Mini 0803 coming

could only be an early engineering sample

That's what I was thinking at the time, but it works fine, picture quality is superb and the WDR ( the main reason I bought it for ) is great.

Tried it in 1296p but can't play back in that setting as my pc needs magcore.dll.

When you get one, can you let us know how to setup LDWS please?
That's what I was thinking at the time, but it works fine, picture quality is superb and the WDR ( the main reason I bought it for ) is great.

Tried it in 1296p but can't play back in that setting as my pc needs magcore.dll.

When you get one, can you let us know how to setup LDWS please?

The only moan is that the ports to the module and cam are not mini usb anymore, so Iv'e had to use a converter adapter as the hardwire kit is for the 0801
firmware is still being worked on and not everything is sorted yet, some improvements still to happen
What I don't understand on the LDWS is, you select on, then underneath that it says LDWS calibration, when I select calibration, 2 lines ( one red, one yellow, move up the screen, I assume It's trying to calibrate the lines on the road...Hard to do when the cam is tucked away behind the mirror.
Will the GPS display on the 0803 have the ability to switch between KPH and MPH?
Foxoffer (thank you!) responded to my question about MPH support by saying "MPH couldn't be chosen in GPS Menu." - which I take to mean that only KPH support is currently enabled.

Does anyone know if the firmware will be updated to enable MPH display before the mass production product is shipped?
Does anyone know if the firmware will be updated to enable MPH display before the mass production product is shipped?

still hasn't made it into the latest beta but the promise has been made that it will be ready for mass production shipments, worst case scenario if it is held up for some reason then a MPH version will be made available until such time as it can be setup as a selectable option
still hasn't made it into the latest beta but the promise has been made that it will be ready for mass production shipments, worst case scenario if it is held up for some reason then a MPH version will be made available until such time as it can be setup as a selectable option
Thank you for the complete response - much appreciated! I'll wait to order until I see which way this goes.
You yanks need to come over to the metric side ;)
I know its somthing the god damm French came up with, but it is actually pretty cool, and by far the best thing they have come up with :p

Its just the US - Liberia - Burma who are not metric, and thats not good Company, the latest to join the metric Club was Jamaica who joined around 1999.
You yanks need to come over to the metric side ;)
I know its somthing the god damm French came up with, but it is actually pretty cool, and by far the best thing they have come up with :p

Its just the US - Liberia - Burma who are not metric, and thats not good Company, the latest to join the metric Club was Jamaica who joined around 1999.

You make a good point about the metric system. The US was actually supposed to be on the metric starting in 1975. In 1975, the federal government adopted metric as the nation's "preferred measurement system" and established the United States Metric Board to manage the transition. The changeover was ineffective, however, and by the early 1980s, the only tangible progress was that liquor and wine had to be labeled in liters. Metrication was revived in 1988, when Congress required that all government agencies be metric by 1992 to the extent "feasible." Today, agencies with large international or scientific operations--like the Department of Defense and NASA--are almost fully converted. That's about it though. There is just too much entrenched resistance.

Wikipedia has a good article about metric opposition. It turns out there are some good arguments against it. For example, The British Weights and Measures Association argues that adopting metric measures in shops, especially in supermarkets, gives an opportunity for traders to increase prices covertly. Another argument used by opponents of the metric system is that traditional systems of measurement were developed organically from actual use. Another is that customary units with ratios of 12 and 16 have more proper factors than the metric. One needs to read the whole piece but it is interesting. Maybe eventually we will be completely on the metric system here in the USA but it won't likely be any time soon.
Wikipedia has a good article about metric opposition. It turns out there are some good arguments against it. For example, The British Weights and Measures Association argues that adopting metric measures in shops, especially in supermarkets, gives an opportunity for traders to increase prices covertly.

That is exactly what happened here in the UK in 1971 when we decimalised the British Pound - prices were rounded up when we changed fro '240 pennies per pound' to '100 pence per pound'.

We also now have the metrication forced on us by Europe to contend with and prices were once agin rouded up when we went from selling in 'lbs or pints/gals' to 'kilos and litres''

Here some people measure fuel consumption in 'ltrs/km', some in 'ltrs/gal' ans some (like us older folk) in 'miles/gal'.
BUT car speedos are still predominantly set to MPH.

Talk about weird :rolleyes:

Anyway - back on point - most folks in the UK would want the choice, but if a choice was not available then they'd probably want the MPH until an update to the firmware gave the choice.
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yeah DOD and NASA and a fjew others seem well on bord with the metric system, and i have allso often notised the US armed forces ( mostly army i think ) allso use metric to a large extend.
I just looked up the old Danish mesuements, and i think it is safe to say that we like the french was pretty fooked before the metric fab caught on. :rolleyes:

Some time ago i saw some interesting tv programmes about how we started to define the standarts for mesurment of things, and that in turn set us on the path to today. That for once was well spent time in front of the tv.

Its funny how we have gotten used to extremely presise mesurments of things, if the GPS sattelites was made with the concept of time and long / lattitude as we knew it not too long ago, i would end up in Bristol UK when i try to navigate to Hamburg Germany.
if the GPS sattelites was made with the concept of time and long / lattitude as we knew it not too long ago, i would end up in Bristol UK when i try to navigate to Hamburg Germany.

That wouldn't be so bad - you could pop in for a cuppa tea - we're about 35 miles (or is that 56KM) south of Bristol :D
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Today, agencies with large international or scientific operations--like the Department of Defense and NASA--are almost fully converted. That's about it though. There is just too much entrenched resistance.
I don't mean to hijack this thread (and won't be offended if the mods want to move it...) but I think the foot-dragging is caused by resistance to change PLUS cost-of-conversion.

I was in the aerospace industry in the 70's and 80's and when our customers (DoD and NASA) asked for quotes for converting their hardware platforms to Metric they were stunned. Can you imagine the cost of re-drawing the millions of drawings, re-dimensioning all the hardware to Metric (which meant not just nuts and bolts but changing the component lead sizes and PCB layouts from fractional inches to mm, rebuilding the production jigs and so on)? And the effect snowballs through the test equipment, connectors, installation and test procedures, etc.

The result was that externally DoD and NASA may appear to be 'fully converted', but if you look more closely at their actual procurement of new systems you'll find that the hardware is still designed and built primarily in Imperial units, using the argument that the cost makes the use of Metric units "not feasible".

The U.S. portion of the Space Station now in orbit uses the Imperial standard for the hardware and the Metric standard for software.

This mix of standards in procurement has caused a few problems of its own.

1080P Night video in city
1296P night video in city:
Video recorded by latest firmware 0416.
Is it possible to upload original files somewhere ?
Thanks for the link, but these are videos with old firmware, not the last 0416 firmware.