Mini 0803 Firmware Request Thread

Thanks for that Jokiin.
Chris-s I have done some adjustment to the settings, changing AE to Point/Spot and the EV to +1.0 and its a great deal better, tried +2.0 but video was very washed out.
I still want to look for updated Firmware, anyone know how I can access the update web page please?

If you're running the 20140510 version of the FW, you've got the last one currently available (there is no newer version for now).

If you're running the 20140510 version of the FW, you've got the last one currently available (there is no newer version for now).

Thanks for that info. yes, those are the numbers followed by V 1.0.
Hi there. Quick question - when you talk about the firmware updates I'm wondering whether these work across the full range of devices? When I go to the web page with the updates they state they are for the GPS version with 1 card, however I've got the non-GPS version with the 2 cards. Are the updates compatible, or would I risk bricking my device? I'm currently on 20140507 v1.0 so would maybe benefit from an update if it's likely to work.

Thanks in advance.
Sorry I cannot answer your question, but I expect there would be just one update to cover all cams. I wonder if you could perhaps answer a question I have, where did you find the site showing the updates please?
Can you please make an option to turn off the start up sound?

I have two 0803's, one seems to be set to maximum the volume the other not. It's horribly loud and i've even removed it from the car because the startup was making every passenger jump and ask what the hell that sound was. Not what I want!
I've another firmware feature request which wasn't mentioned yet. The current firmware 20140510 names the created files like following:

and so on. However, I think it would be great if the files are named based on the current date and time they're created at:

It's a minor thing, but helpful for backing up and other post-processing related tasks.
+Motion detect more sensitive, (currently requires very large to begin recording movements, if a person passes in front does not start recording).
+G-Sensor for start recording, (if it detects a movement begins recording).

I want help to add a new language (Spanish), I can translate from English, regards.
The melody and sounds/beeps are too loud. Please add an option to disable the sounds, I don't want to take it apart if this is something that will get added. I also won't be installing these into cars until the sound is disabled.
it's firmware fixable, when or if it gets sorted though is the question, the more people complain about it the more chance of getting noticed I guess, an on/off toggle and volume setting in the menu is not hard to do
New member, just purchased the mini 0803.

+1 vote for being able to invert the image to make the mounting options more flexible
+1 vote for disabling all sound.
Hi !

New member too.

+1 vote for being able to invert the image to make the mounting options more flexible
+1 vote for disabling all sound.
+1 Date/time size choice

What's the meaning of +1 card & +2 cards on DL page ????

Mine is with GPS and internal memory.

Is there also any understandable documentation ?

I'm lost with some settings :-(

Last edited:
Is there also any understandable documentation ?

I'm lost with some settings :-(

You can ask me in private, I'll help you in french language ;)
1card: External Memory Version
2cards: Internal and External Memory version
+1 for disabling the sound, both startup and navigation.
Can we have consistancy between different firmware versions, i.e if an option is on one version why not have the same option on all firmware versions.
Can you also fix the mute bug where pressing the mute button doesn't result in the mic being muted after a reboot despite the mute icon showing correctly.

+1 for disabling the sound, both startup and navigation.
Can we have consistancy between different firmware versions, i.e if an option is on one version why not have the same option on all firmware versions.
Can you also fix the mute bug where pressing the mute button doesn't result in the mic being muted after a reboot despite the mute icon showing correctly.


Different customers have different feature requests, they don't give everyone the same feature set
Different customers have different feature requests, they don't give everyone the same feature set
Ok but if 20140507 v1.0 gives the option of selecting either internal or external sd card then why is that option missing on 20140510 v1.0?