Mini-xxxx redesign concept?

I have planned a 128 Km walk next summer, just me my backpack / camping gear and phone/USB powerbank and a solar charger, and some MRE to tie me over for 6 days or so, that is if i can walk 20 km every day.
I offered my friend to join me, he said,,,,Helll no, but i can drive you to the start point and pick you up when and where ever you like.
I have planned a 128 Km walk next summer, just me my backpack / camping gear and phone/USB powerbank and a solar charger, and some MRE to tie me over for 6 days or so, that is if i can walk 20 km every day.
I offered my friend to join me, he said,,,,Helll no, but i can drive you to the start point and pick you up when and where ever you like.

Well that sounds fantastic....but you'd sure better get yourself into some kind of reasonable shape before you go or you'll really regret it after the first day. ;)
for sure, the 5-6-7 Km we walk on a outing with the little RC cars i can actually feel the day after, not that bad like it would stop me in doing whatever, but there is a soreness for sure.
But yeah i will probably start warming up in February with some short walks and sleep overs in some forest.
Good thing is the area down there where the trail is are pretty flat, pretty stoked its not Utah / smoky / black mountains terrain we have in this regard.
Already now i am using my own backpack on our outings with the little RC trucks, and my 30 L backpack are crammed with stuff and substantially more heavy then when i use to carry my friends backpack with just spares for the cars a little tools and a few extra batteries and a soda or 2.
But while my back are no longer the best its not really there i feel the walks we have, not even carrying my own heavy backpack.

I might even go for a larger backpack as they are after all not that expensive from banggood or gearbest, 30 L do feel a bit low for my long walk tho most bulky things will be strapped to the outside of the backpack and in volume take up much more room than the actual backpack.

My sleeping bag are pretty large, almost a dually, will be just fine for me or any +++ sized person still able to walk.

Off course i will also have each and every action camera with me, and i have already eyed a 15600 MAH powerbank that will fit inside my waterproof container for the cameras.

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It could simply be shipped with more than one style mounting plate which would allow for vertical glass.

View attachment 32278
Why are you showing it with a 55 degree field of view?

Draw those lines with a decent FOV and it will show a problem!
Why are you showing it with a 55 degree field of view?

Draw those lines with a decent FOV and it will show a problem!

It was just a quick sketch I slapped together in the midst of our discussion to suggest a vertical mounting option, Nigel. (it happens to be 75º, BTW)
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Thats a low windscreen there :D but yeah i get where you are going.

I've been thinking about your comment yesterday suggesting, "that's a low windscreen there :D". So, I've been looking around both online and at the local shopping center parking lot and that angle of windscreen rake turns out to be pretty common these days.

Here's a 2017 Toyota Corolla, for example.

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Holy KAPOW Batman :eek: i was thinking of the Lotus James Bond drove when we was young.

But a low slope should not be a problem, it is the steep ones that might be that with a less fortunate design.
You know, this exercise was intended to convey a simple concept about using an altazimuth mount for a mini-xxxx camera to achieve a more stable, vibration free installation that also provides the capability for lateral aiming. Rather than debate the merits of the idea or the apparent problem with the current design it has been attacked left and right over perceived design flaws based on viewing primitive Photoshop efforts. A properly engineered product rendered with CAD software would be a different animal. Numerous options to improve and refine this concept present themselves.

Here's a simple example. Concerns about whether a wider FOV lens or a more vertically sloped windscreen could be addressed by a simple change to the shape or size of the mounting base and/or the arms extending from it.

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I have planned a 128 Km walk next summer, just me my backpack / camping gear and phone/USB powerbank and a solar charger, and some MRE to tie me over for 6 days or so, that is if i can walk 20 km every day.
I offered my friend to join me, he said,,,,Helll no, but i can drive you to the start point and pick you up when and where ever you like.
I think it's a great idea, if you are in pretty good shape. However that's about 12.4 miles a day, if you are making this a nature walk with stopping for pictures, meals, interesting finds, whatever, I believe this is pushing it a bit and would rather see you do a 2 or 3 day trek first to see how it effects you and if it is realistic for what you hope to achieve/do. This would give you loads of information on the reality of a longer trek. Remember that the 2nd and 3rd day will still take a bigger toll on one then they usually think. Add bug repellent to your list with a high concentration of "DEET" which is main active ingredient in repellents. Also a spool of monofilament line (8lb test) with small hooks fo catching pan fish like perch (great when fried whole and super easy to clean.
I used to do tons of this kind of trek and can give you a lot of ideas if you need them.
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Yeah i might need more time, and that's fine too, time is pretty much the thing i have most off now since i got retired.

