Mini 0803 Firmware Request Thread

Thats not good practice IMO........the firmware should be written in a way that makes it common across all models, if the firmware detects internal memory and/or external memory it has the option in the menu to use either likewise if I have a GPS base the firmware detects it and I have GPS options, no GPS base and the firmware doesn't give GPS options. This would make firmware updates so much easier.
The Problem is that the Firmware would be unable to detect any differences because it is very likely that all boards are the same. My Mini 0801 was a non internal Memory one and I just had to Flash an internal Memory Version to get it work with internal Memory.
would be nice to be able to use both cards, otherwise the internal memory is useless because too low.

I agree that the FW should be unique and able to detect presence of the internal memory
Chipset could support this functionality but to be honest I think it's outside the engineer's current capabilities
+1 vote for being able to invert the image to make the mounting options more flexible for us who drive on the correct side of the road

+1 vote for disabling all sound.
+1 vote for being able to invert the image to make the mounting options more flexible for us who drive on the correct side of the road

what good would inverting the image be when the camera rotates in the wrong direction to be able to use it
+Auto turn off when the camera no receive energy after 3 minutes. (the default is 15 seconds aprox, but if I stop for refueling I do not want turn off)
+No disable sound and change the LDWS sound for can listen fine the LDWS notification. (optional disabling sound).
+Auto turn off when the camera no receive energy after 3 minutes. (the default is 15 seconds aprox, but if I stop for refueling I do not want turn off)

Another +1 for this ! Auto turn off should really mean run on battery after switch off for 3 mins max, not just switch off after car power supply turn off
The Auto Off setting only relates to when in standby and not recording
I mean auto turn off + auto stop rec, wait 3 minutes after stop receiving power to stop recording and turn off automatically.
I mean auto turn off + auto stop rec, wait 3 minutes after stop receiving power to stop recording and turn off automatically.

understand what you want, just mentioned what the existing setting does and how it works, lots of people get confused by this so worth mentioning again
There are already so many proposals...
How far progress has been made with the new firmware, and the result will be.
When corrected the deficiencies? For example: Speed of GPS data - recorded on video ..
firmware updates typically happen with new orders as different customers make requests to the factory based on feedback from prior order stock
So if no distributor raises issues then all the user feedback goes unresolved?
I am interesting in these points too:
+Motion detect more sensitive
+G-Sensor for start recording

Okay, I speak with E-PRANCE for report the errors, I tell what speak with manufacturer for fix the errors (microphone don't mute after reboot the camera, sound configurable and too make suggestions).
I hope what they solve the errors a minimum, have told me that they will talk to them and they will try to fix.
About the suggestions do not know if it's possible but I need try :D.

I hope to release new version soon.
