Mini0801 custom firmwares

Is there any firmware adjustment for wake up to record time. I am interested in trying to evaluate any means of a Parking Mode. Graham.
@ Tobi@s,

Good evening, would it be possible for you to run up a custom firmware using the following image as logo :

using your 20131230 firmware (NO GPS, EXTERNAL CARD) from here:

please ?

I realise that I should try using your Kitchen, but I don't feel at all confident about it, being what you might call a computer dummy.

Thanking you in advance, Tony.
Thank you very much :) -- I forgot to say that it's the Mercedes star, if anybody else would like to use it.
Hi guys I see some custom firmwares here referring to "no sound". Is it referring to no sound when you press the keys or something else?
Can somebody help me please with a custom firmware based on 20140115 (GPS and external memory) with no sounds for startup/shutdown and custom boot logo with Honda?
I'm trying to cook my own firmware with no sound for power on / power off and a custom boot logo.

I did the followings:

C:\Jado\Kitchen\firmware>cd romfs

Volume in drive C has no label.
Volume Serial Number is D204-54EF

Directory of C:\Jado\Kitchen\firmware\romfs

08.02.2014  14:28    <DIR>          .
08.02.2014  14:28    <DIR>          ..
08.02.2014  14:27           611.094 00___fonts.bin
08.02.2014  14:27           597.355 01___bitmaps.bin
08.02.2014  14:27           106.968 02___strings.bin
08.02.2014  14:27            28.260 04___no_thm.jpg
08.02.2014  14:27            14.281 05___invalid.jpg
08.02.2014  14:27            19.805 06___logo_off.jpg
08.02.2014  14:27            45.600 07___poweron_12k.pcm
08.02.2014  14:27            28.800 08___poweroff_12k.pcm
08.02.2014  14:27             6.176 09___shutter_12k.pcm
08.02.2014  14:27             1.086 10___short_shutter_12k.pcm
08.02.2014  14:27             9.300 11___optone_12k.pcm
08.02.2014  14:27            13.920 12___error_12k.pcm
08.02.2014  14:27            45.600 13___poweron_12k_low.pcm
08.02.2014  14:27            28.800 14___poweroff_12k_low.pcm
08.02.2014  14:27             6.176 15___shutter_12k_low.pcm
08.02.2014  14:27             1.086 16___short_shutter_12k_low.pcm
08.02.2014  14:27             9.300 17___optone_12k_low.pcm
08.02.2014  14:27            13.920 18___error_12k_low.pcm
08.02.2014  14:27               171 19___1_48k.aac
08.02.2014  14:27               185 20___1_44k.aac
08.02.2014  14:27               256 21___1_32k.aac
08.02.2014  14:27               342 22___2_48k.aac
08.02.2014  14:27               372 23___2_44k.aac
08.02.2014  14:27               512 24___2_32k.aac
08.02.2014  14:27               768 25___2_48k.ac3
08.02.2014  14:27               768 26___2_44k.ac3
08.02.2014  14:27               768 27___2_32k.ac3
08.02.2014  14:27             1.536 28___6_48k.ac3
08.02.2014  14:27             1.536 29___6_44k.ac3
08.02.2014  14:27             1.536 30___6_32k.ac3
08.02.2014  14:27         1.286.144 31___DVRPlayer.exe
              31 File(s)      2.882.421 bytes
               2 Dir(s)  10.333.851.648 bytes free

C:\Jado\Kitchen\firmware\romfs>del 07___poweron_12k.pcm

C:\Jado\Kitchen\firmware\romfs>fsutil file createnew 07___poweron12k.pcm 1000
File C:\Jado\Kitchen\firmware\romfs\07___poweron12k.pcm is created

C:\Jado\Kitchen\firmware\romfs>del 08___poweroff_12k.pcm

C:\Jado\Kitchen\firmware\romfs>fsutil file createnew 08___poweroff_12k.pcm
Usage : fsutil file createnew <filename> <length>
   Eg : fsutil file createnew C:\testfile.txt 1000

C:\Jado\Kitchen\firmware\romfs>fsutil file createnew 08___poweroff_12k.pcm 1000
File C:\Jado\Kitchen\firmware\romfs\08___poweroff_12k.pcm is created

Volume in drive C has no label.
Volume Serial Number is D204-54EF

Directory of C:\Jado\Kitchen\firmware\romfs

09.02.2014  20:51    <DIR>          .
09.02.2014  20:51    <DIR>          ..
08.02.2014  14:27           611.094 00___fonts.bin
08.02.2014  14:27           597.355 01___bitmaps.bin
08.02.2014  14:27           106.968 02___strings.bin
08.02.2014  14:27            28.260 04___no_thm.jpg
08.02.2014  14:27            14.281 05___invalid.jpg
08.02.2014  14:27            19.805 06___logo_off.jpg
09.02.2014  20:50             1.000 07___poweron12k.pcm
09.02.2014  20:51             1.000 08___poweroff_12k.pcm
08.02.2014  14:27             6.176 09___shutter_12k.pcm
08.02.2014  14:27             1.086 10___short_shutter_12k.pcm
08.02.2014  14:27             9.300 11___optone_12k.pcm
08.02.2014  14:27            13.920 12___error_12k.pcm
08.02.2014  14:27            45.600 13___poweron_12k_low.pcm
08.02.2014  14:27            28.800 14___poweroff_12k_low.pcm
08.02.2014  14:27             6.176 15___shutter_12k_low.pcm
08.02.2014  14:27             1.086 16___short_shutter_12k_low.pcm
08.02.2014  14:27             9.300 17___optone_12k_low.pcm
08.02.2014  14:27            13.920 18___error_12k_low.pcm
08.02.2014  14:27               171 19___1_48k.aac
08.02.2014  14:27               185 20___1_44k.aac
08.02.2014  14:27               256 21___1_32k.aac
08.02.2014  14:27               342 22___2_48k.aac
08.02.2014  14:27               372 23___2_44k.aac
08.02.2014  14:27               512 24___2_32k.aac
08.02.2014  14:27               768 25___2_48k.ac3
08.02.2014  14:27               768 26___2_44k.ac3
08.02.2014  14:27               768 27___2_32k.ac3
08.02.2014  14:27             1.536 28___6_48k.ac3
08.02.2014  14:27             1.536 29___6_44k.ac3
08.02.2014  14:27             1.536 30___6_32k.ac3
08.02.2014  14:27         1.286.144 31___DVRPlayer.exe
              31 File(s)      2.810.021 bytes
               2 Dir(s)  10.333.339.648 bytes free

I've deleted the original poweron and poweroff files, and created new empty files with the same names but 1000 bytes in size.
But these sizes are different cmpared with the original files, should I create the files with the same sizes like the original ones ?
Did I do the right steps ?
Also I see there are other two .pcm files :

What is with these two ?

Also the logo should be in jpg format or other ?
And I see only a logo_off file, there is no other file there with "logo" ?

And the builded firmware is under sections/ folder , named fwcompiled.bin ?
Is this the file I need to put on the camera for upgrade ?
If yes it is something strange, because the original fw file had like 5 Megs but this one has like 33 Megs ..
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Hi, please don'T try to Flash the 33mb Firmware. something went wrong..
First question: Did you close the RomKitchen during any of the steps?

Next there seems to be another Problem:
08.02.2014  14:27           106.968 02___strings.bin
08.02.2014  14:27            28.260 04___no_thm.jpg
File ID 03 (logo.jpg) is missing. Which Firmware did you try to decompile?

C:\Jado\Kitchen\firmware\romfs>fsutil file createnew 07___poweron12k.pcm 1000
File C:\Jado\Kitchen\firmware\romfs\07___poweron12k.pcm is created
Wrong filename! You forgot the underscore ( _ )
Smaller filesize is not a Problem but to be on the safe side create one with the same filesize.
Hi Tobias,

The firmware I have decompiled is 20140115-GPS-1CARD.bin
Yes I've noticed the 03_logo file is missing , I''ll try one more time.
Ok I tried one more time:

I've followed these steps:

1. File -> Open
2. Export -> All
3. RomFS -> Export files
4. Modify files (wdir=[location where your fw binary is located]/rfs/)
Info: Keep the filename. Please don't rename the file. You'll get a semibricked device if you do.
Protip: Always save logos with Paint because it removes EXIF information.
5. RomFS -> Build RFS
6. RomFS -> Include in fwbuilder
7. Build -> A2 Firmware

And the creation of files (I've created all 4 power files - not sure if I did ok ? and both logo files ) my steps are bellow:

Volume in drive C has no label.
Volume Serial Number is D204-54EF

Directory of C:\Jado\Kitchen\firmware\romfs

09.02.2014  23:13    <DIR>          .
09.02.2014  23:13    <DIR>          ..
09.02.2014  23:13           611.094 00___fonts.bin
09.02.2014  23:13           597.355 01___bitmaps.bin
09.02.2014  23:13           106.968 02___strings.bin
09.02.2014  23:13            22.109 03___logo.jpg
09.02.2014  23:13            28.260 04___no_thm.jpg
09.02.2014  23:13            14.281 05___invalid.jpg
09.02.2014  23:13            19.805 06___logo_off.jpg
09.02.2014  23:13            45.600 07___poweron_12k.pcm
09.02.2014  23:13            28.800 08___poweroff_12k.pcm
09.02.2014  23:13             6.176 09___shutter_12k.pcm
09.02.2014  23:13             1.086 10___short_shutter_12k.pcm
09.02.2014  23:13             9.300 11___optone_12k.pcm
09.02.2014  23:13            13.920 12___error_12k.pcm
09.02.2014  23:13            45.600 13___poweron_12k_low.pcm
09.02.2014  23:13            28.800 14___poweroff_12k_low.pcm
09.02.2014  23:13             6.176 15___shutter_12k_low.pcm
09.02.2014  23:13             1.086 16___short_shutter_12k_low.pcm
09.02.2014  23:13             9.300 17___optone_12k_low.pcm
09.02.2014  23:13            13.920 18___error_12k_low.pcm
09.02.2014  23:13               171 19___1_48k.aac
09.02.2014  23:13               185 20___1_44k.aac
09.02.2014  23:13               256 21___1_32k.aac
09.02.2014  23:13               342 22___2_48k.aac
09.02.2014  23:13               372 23___2_44k.aac
09.02.2014  23:13               512 24___2_32k.aac
09.02.2014  23:13               768 25___2_48k.ac3
09.02.2014  23:13               768 26___2_44k.ac3
09.02.2014  23:13               768 27___2_32k.ac3
09.02.2014  23:13             1.536 28___6_48k.ac3
09.02.2014  23:13             1.536 29___6_44k.ac3
09.02.2014  23:13             1.536 30___6_32k.ac3
09.02.2014  23:13         1.286.144 31___DVRPlayer.exe
              32 File(s)      2.904.530 bytes
               2 Dir(s)  10.180.767.744 bytes free

C:\Jado\Kitchen\firmware\romfs>copy ..\HondaLogo2.jpg 03___logo.jpg
Overwrite 03___logo.jpg? (Yes/No/All): y
        1 file(s) copied.

C:\Jado\Kitchen\firmware\romfs>copy ..\HondaLogo2.jpg 06___logo_off.jpg
Overwrite 06___logo_off.jpg? (Yes/No/All): y
        1 file(s) copied.

C:\Jado\Kitchen\firmware\romfs>dir *power*
Volume in drive C has no label.
Volume Serial Number is D204-54EF

Directory of C:\Jado\Kitchen\firmware\romfs

09.02.2014  23:13            45.600 07___poweron_12k.pcm
09.02.2014  23:13            28.800 08___poweroff_12k.pcm
09.02.2014  23:13            45.600 13___poweron_12k_low.pcm
09.02.2014  23:13            28.800 14___poweroff_12k_low.pcm
               4 File(s)        148.800 bytes
               0 Dir(s)  10.188.591.104 bytes free

