How long did shipping take?

@ Jokiin: Did you know about these limits?

yes familiar with the limits, you still need clearance paperwork otherwise when it goes through X-Ray it's just flagged as having a battery (they can't tell the size) and sent back because of no paperwork
yes familiar with the limits, you still need clearance paperwork otherwise when it goes through X-Ray it's just flagged as having a battery (they can't tell the size) and sent back because of no paperwork

Thanks Jokiin, now we're getting to the root cause, the shipper isn't doing a proper job until after the first shipment has been returned and before the second shipment is made. I'd think that costs the shipper extra money and they should have enough sense to send the correct paperwork out with the first shipment.
However, Teresa received her camera in about 3 weeks so they may have corrected their procedures, it's just that her's went out 2 days after mine and mine is obviously stuck with the 'poor' process. And since it's Economy, not Priority, it's taking weeks to correct.
Based on Teresa's experience of 23 days and my second ship date of Nov. 13, I may actually see the camera on or about Dec. 6th (40 days after order date).

Thanks Jokiin, now we're getting to the root cause, the shipper isn't doing a proper job until after the first shipment has been returned and before the second shipment is made. I'd think that costs the shipper extra money and they should have enough sense to send the correct paperwork out with the first shipment.

it's a little bit more complex than just having the right paperwork, the application procedure is done for a product type, not an individual shipped item, the paperwork that matches the approved product is needed when the item of that type is sent but some slip through the system or may have gone via a different carrier or route, I've sent stuff with correct paperwork and still had it come back because some person somewhere along the way doesn't know what to do with it, very frustrating when it happens
Fair enough, the product type is "camera-small-contains lithium battery less than 100Wh" (+ whatever else is required)...
Is this a separate page in a plastic bag taped to the outside of the package or could/would it simply be printed on the shipping label?
The shipping label makes more sense, but that's just my thoughts... bureaucracies always like to make things difficult to justify their existence.

government by many bureaus, administrators, and petty officials.
the body of officials and administrators, especially of a government or government department.
excessive multiplication of, and concentration of power in, administrative bureaus or administrators.
administration characterized by excessive red tape and routine.
yeah there's a bunch of forms that are needed, some stickers on the carton identify that there are batteries in the product etc
I'm from Vancouver BC. I bought my G1W from estore009 on October 29 & I rec'd it today, November 21. So it took just over 3 weeks to get here. I thought that was really good for free shipping.
Hi Teresa,
Did yours come with an HDMI cable?
If you still have the packaging would you tell us which carrier was used, e.g. Singapore Post, whatever.
I wonder if it was routed to Swiss Post or a different postal carrier because you're on the west coast of Canada.
I ordered Oct. 27 and it's not here yet.
Sorry for this late reply, I didn't see this comment. It says Singapore Post.
This is vicky/estore009 from Ebay,and we need to explain us more clear here!
Due to X-ray scan on packages,all packages are rejected by Hongkong Post,we have to ship orders out by Swiss post at earlier Oct;
After that,we shipped orders out by this Singapore post,and it seems that this Singapore post was one correct shipping courier to Canada!If smoothly deliver,it can arrived in about 3 weeks to Canada!
Anyway,as we promised buyer in Ebay,we did offer warranty for transactions! We offer refund firstly and pay us again after packages arrived in!
Sorry for this late reply, I didn't see this comment. It says Singapore Post.
Thanks for both replies Teresa,
The HDMI cable wasn't shown in the eStore specs but it was in others that were more expensive so I wondered if I'd need to buy one.
And Vicky has explained why you got yours even though you ordered 2 days after me. I need to check eBay to see if the Tracking has been changed from Swiss Post to Singapore Post... and when it left.
This is vicky/estore009 from Ebay, and we need to explain us more clearly here!
Due to X-ray scan on packages, all packages containing any size batteries are rejected by Hongkong Post, and so we shipped orders out by Swiss post in early Oct.
After Oct 27, we shipped orders out by Singapore post and it seems that this is the correct courier for Canada!
If smoothly delivered, it should arrive in Canada in about 3 weeks!
Anyway, as we promised buyer in Ebay, we did offer warranty for transactions! We've offered an immediate refund now with an expected repayment after packages arrive

Thanks Vicky,

I can confirm that I received my refund promptly after notifying you of the problem and that I'll repay when it arrives.

However, the eBay Tracking still shows Swiss Post as the carrier, it hasn't been changed to Singapore Post, and so I can't check it's progress. I'd like to know the actual shipping date since it's needed to determine when it might arrive (after 3 weeks?).

Thanks Vicky,

I can confirm that I received my refund promptly after notifying you of the problem and that I'll repay when it arrives.

However, the eBay Tracking still shows Swiss Post as the carrier, it hasn't been changed to Singapore Post, and so I can't check it's progress. I'd like to know the actual shipping date since it's needed to determine when it might arrive (after 3 weeks?).

Just to let you know, there's no point using Singapore Post's official tracking website, as it's never correct, use this one instead:

Have a look at the different information given by both:
Just to let you know, there's no point using Singapore Post's official tracking website, as it's never correct, use this one instead:
Thanks James, I'll still need a Tracking # from Singapore Post, the current one is still for Swiss Post (unless the tracking # is unique to eStore and not the carrier...?)

Or at least the shipment date when it went via SP.
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Thanks James, I'll still need a Tracking # from Singapore Post, the current one is still for Swiss Post (unless the tracking # is unique to eStore and not the carrier...?)

Or at least the shipment date when it went via SP.
Yes, you'll still need a new tracking # I'd imagine (probably one ending in SG)
I left a message on the eBay site asking for an updated # and date of shipment.
It is busy season, most of package will be delayed, I suggest customers who bought products from China wait patiently.
For car camera, the better shipping way is use Singapore post.
Normally, Hongkong Post is not accept package contains battery.
Normally, Hongkong Post is not accept package contains battery.

lots of products are a problem through HK post at the moment, I've been getting stuff returned without batteries because they happened to be with some other delivery from someone else that had a battery, very frustrating

I'm going to have to find an agent that uses Singapore Post I think so at least regular stuff doesn't get caught up for no reason
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Thanks Vicky,

I can confirm that I received my refund promptly after notifying you of the problem and that I'll repay when it arrives.

However, the eBay Tracking still shows Swiss Post as the carrier, it hasn't been changed to Singapore Post, and so I can't check it's progress. I'd like to know the actual shipping date since it's needed to determine when it might arrive (after 3 weeks?).

Actually,we can follow up this Swiss package here:

And one good news that one Swiss package shipped out on 22th/Oct form our Shenzhen Office was delivered in Canada already on 22th/Nov.It took about 30days for delivery!
It is a longer delivery time than Singapore post or Hongkong post!
Vicky, the only tracking # that I have is for Swiss Post and that's no help, the last entries are still Nov 13 and I can't tell if they returned it to you or still have it.

Have you shipped a camera to me via Singapore Post? If you have, can you tell me when (date) my order shipped and the tracking #.
If you haven't, are you waiting for Swiss Post to return the camera to you (or maybe to me)?


Yes,we shipped your order out by Swiss post from our local Shenzhen office 28th/Oct,and its tracking number is RU466256183CH
Also,we have a follow on this 17 Track website,and it reads us that:

2013-11-13 18:45, Departure from border point of origin country, Swiss Post SINGAPORE
2013-11-13 18:45, Arrival at border point of origin country, Swiss Post SINGAPORE
2013-11-13 18:45, Mailed, Swiss Post SINGAPORE
2013-11-02 18:11, Departure from border point of origin country, Swiss Post SINGAPORE
2013-11-02 18:11, Arrival at border point of origin country, Swiss Post SINGAPORE
2013-11-02 18:11, Mailed, Swiss Post SINGAPORE

But it has no updated info since 13th,not same as the last Swiss package RU466259220CH
2013-11-22 10:16, Delivered, M1P
2013-11-18 22:05, Handed to customs, CAYTOA
2013-11-18 22:05, Arrival at border point of destination country, CAYTOA
2013-11-14 10:42, Departure from border point of origin country, CH-1211 Genève 5 Transit
2013-11-14 10:41, Arrival at border point of origin country, CH-1211 Genève 5 Transit
2013-11-04 15:56, Departure from border point of origin country, Swiss Post SINGAPORE
2013-11-04 15:56, Arrival at border point of origin country, Swiss Post SINGAPORE
2013-11-04 15:56, Mailed, Swiss Post SINGAPORE
2013-10-23 21:41, Departure from border point of origin country, Swiss Post SINGAPORE
2013-10-23 21:41, Arrival at border point of origin country, Swiss Post SINGAPORE
2013-10-23 21:41, Mailed, Swiss Post SINGAPORE

So,we think this package was delayed to your address,maybe we need to wait them for a longer time!