
jokiin said:
Curve of the windscreen will be a problem that will impact the focus, pov from there is not ideal either

I my opinion, center of the windshield and as high as possible is ideal.
miniyazz said:
Ah well, worth a thought :)

Just gotta wait for it to arrive :ugeek:

Definitely give it a shot in a few different spots until you find one that suits you well.
Just an update after using this for a month or so... The unit has not been able to keep the correct time for more than a couple days. It will go from the correct date to somewhere 50 years in the future to then land back at 2012. So the "Back to the future" problem is still an issue. Also, it has frozen once and would not respond to any buttons. I didn't have a paperclip in my truck to hit reset, so I just had to wait for the internal battery to die and then I plugged it back in. If anyone from Foxoffer or any other sellers read this, please let us know when there is a newer firmware. Mine is V1.0.8 G82A K. I believe whoever makes these needs to work out some bugs to improve reliability and the date issue. Amazingly, I haven't had any of the issues with the GPS like others have mentioned. Overall I do like the unit though, even despite its flaws.
tom said:
Just an update after using this for a month or so... The unit has not been able to keep the correct time for more than a couple days. It will go from the correct date to somewhere 50 years in the future to then land back at 2012. So the "Back to the future" problem is still an issue. Also, it has frozen once and would not respond to any buttons. I didn't have a paperclip in my truck to hit reset, so I just had to wait for the internal battery to die and then I plugged it back in. If anyone from Foxoffer or any other sellers read this, please let us know when there is a newer firmware. Mine is V1.0.8 G82A K. I believe whoever makes these needs to work out some bugs to improve reliability and the date issue. Amazingly, I haven't had any of the issues with the GPS like others have mentioned. Overall I do like the unit though, even despite its flaws.

Agree on all counts. Chinese products could be so much better if they really care for their customers ...
they probably think : our products are so cheap ....why care after the products crossed the seas ...
My wife told me so many times : STOP encouraging those peoples....damn ....she is right :lol:

Mine has one month : Gps logger failed.
This camera has some features that looks similar with the camera that my son bought from Zetronix 6 months ago. What make me wonder is how difficult it is to find a real genuine dash camera. The price is an indicator but sometime the fake cameras match the price with genuine cameras. ... Camera(203)/product_info.html?osCsid=m1182fbrhhe7802s3cgi4fd7b0
Our camera is still working but isn't perfect. There are issues you have to deal with, and some others you have to live with.
The surveillance mode, with motion detector it is a must, but with the cost of the car battery. The device to cut off the battery under 12V resulted in a fiasco. The car battery isn't a deep cycle battery and the car charging system isn't designed to recharge a deeply discharged battery. In this case the battery has to be recharged out of the car with a smart charger and if needed to go through a reconditioning cycle. To make a long story short we have to replace the car battery, and now are feeding the camera, in the surveillance mode, through a deep cycle 12V, 10Ah sealed security battery. A special circuit, we have to do by our self, cut off the auxiliary battery when voltage drops under 12V (11.8V), limits the charging current to 1.75A, and stops charging when the voltage reach 13.3Volts.
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I fixed that LINK for you....I think the ( ) marks were throwing it off for some reason.

Looks like a nice camera, but so expensive for only 720p!
I ordered one today, this camera has a great picture!
I have been watching videos since last week and this is the one I liked better, comparable even with more expensive cameras.
The other cameras in this price category just look so blurry that I cannot stand with the picture but this one is great even at night.
tom said:
Just an update after using this for a month or so... The unit has not been able to keep the correct time for more than a couple days. It will go from the correct date to somewhere 50 years in the future to then land back at 2012. So the "Back to the future" problem is still an issue. Also, it has frozen once and would not respond to any buttons.

After about one month of use:
  • No more jumps to the future
  • Night quality is really poor
  • No freezing problems
  • The suction cup mount that came with it is great

I would not buy another one of these because of the really poor night quality and the problems there are with these units with gps and date.

I have bought GS8000 couple weeks ago. Recording is fine, had some issue when GPS module not plugin in fully, then device gets stuck. Only reset helped to get it back on. Another issue I got today when I left device in car and temperature outside at night was -8° it simply didn't turned on. After 5 min. it finally turned on. Not sure is it temperature or some bug? GPS lock take up to 5 min. smetimes it lock quickly sometimes not. Night time is average quality, but daytime quality is good, so I think 100$ is worth it. Will post later how this device operates in hot conditions ;)

some funny footage


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I just got my GS8000.
The GPS had trouble at first. It overheated twice and froze. I was able to reset it with the clip.
When it gets a little warm i notice a small line through the video for a second when played back on the computer but it is not horrible. I bought mine from GeekBuying.

It looks better then my DVR-027 with just about everything except orange road construction signs with black text when played back it is hard to read a sign. Hopefully it will hold up alright. I'm happy with the hardware so far, but it has only been a few days.

My other issue is trying to get different players to work.
The one that came on the blue mini CD with the camera will play the file fine and GPS shows up correctly in the program, but trying it in RegistratorViewer gives me codec errors even after trying the codec packs. I am hoping to get it figured out because the RV has a lot more features and a better UI.

I fixed my problem with regarding codecs and RegistratorViewer. I do my windows work on a 7 box. I could not figure out what the problem was and then in a moment of why not i decided to install the program VistaCodecs_v531 that came on the little mini CD with my GS8000 and after that RegistratorViewer was able to play my videos and displayed my GPS correctly.
So last night the second GS8000 I have owned packed up, this one I purchased from FoxOffer, Slightly different failure to the first, this one powers up and even records for a short while but then freezes and then goes blank screen, connected via USB to the computer it still seems ok for data transfer.

Think I am going to ask FoxOffer for a full refund, not worth replacing the GS8000 with yet another, I have had two failures now and I have been super careful with the second one. Never been overheated, never been knocked, nothing but pampered and used carefully.
Mine has frozen one more time so far this time while it was cooler out.

I am hoping it pulls some magic a little like kengu's did. I really like the form factor. The GPS has been getting signal OK sometimes within seconds sometimes after about 3 minutes. I like that it has a screen. The mount i got with mine is alright it has a wider view then my DVR-027 so i have not really needed to turn it yet like i have my 027.

My only real issue is still the heat and freezing. I did a factory reset from the menu and it seems like to me for some reason it is worse when the G Sensor is enabled (Default 7) that it would warm up and freeze faster I have turned the G Sensor off because i just record all the time and some of the roads in my area are horrible so that might set it off.

I still really like it and hope it somehow fixes itself or if it is something in the firmware that it is fixable with an update. If it was as reliable as my DVR-027 i would defiantly recommend it, but for now it is still a little hit and miss.
For everebody having troubles with GPS, may be here I have solved that issue:видеорегистратор-gs8000-ambarella-a2s70/page__st__280
Look at the post #294.
So the case is the connecter not solded properly. And it losts contact with the mainboard after a number of plugging GPS in/out, and all that. Wonder it will help you.
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Vincent Jones said:
So the case is the connecter not solded properly. And it losts contact with the mainboard after a number of plugging GPS in/out, and all that. Wonder it will help you.

could be a design fault leading to early failure, worth checking for anyone having problems
I have only plugged in the GPS and removed it a couple of times total as it was mounted to my custom mount which I always removed as a complete unit.

Going to contact FoxOffer in the vein attempt at a refund so I can find an alternative brand/model, not having another GS8000 as much as I love the design and operation and picture quality in the day.

See how much luck I have with that :(