C:\Jado\Kitchen\firmware\romfs>del *power*

C:\Jado\Kitchen\firmware\romfs>dir *power*
Volume in drive C has no label.
Volume Serial Number is D204-54EF

Directory of C:\Jado\Kitchen\firmware\romfs

File Not Found

C:\Jado\Kitchen\firmware\romfs>fsutil file createnew 07___poweron_12k.pcm 1000
File C:\Jado\Kitchen\firmware\romfs\07___poweron_12k.pcm is created

C:\Jado\Kitchen\firmware\romfs>fsutil file createnew 08___poweroff_12k.pcm 1000
File C:\Jado\Kitchen\firmware\romfs\08___poweroff_12k.pcm is created

C:\Jado\Kitchen\firmware\romfs>fsutil file createnew 13___poweron_12k_low.pcm 1000
File C:\Jado\Kitchen\firmware\romfs\13___poweron_12k_low.pcm is created

C:\Jado\Kitchen\firmware\romfs>fsutil file createnew 14___poweroff_12k_low.pcm 1000
File C:\Jado\Kitchen\firmware\romfs\14___poweroff_12k_low.pcm is created

C:\Jado\Kitchen\firmware\romfs>dir *power*
Volume in drive C has no label.
Volume Serial Number is D204-54EF

Directory of C:\Jado\Kitchen\firmware\romfs

09.02.2014  23:17             1.000 07___poweron_12k.pcm
09.02.2014  23:17             1.000 08___poweroff_12k.pcm
09.02.2014  23:17             1.000 13___poweron_12k_low.pcm
09.02.2014  23:18             1.000 14___poweroff_12k_low.pcm
               4 File(s)          4.000 bytes
               0 Dir(s)  10.189.606.912 bytes free

