Looking for a basic cam

I just made a post regards this in the 'site suggestions' forum. There's also a rule regarding these kinds of members posting links to their sites. Rules are made to be followed, not broken, and I know that I am not the only one who is getting tired of seeing this kind of spam.

Rather than clicking on a manufacturer or sellers link, I suggest that people instead go to the forums regarding their cams which will give you a more unbiased view of their products. That will be of a far greater value to you than hearing only from someone who has a vested interest in your buying from them. You need facts, not hype, to make a good choice, and rarely is there only one cam or brand which will fit your specific needs.

Kudos again to the manufacturers and sellers here who add much to the forums without only hyping their products. Your knowledge is what helps make this site great! I would list you by name but I'm afraid I'd miss someone. You know who you are and that's what counts most.

Sometimes I wish the forum had a "Like" multiplier (x2, x5, x10, etc) for posts like these.
Is the mobius difficult to set up and adjust.

That's the one concern I have about it compared to the G1w-cb.
Is the mobius difficult to set up and adjust.

That's the one concern I have about it compared to the G1w-cb.
I am a bit challenged when it comes to these things. However, setting this camera up, and using it was probably one of the easiest things to accomplish. Aiming it, and using msetup could not be easier. Among many reasons why the Mobius is such a great little camera.
The more I read, the more choices I start to like.

Currently looking at the mobius, mini 0805 & 0806, panorama s, and mate go 380.

I usually drive to work when it's dark out, so night video is important.

So many choices.
The "hardest" part about setting up the Mobius was finding the msetup link - which wasn't hard. It was more tedious than anything, but only because I'm a perfectionist so I read each selection of the msetup. For instance not using clips longer than 5 minutes if you use loop recording. Even things I don't plan on using it for like webcam I wanted to read through just to know it's functions.
The more I read, the more choices I start to like.

Currently looking at the mobius, mini 0805 & 0806, panorama s, and mate go 380.

I usually drive to work when it's dark out, so night video is important.

So many choices.

It seems hard to find a good night camera. It really depends on what you're trying to capture. License plates are nearly impossible because of the reflection they put off. The way I have my mobius set up, with balance not set to auto because it makes everything too bright in the sun, makes the night a little darker. However the only thing I'd need to capture at night would be close enough in my headlights; deer, on coming traffic etc.
Can I add a poll to this thread with those choices to see what everyone thinks.
Try Papago, street guardian and mini0806, they have good video quality in the night and day version and the most important is they are quite in reasonable cost. Go to research more information about them.
Or Lukas, it maybe a big size in public perspective and the cost will be higher as they have been no.1 in Korea.
definitely not the Blackvue. It is just a nice accessory in the car but it comes out cannot fix the overheat and blurred video quality after a several hours recording. They are always comparison between blackvue and other brands .
As of now, I'm going with either the mobius or mate go 380.
The MG380G only records in KPH so bear that in mind - if you're not bothered about GPS it's not a problem but from memory you can't disable it without stripping the camera and unplugging the module.

The Matego would have better performance at night than the Mobius, in the daytime you may find the Mobius is better at catching numberplates but will as a result have a darker image in various scenarios than the Sony based Matego (you can always brighten the image up via VLC etc)
I'm following a discussion on facebook. it seems the $7 cam with the flip down screen and 6 IR LEDs is a real winner with these people. Coming in a close second is the F70 dual cam - It's a great cam, 1080p as well! (yeah, right) and third choice is a rear view mirror cam which is about the same price as the F70.
No matter how many times I put a link to this site for them, they want to spend the lowest amount of money.

Best thing is, someone put a clip on where he was cut up by a car leaving its lane right in front of him - and although you could see the plate, it was totally unreadable - and they all still think you only need to see what they did. in this case, could've smashed into you then driven off, leaving you to face the huge bills (and possibly those of other drivers when you swerved into them.
Best one I read - "just bought this cam from a garage, only £25 and it's great"

my reply - see thread xxx that same cam cost £7 - how great do you think a £7 cam can be?
"I only need to capture some idiot crashing into my car"

Oh dear Lord.
Best one I read - "just bought this cam from a garage, only £25 and it's great"

my reply - see thread xxx that same cam cost £7 - how great do you think a £7 cam can be?
"I only need to capture some idiot crashing into my car"

Oh dear Lord.
Until the day he gets into an accident and needs something more than capturing some idiot crashing into his car...
The MateGo is great, and it's one of the cheapest Sony sensor cameras you can find, so go for it. I think it's also sold as Drivewatch 380G

The Mobius is great, but I don't really like the way it does colors and white balance, I have a G1WH (battery) and the quality is great, so probably a G1W-C or a G1W-CB are a good idea.

You could probably also go for the Transcend DrivePro 200, mic is meh, but you get a warranty with the cam for peace of mind.
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