And as long as i dont do too much upper body work my back will be fine, though it some times get thrown out just by laying in my bed.
But i dont plan to be a moving scare crow flailing my arms around, weight on my back dont seem to hurt it.
Will also do some shorter stuff first, beginning in August where we will be going on some extended walks with the RC trucks and stay the night in the forrest.

Also gotta find out if a tarp will be fine or i should invest in a small 1 man tent, though many places along the route there will also be shelters to use.

While i was not allowed to serve my country when i was young, then i do know my way around nature, and here nothing but the wolves to fear and they are after all dogs and dogs love me.

The route will go along several small rivers in the area, but to fish i would to get gooberment fishing permit, and fishing permit ( day card ) for the river, and a day card often cost 100 DKkr.
And the gooberment fishing license i think are 200 DKkr year now ( not had one since the late 90ties )
I will bring some MRE and there are also plenty of shopping opportunities in small and big cities ( by Danish standards ) along the route.
I do plan on having a campfire when stopped, and i also plan one day where i walk all i can just to see what this old guy can still do ( when i was a kid bicycling 100 - 200 km a day was no problem, but that's many decades ago )
I want to see if i can match the Danish special forces walks, will be carrying almost the same minus assault rifle, and then they walk on time and in tougher terrain.
but i want to see if there is a tiny little man left in me or if my constant whining are well founded.
In this case i really want to be a whiner, and maybe man up a little as i have grown weak in body and mind lately.
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Yeah i might need more time, and that's fine too, time is pretty much the thing i have most off now since i got retired.

And as long as i dont do too much upper body work my back will be fine, though it some times get thrown out just by laying in my bed.
But i dont plan to be a moving scare crow flailing my arms around, weight on my back dont seem to hurt it.
Will also do some shorter stuff first, beginning in August where we will be going on some extended walks with the RC trucks and stay the night in the forrest.

Also gotta find out if a tarp will be fine or i should invest in a small 1 man tent, though many places along the route there will also be shelters to use.

While i was not allowed to serve my country when i was young, then i do know my way around nature, and here nothing but the wolves to fear and they are after all dogs and dogs love me.
Ummmm, Wolves and dogs love in different ways dogs think of you as a companion, to wolves you are a rare steak!
well in that case i will offer my left arm for them to munch on while my right one unleash my huge Bowie from my belt.

When sleeping i will set up my usual perimeter "fence" so nothing sneak up on me.
But wolves are new to Denmark, we just had our first confirmed breeding this summer.

I will also have the alarm app on my phone, so a few clicks on that will send my position to who ever need it, and dial up automatic.
Just in case i get in a bad way,, like my friend and his heart attack but he was lucky as he was stopped at a intersection in his Dodge ramcharger 4x4, where i will be walking in thinly populated areas.
I just read in the news some guy putting a camera in a beer can and then beer can on woman toilet on a festival.
His recordings was said to be cinema grade, but he will never see those recordings cut he got busted.
I just read in the news some guy putting a camera in a beer can and then beer can on woman toilet on a festival.
His recordings was said to be cinema grade, but he will never see those recordings cut he got busted.

Perverts like that really make my blood boil. No doubt with the advent of smaller and smaller cameras we will be seeing more and more of that. Years ago, when I lived in New York City some guy got busted for walking up and down 5th Avenue day after day with a contraption that looked kind of like a medical walking cane with small wheels on the end and a little box. It turned out it was a remotely triggered upward facing camera he was using to shoot photos up women's skirts!
Yeah really creepy, and a thing that have been going on for a long time.
But now people are even less aware of things like that.
Also just freaked me a malware on MAC computers have just been found, but its estimated to have been out there for 5 - 10 years