Looking to add some webcams to my show car for a special project! need advice


New Member
Apr 6, 2015
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United States
Looking to add some webcams to my show car for a special project.

The webcam's are to go to a Windows PC running a monitoring app to detect movement and other things and play sound effects and hit 12v relays and other cool stuff :)

But was thinking if there was a good dash cam that i can use as webcam for the show and also as a normal driving dashcam that would be great.

I just dont know if these have a mode where i can stream the video out real time to a PC. Also the PC seeing they device as a webcam. or even using a RCA to USB adapter might work.

I also seen dual mode dashcam and that would be cool also for this. dont need anything with great video for this to work.

What do you think?
the webcam mode that some dashcams offer is a separate setting that you need to select to put it in that mode, could be done but it's not really the correct tool for the job, it's one or the other also, you're either operating as a webcam, or a dashcam, can't do both at once

some wifi models can do a live stream but at a reduced resolution, again not really designed for this so probably not the results you'd be hoping for
Thats OK, would never do both at same time. Just would be nice to use same camera if i could. How i know if the dashcam has a mode to use as a webcam?