These are the logs from the GUI:
Welcome to Amba A2 RomKitchen
    Start:    2048
    End:    18097
    CRC32:    0x77fb7962
    Vers:    0.1
    Build:    2014-1-15
    Length:    15793
    Entry:    0xc0100000
    Flag:    0x0
    Magic:    0xa324eb90
    Start:    18432
    End:    144112
    CRC32:    0xe8dddfdd
    Vers:    1.3
    Build:    2014-1-15
    Length:    125424
    Entry:    0xc0000000
    Flag:    0x0
    Magic:    0xa324eb90
    Start:    145408
    End:    1828650
    CRC32:    0x4209704a
    Vers:    0.1
    Build:    2014-1-15
    Length:    1682986
    Entry:    0xc0100000
    Flag:    0x2
    Magic:    0xa324eb90
    Start:    1828864
    End:    4778240
    CRC32:    0x180b8a60
    Vers:    2.0
    Build:    2014-1-15
    Length:    2949120
    Entry:    0x00000000
    Flag:    0x1
    Magic:    0xa324eb90
    Start:    4780032
    End:    5183360
    CRC32:    0x46731bb8
    Vers:    1.0
    Build:    2014-1-15
    Length:    403072
    Entry:    0xc34fffb0
    Flag:    0x2
    Magic:    0xa324eb90
Export finished!
RFS wdir created: C:\Jado\Kitchen\firmware\romfs
RFS to export: C:\Jado\Kitchen\firmware\sections\RFS_section.bin
Exporting to C:\Jado\Kitchen\firmware\romfs\00___fonts.bin
Exporting to C:\Jado\Kitchen\firmware\romfs\01___bitmaps.bin
Exporting to C:\Jado\Kitchen\firmware\romfs\02___strings.bin
Exporting to C:\Jado\Kitchen\firmware\romfs\03___logo.jpg
Exporting to C:\Jado\Kitchen\firmware\romfs\04___no_thm.jpg
Exporting to C:\Jado\Kitchen\firmware\romfs\05___invalid.jpg
Exporting to C:\Jado\Kitchen\firmware\romfs\06___logo_off.jpg
Exporting to C:\Jado\Kitchen\firmware\romfs\07___poweron_12k.pcm
Exporting to C:\Jado\Kitchen\firmware\romfs\08___poweroff_12k.pcm
Exporting to C:\Jado\Kitchen\firmware\romfs\09___shutter_12k.pcm
Exporting to C:\Jado\Kitchen\firmware\romfs\10___short_shutter_12k.pcm
Exporting to C:\Jado\Kitchen\firmware\romfs\11___optone_12k.pcm
Exporting to C:\Jado\Kitchen\firmware\romfs\12___error_12k.pcm
Exporting to C:\Jado\Kitchen\firmware\romfs\13___poweron_12k_low.pcm
Exporting to C:\Jado\Kitchen\firmware\romfs\14___poweroff_12k_low.pcm
Exporting to C:\Jado\Kitchen\firmware\romfs\15___shutter_12k_low.pcm
Exporting to C:\Jado\Kitchen\firmware\romfs\16___short_shutter_12k_low.pcm
Exporting to C:\Jado\Kitchen\firmware\romfs\17___optone_12k_low.pcm
Exporting to C:\Jado\Kitchen\firmware\romfs\18___error_12k_low.pcm
Exporting to C:\Jado\Kitchen\firmware\romfs\19___1_48k.aac
Exporting to C:\Jado\Kitchen\firmware\romfs\20___1_44k.aac
Exporting to C:\Jado\Kitchen\firmware\romfs\21___1_32k.aac
Exporting to C:\Jado\Kitchen\firmware\romfs\22___2_48k.aac
Exporting to C:\Jado\Kitchen\firmware\romfs\23___2_44k.aac
Exporting to C:\Jado\Kitchen\firmware\romfs\24___2_32k.aac
Exporting to C:\Jado\Kitchen\firmware\romfs\25___2_48k.ac3
Exporting to C:\Jado\Kitchen\firmware\romfs\26___2_44k.ac3
Exporting to C:\Jado\Kitchen\firmware\romfs\27___2_32k.ac3
Exporting to C:\Jado\Kitchen\firmware\romfs\28___6_48k.ac3
Exporting to C:\Jado\Kitchen\firmware\romfs\29___6_44k.ac3
Exporting to C:\Jado\Kitchen\firmware\romfs\30___6_32k.ac3
Exporting to C:\Jado\Kitchen\firmware\romfs\31___DVRPlayer.exe
Export finished!
Build finished!
Moved rfs.bin to C:\Jado\Kitchen\firmware\sections\RFS_section.bin
Loading header information from header.bin
Loading BST segments.
Loading BLD segments.
Loading PRI segments.
Loading RFS segments.
Loading DSP segments.
Reading section info from BST
Reading section info from BLD
Reading section info from PRI
Reading section info from RFS
Reading section info from DSP
Merging segments...
<BST> Patching security.. This will make any file valid!
<BST> Length patched!
<BST> CRC32 patched!
<BLD> Patching security.. This will make any file valid!
<BLD> Length patched!
<BLD> CRC32 patched!
<PRI> Patching security.. This will make any file valid!
<PRI> Length patched!
<PRI> CRC32 patched!
<RFS> Patching security.. This will make any file valid!
<RFS> Length patched!
<RFS> CRC32 patched!
<DSP> Patching security.. This will make any file valid!
<DSP> Length patched!
<DSP> CRC32 patched!
Patching header addresses...
Writing binary to disk. May take a while...
Build finished.
Please restart the appliction before using it again!

Ended up in sections/ folder with a fwcompile bin of 4963 KB , compared with the original which has 5062 KB.

And the logo file I've used is attached - this is the one I've replaced those 2 logo files.

What do you think ?

Do I need to do anything else ?
Is the fwcompile.bin the file I need to rename and put on the SD card and upgrade ?


  • HondaLogo2.jpg
    42.1 KB · Views: 5
Yes and everything seems ok
Thanks a lot Tobias !
I've already put it on my camera and it works :), now it powers up/down without any sound and with my custom Honda logo :)
Last edited:
Hi Tobi@s,
Could you please prepare a custom with 20140115 firmware with this attached Scotland flag below, with sound, with GPS, no internal memory for me and others too use if they so wish ?

Schönen Dank
