Mini 0803 coming

I live in sunny Florida. Yes they both read plates. The colors are washed out on the 0803 and the g1w is better on a sunny day. . How much Vid quality is a matter of preference. I like bang for the buck scenarios lol. black box.CA took the time to send me a clip of the actual cam they were going to ship. So props to them. I was upset at the way the eprance unit 0803 wobbled AFTER I installed. I had no clue it Sank low by a few mm. The pic was slightly askew. Peed me off. That and the Vid was very pixelly if that is even a word. Lol
All the video's I've seen out of the 0803 have been great maybe you got a lemon.

I'll let you know when mine turns up, if it's as bad as you say they'll get it back.
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I have 110 mbs download speed. Link shows broken. Unless I am doing something wrong.
Never mind they worked

Looks almost identical. The G1W only surpasses it slightly
I have 110 mbs download speed. Link shows broken. Unless I am doing something wrong.

Gee that's fast, I get about 15mbs on good days average around 8-9mbs

I don't believe there's any difference, I wonder if you had the 0803 in 1296P mode it may have the edge over the G1W?
I will try 1296p side by side with G1W and upload the files soon.
Where can I find the specs of the final mini 0803. Whats the bitrate?
Where can I find the specs of the final mini 0803. Whats the bitrate?

1296p has 21Mbps bit-rate.
For 1080p bit-rate I have to double check file properties, it was 12 or 15Mbps, dont remember, getting too old :)
For 1080p bit-rate I have to double check file properties, it was 12 or 15Mbps, dont remember, getting too old :)
15 Mbps ;)
LDWS testing and GPS .srt from Registrator viewer testing :)

Calibration of LDWS is very simple.
The bottom line should be just up to the front of the hood.
The up line should be lower from horizon.
I've done manual calibration, it seems that there is an auto calibratoin but I didn't understand how it works.

It works fine as you can see but it is useless because the buzzer is just a whisper... I can't hear it on the highway, and too low to wake me up in the city...:rolleyes:
It also warns a bit too late, it waits that the line will be on the center of the hood...

You can record about 4h30 in 1080p with a 32GB card
Not tested in 1296p