k e r

You are wrong only with this:
My days as a hacker are over.
your hacker days just started. Welcome to the club! :lol:

Sabe said:
and with hex editor i find from there that one word "iTracker" witch is the logo printed on to video.
All messages in firmware in UTF-16 format.
So, you need to find this word, every character is separated by "zero" byte.
You will find it, iTracker - is a text, not picture, I know.
Vadikus said:
Sabe said:
and with hex editor i find from there that one word "iTracker" witch is the logo printed on to video.
All messages in firmware in UTF-16 format.
So, you need to find this word, every character is separated by "zero" byte.
You will find it, iTracker - is a text, not picture, I know.

So far i have failed to find it, i don't know which phrase/letters to look, and firmware is v e r y long.
Sabe said:
So far i have failed to find it, i don't know which phrase/letters to look, and firmware is v e r y long.
If some else want to try here it is, iTracker new firmware smh4.36.220812b!3wpXjIKL!Zl2ZxWq5B ... Rqf4wTwvq0

There is one word very clear "iTracker" but that's not the right one. And to be clear, it would only be nice to put your car licence plate number to video, not very serious problem.
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Vadikus said:
I have made some bytes changing, try it:!5sl1ULKA!aTP75GRy0 ... OmmdIzCDM4
I have no this camera, so try and tell me the result.

That's interesting, it worked!
And now i noticed that you are not just anybody in this business.
I find that string you made in four place, there was one without spaces and three with that zero byte between letters.
So if i like to change it something else what would be right place to make my own text?
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Sabe said:
That's interesting, it worked!
Does second word displayed on video too?

Sabe said:
I find that string you made in four place, there was one without spaces and three with that zero byte between letters.
I fixed only one string! Other 3 was in your original firmware, check it.
I was surprised that my program RegistratorViewer was included in your firmware.

Sabe said:
So if i like to change it something else what would be right place to make my own text?
You found right place at first time, but you forgot to update CRC, so firmware updating was rejected, because file become corrupted.

Sabe said:
And now i noticed that you are not just anybody in this business.
BTW, this is your disassembled firmware (extracted some resources), may be interesting for somebody:!w9EFhThI!DkGUyg-4Q ... XUIbGYMYGE
Look, how many brands supported by one developer (see jpg logos) - bad for stability. And some features are disabled for you (see strings tables).
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Vadikus said:
BTW, this is your disassembled firmware (extracted some resources), may be interesting for somebody:!w9EFhThI!DkGUyg-4Q ... XUIbGYMYGE
Look, how many brands supported by one developer (see jpg logos) - bad for stability. And some features are disabled for you (see strings tables).
Yes, both words did show and space between, just like you made it.
Now i have to learn that CRC thing and how to do it.
The file you send is very interesting, i didn't know how much stuff there is in one firmware.
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Vadikus said:
You found right place at first time, but you forgot to update CRC, so firmware updating was rejected, because file become corrupted.

I'm no expert and now i have done everything i can with CRC and no result.
Can you give a hint how i can update CRC, can i do it with hex editor, or do i need something else?
jokiin said:
very interesting, can I ask what you used to extract it?
I had spent several hours of analyzing file in hex editor (and several big macs :) ) and understand format - it is easy format. I had made it long ago for my firmware. Format for all dashcams on Ambarella chip is equal.
Sabe said:
I'm no expert and now i have done everything i can with CRC and no result.
Can you give a hint how i can update CRC, can i do it with hex editor, or do i need something else?
Every part of firmware has its own CRC (parts is 1, 2, 3, ... in archive that I posted on previous page). CRC is first 4 bytes of part data. You could find parts position in original firmware file by comparing data from my archive and orig. firmware. You need to edit only 4-byte integer, yes, you could do it in hex editor, but you need to write small program, that calculate value - you need to be a software developer :)
There are program DirectUSB - it writes any firmware to any Ambarealla device (if firmware compatible). Format for write is .elf (NOT your .bin), but this two formats has a little difference. You can dissasemble DirectUSB (use any program like IDA) and find CRC algorithm.
Vadikus said:
Sabe said:
I'm no expert and now i have done everything i can with CRC and no result.
Can you give a hint how i can update CRC, can i do it with hex editor, or do i need something else?
Every part of firmware has its own CRC (parts is 1, 2, 3, ... in archive that I posted on previous page). CRC is first 4 bytes of part data. You could find parts position in original firmware file by comparing data from my archive and orig. firmware. You need to edit only 4-byte integer, yes, you could do it in hex editor, but you need to write small program, that calculate value - you need to be a software developer :)
There are program DirectUSB - it writes any firmware to any Ambarealla device (if firmware compatible). Format for write is .elf (NOT your .bin), but this two formats has a little difference. You can dissasemble DirectUSB (use any program like IDA) and find CRC algorithm.

Exactly!!! I've been trying to tell you people this for the longest time!!!! No one listens to me!!!

Vadikus said:
There are program DirectUSB - it writes any firmware to any Ambarealla device (if firmware compatible). Format for write is .elf (NOT your .bin), but this two formats has a little difference. You can dissasemble DirectUSB (use any program like IDA) and find CRC algorithm.

Thank you very much for thorough answer, now i know what i'm up against and it's not too easy :)
Sabe said:
Thank you very much for thorough answer, now i know what i'm up against and it's not too easy :)
If you want just insert your own text instead of iTracker, I can do it for you, write to my e-mail.
Vadikus said:
If you want just insert your own text instead of iTracker, I can do it for you, write to my e-mail.
Thanks a million, private message is on the way.
Vadikus said:
I want to send result in e-mail, so write to me on my e-mail, please.
You are quite famous, but could you tell in private message what is your email address? :)

I got it, i just connect the dots... :lol: