I finally lost patience with my U1000

I pre-ordered my U-1000 from Blackboxmycar.com back in September and received it when it was released in October. I've been using it since then without any major issues up until this past week. I noticed it stopped connecting to the hotspot in my car so I logged into the camera and noticed all of the settings were reset back to the default. The default setting for parking mode is disabled. So for the past few days I've been parking my car with parking mode disabled!. This is completely unacceptable for a dashcam that I spent over $500.00 on. I'll be calling blackboxmycar on Monday when they open. This occurred with firmware version V1.00.07.

I shutdown my U1000 when my car is parked in the driveway since I have security cameras watching it. So the camera is only on a fraction of the time.
@smiticans We have not heard of this issue before and we would like to look into it further. Would you mind contacting our support team? (email:support@thinkware.com) We do recommend upgrading to the latest firmware (V1.00.09) as it does reduce the g-sensor sensitivity while in parking mode.
Any updates on the U1000 following the firmware updates? I saw they reduced the g-sensors, created an option to mute all the “chattyness”, and those were the main two issues I heard people complaining about. I have seen a lot of very positive reviews and many folks who aren’t experiencing any issues as described above. Did you guys all get your issues worked out? Any overheat-related problems yet?
Any updates on the U1000 following the firmware updates? I saw they reduced the g-sensors, created an option to mute all the “chattyness”, and those were the main two issues I heard people complaining about. I have seen a lot of very positive reviews and many folks who aren’t experiencing any issues as described above. Did you guys all get your issues worked out? Any overheat-related problems yet?

To be honest, I haven't read many positive 'reviews' of the U1000 outside of this forum, and those that I have read externally, I have dismissed as contrived rubbish, written and published by media outlets that are forever willing to act as a fluffer for manufacturers, in return for advertising revenue.

The issues of extreme sensitivity, crashing and memory loss mentioned earlier persist to this day, and by now, I very much doubt Thinkware has the wherewithal or inclination to address them satisfactorily.

As far as issues of overheating are concerned, that has also been touched upon, with one member posting an infrared snapshot of the U1000 in operation.
It certainly runs quite hot - hot enough indeed to singe your fingers if you hold them to the case, although not so hot as to damage the micro-SD card, which I understand is a common issue with certain Blackvue models.

Nevertheless, I have deduced that the extreme heat generated when processing 4K footage may be one - yet not the only - reason for the U1000's sporadic tendency to lose its memory and revert to factory default. The last time this happened in my case was this most recent weekend when I started the car, and I suspect now that a fluctuation in power to the unit upon turning the ignition may be the primary culprit here - in spite of a backup battery being installed.
Subsequent hard-resets wiped the installed firmware as well, at which point I was greeted in default Korean language. Repeated attempts to download and reinstall the firmware through the Thinkware App on my iPhone were fruitless, as the App needs to recognise a pre-existing firmware version on the unit before downloading anything further - speed camera updates being an exception. The only way in which I could reinstate the missing firmware on my unit was to remove the Micro-SD card, download the latest version off the web and save it on the SD card via my laptop. Needless to say, this is not a task I take kindly to, and is yet one more reason why I would discourage anyone from buying this model.

Here, I have concluded that the U1000's CPU is really not up to the task of processing continuous 4K footage, in spite of the glossy advertising and media hype. For this reason, I have seen the necessity to downscale the working resolution to 2K @ 60fps for the front camera, and 2K @ 30fps for the rear camera, hoping that the lower resolution settings might take some of the heat burden off the processor.

Now, I am not guaranteeing that this will necessarily work, and initial impressions in my case indicate that it may not.

On that note, I am going to research the hypothesis that the U1000 is intolerant to voltage fluctuations upon engine startup, and whether or not the addition of a smoothing capacitor into the accessories feed may eliminate the problem. Any and all advice in this regard is appreciated.
