I-5 California Roll Over - Tire Blowout [USA] - [2:01]

Wow wow wow

Instead of braking, you have to step on the gas to stabilize the car then slow down. I wonder if he had cruise control on at the time and I wonder if you can stabilize a car when in that situation that he was in.

I5 is a pretty fast highway too. It looks like they were in the parts where there are rolling hills so you can't really see that far ahead of you.
Just reminds you how things can turn ugly quickly.

Nice how the other car drivers just continue on. No hurry to see if the occupants of the overturned car need help.....

Good work on your behalf though.
Even if you keep to the rule of both hands on the steeringwheel at all times, its easy to end up this way.

Back in the 90ties when i spent a lot of time on the roads i often came across the marks on the road and armco of simmilar accidents, so it is a good reason to remember to check your tire pressure as many ppl forget that, and low pressure in a tire can lead to a simmilar accident.

The cops just had a campain here and 50% of all cars had wrong ( low ) tire pressure :rolleyes: and when they asked ppl how often they check ther tires many said ???? do i have to do that ?? and how do i do that :oops: