Maryland Attorney - New to Forum

So...long story that I won't get into here, but some stranger tried to follow me home last night because of his road rage. A new *discrete* dashcam might be on the shopping list soon.
We're here to help if you need any suggestions.
I can't think of many reasons why a civilian (non-police) with a dashcam would want to record audio.

I can imagine several good reasons, on top of the list...being involved in a hit and run or seeing something occur where you would need to remember the plate. Plate numbers, seemingly simply become painfully hard to remember in times of stress, especially if you get hit and the vehicle takes off. Say the plate out loud, the camera records the audio and now you have it for later. We all know that plate numbers are a bit hard to see on video depending on movement, angle or speed. Description of the bird turd that was it on audio....talking on the phone to your girlfriend...wife's attorney has it on audio....wait...scratch that one.
I can imagine several good reasons, on top of the list...being involved in a hit and run or seeing something occur where you would need to remember the plate. Plate numbers, seemingly simply become painfully hard to remember in times of stress, especially if you get hit and the vehicle takes off. Say the plate out loud, the camera records the audio and now you have it for later. We all know that plate numbers are a bit hard to see on video depending on movement, angle or speed. Description of the bird turd that was it on audio....talking on the phone to your girlfriend...wife's attorney has it on audio....wait...scratch that one.

Ha. Good reasons.
Thanks all for the info & reasonings behind having audio on or off, very thought provoking. As for cursing, heck I curse worse than a USA sailor or marine, heheh. I especially swear with many f bombs as I get stressed or upset, so yes I'm sure a audio recording full of "f you f that move f ing idiot" would not help me very much in a court of law. :p
On the other hand I have a smart watch that I've hotkeyed on my phone to record if I hit the screen, the phone sits on a pole mount on my passengers side if no passenger is there or on the floor hump between us. And I tend to not drive with music playing as I get distracted by it easily. So I could just hit the screen to record descriptions or numbers, etc if needed I guess.

And some of the current road rage issues is why I carry a pocket pistol now & am working on my CCP/CCW, I've had crotch rockets try to run my pickup off the road then chase me down, they didnt like I pulled out a baseball bat when 2 of them tried advancing on me. I promised them they would have cracked skulls before they took me down. ;)

Again, thanks all for the info & suggestions.
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