
I was reading another thread and DashCamMan mentioned a Russian user had a different cam with overhearing issues and turned it down to 720P to lessen the work load. so today when i was out i turned mine down to 720. It was about 55F out the sun was out it was a little hot, and i cracked the windows and while it did get a bit warm it did not freeze all day. that i had used it.

Of course quality takes a hit, but things still look OK and it looks to have an even wider view in 720. I'm going to leave it set that way for a few days and see how it holds up.

EDIT: if anyone is looking to give the GS8000 a shot it seems to be cheapest on GeekBuying at 93.99 and a dollar for package insurance. as me editing my post.
Been reading about this cam and it seems people are still getting many failures with theirs. Where would you recommend it be purchased for the best chance to get a decent version?
Vincent Jones said:
For everebody having troubles with GPS, may be here I have solved that issue:видеорегистратор-gs8000-ambarella-a2s70/page__st__280
Look at the post #294.
So the case is the connecter not solded properly. And it losts contact with the mainboard after a number of plugging GPS in/out, and all that. Wonder it will help you.

Thanks for the link , too bad i dont understand russian to check if he fixed the gps.

It could be a stupid solder ...but how do you open this little box ...i would try if i am sure not
to break anything else ...

Shame on the maker to take so little caution .

I noitced that in the gps there is a super small cell button battery , checked the voltage : .48 v
in lieu of the usual 1.5 v , put a new battery but no change in the gps fail ,so it could be this solder .
Anyone understanding russian could be of great help.
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The rest of the unit is due to fail in any case so I would not lose any sleep on just the GPS not working at the moment :(
Minix said:
Thanks for the link , too bad i dont understand russian to check if he fixed the gps.

It could be a stupid solder ...but how do you open this little box ...i would try if i am sure not
to break anything else ...

Shame on the maker to take so little caution .

I noitced that in the gps there is a super small cell button battery , checked the voltage : .48 v
in lieu of the usual 1.5 v , put a new battery but no change in the gps fail ,so it could be this solder .
Anyone understanding russian could be of great help.
The GPS was fixed, right. So this is how it started: one day I plugged it in and began waiting for that red blinking icon to turn green. And it was no go. So I plugged it out and in again and nothing changed. So I began to rock that plug around the hole a little and suddenly the LCD turned white and I realized the case was the connection between the GPS and the DVR.
So, don't be afraid of opening it-there are three small screws on the top. Then just remove the back cover helping with your nails and You'll see it all. The connecter is lying on the main board solded to with 6 little pins. So in my case one of that pins was out of tin spot just lying over without proper contact. I fixed it with the soldering iron so the result was obvious. Just a little bit accuracy and patience and it'll be allright.
Hé hé ,

Thank you so much Vincent , as soon i have some free time i will open and report the result.

Are you Russian ? curiosity ...
Minix said:
Hé hé ,

Thank you so much Vincent , as soon i have some free time i will open and report the result.

Are you Russian ? curiosity ...
Shure I am. As You can see it from my broken spelling. ;)
Vincent Jones said:
Minix said:
Hé hé ,

Thank you so much Vincent , as soon i have some free time i will open and report the result.

Are you Russian ? curiosity ...
Shure I am. As You can see it from my broken spelling. ;)

Broken ?? your english is more than respectable , i give you 90%....
it is your accent ! :mrgreen:

On a side note on radar detectors : is it used currently in Russia ?
And laser also .

If you ever need infos on , just pm ....i am not a seller , just an enthousiast .

I was cheap to give you 90% ....should have been 99% .
Another quick update... I did a little bug testing on my unit by turning off all the "extra" features and have slowly, one by one, (over the last week or so) added them back. It seems my unit can now do everything and keep the time without crashing. I just need to keep the G sensor off. I've been using a Transcend Class 10 card, but my most current theory is that it can't write all the info fast enough and crashes. If I give it less to write then it stays stable. It's just a theory, but seems plausible.

Random freezing when USB-connected to computer. Requires reset.
Still jumping to the future too often for me to bother fixing the date as the setup is too difficult for the profit.

Recommendation: Do not buy (for $100)
Found a knock off

On eBay a few more knock offs are popping up of the GS8000

Three listings from eBay user Uzone-Hot

Soltuion: Novatek
140 degree High-definition wide angle lens
5M CMOS sensor
Video resolution:
1080P:1920*1080 24FPS;
1080p: 1440*1080 30FPS ;
720p: 1280*720 30FPS;
WVGA 848*480 30fps;
VGA 640*480 30fps;
QVGA 320*240 30fps.
Perhaps some of you can do the same trick :

I called MasterCard , explained them i bought this camera and the gps problem i get ,
the fact that is cost almost $ 40 to send it back .

The woman told me she was sorry and cant do anything , i insisted that i tought MC was giving
some kind of warranty on items purchased thru their card ....she said hold for a moment ....
2 minutes later she said : since you paid for a cash back program $80 per year ...i will void
this charge .....geez i was happy total cost for this cam $ 110 - 80 = $ 30 not bad
for a cam this price .... :D
I got a GS8000 from GeekBuying and it stopped working a few seconds after I connected power from the car using the supplied cable. Since then it is not powering up. I was able to record some videos before the problem using the built in memory. Now it is totally not working. I only see an Amber light when I connect the USB cable or the car power cable. Any ideas how to address this ?