Mobius 2 Action/Dash Cam support thread

Its not a file transition, to be precise its at the 1:03 mark of a 3 minute file
Not something I've seen, although I don't review a lot of recordings from start to finish.
Me neither, fell over this by chance.
Have previewed a little more of the same drive and thats the only blackout i have found.
Are you on FW1.36 or beta? Looks like it goes completely black, then slowly recovers. Metering glitch perhaps?
I've not heard of behaviour like that with the M2. In what way did it stop working? Was it not recording, or not turning on?

It seems to be an odd coincidence that the M1 is also becoming unreliable too. What problems are you having with it?

The M2 simply died. It switched itself off and stayed that way. The first time it happened, after a few attempts I managed to connect to it with mTools and a USB cable, and I was able to bring it back to life. But the second time it happened, I couldn't get it to do anything, and it wasn't recognised by USB. So I returned it to Amazon for a refund. A good reason to buy through Amazon!

The M1 started being unreliable a few months ago. It stated recording automatically, then the red light at the back stopped flashing and stayed on. It stayed on until I disconnected the battery or the battery ran flat. Restart it and it would work normally for a few minutes, then do it again. I reflashed the firmware (with the same version it had) and the problem seemed to go away, but it does happen after a while, just sometimes. Usually it works for many hours without a problem.

I think that it is overheating when it goes wrong, but I don't think the problem is being caused by overheating: seems more like the problem is causing the overheating: it doesn't make the heatsink triangles get more than warm before it goes wrong.

I wondered if the problem was in the power supply or the memory card, but swapping both seems to make no difference.
I am on the latest beta firmware V 2.00.03, metering was set to Center weighted for this recording - EP was set to Bright Light.
It is all new hardware, but not really sure what sensor and so on is used in it.

First and foremost the M2 can do 1080/60 thats important for fast paced action to get a smoothe footage.
The new hardware also do much higher bitrates thats also needed for fast paced action, not so much for dashcam use where the old M1 do alright with the 18 mbit it have on highers bitrate.
Also the new M2 can do H.265 compression to cut down space needed, but you need a okay computer to be able to handle H.265, dont have to be a super computer but that old dualcore laptop you might have will struggle a lot with it.
My own 3 - 4 year old I7 computer ( quadcore / first generation Intel I7 processor, current I7 processors are like 3 or 4 generation and support ddr4 ram where my old one is only ddr3 ram ) do just fine with H265 files.
I'm still trying to decide to get the 1 or 2. I know 2 isn't as stable as 1 right now. However, is the 2 going to have any hardware revisions down the road or is it just going to be firmware updates? I don't want to get the 2 right now and have a new hardware revision come out later.
The only hardware revisions I've read about are possibly offering different lens options. At the moment the Mobius team are taking a while to deliver a major firmware update, so I don't expect to see new hardware anytime soon.
After a few weeks of testing I have come to my own conclusion that the M1 is currently a better all-round camera than the M2 for dashcam use. I know some other members already had that view a while ago. I suppose I 'wanted' the M2 to be better than it is and was prepared to give it a go despite the various warnings I read on these forums.

I have now relegated the M2 to the rear view window and reinstated the M1 up front, since I have more confidence in the M1 reliably recording the better footage of an incident.

The M2 performs rather well in very good light. WDR handles high contrast on bright sunny days. It's mostly when the light falls that it starts to struggle.

1080p60 tends towards over exposure, leading to washed out images, and also motion blur due to using a longer exposure time than necessary.
1080p30wdr blurs details when combining two frames to get the HDR effect.

I have had better results from the M2 at times, even at night, but the performance varies a lot. The M1 is capable of more consistent output at the moment. Exposure and colour balance are much better.

It's still early days for the M2. I bought it knowing that the firmware had a lot of development work ahead. The underlying hardware appears to have good potential. I am aware that the first public firmware update is coming soon, and I hope that it will deliver much improved results. Until then, I'm still using the M1 as my primary camera.
After reviewing rear view videos from the M2 over the last few weeks, I've lost confidence that it can reliably record worthwhile footage in the event of an incident.

I've now installed a SG9665GC up front and put my dependable M1 in the rear screen. The M2 is back in its box. I'll give it another chance when the step 2 firmware finally arrives. If there's not much improvement, it's off to eBay :(, or I'll attach it to the kids toys for fun :eek:
The M2 simply died. It switched itself off and stayed that way. The first time it happened, after a few attempts I managed to connect to it with mTools and a USB cable, and I was able to bring it back to life. But the second time it happened, I couldn't get it to do anything, and it wasn't recognised by USB. So I returned it to Amazon for a refund. A good reason to buy through Amazon!

The M1 started being unreliable a few months ago. It stated recording automatically, then the red light at the back stopped flashing and stayed on. It stayed on until I disconnected the battery or the battery ran flat. Restart it and it would work normally for a few minutes, then do it again. I reflashed the firmware (with the same version it had) and the problem seemed to go away, but it does happen after a while, just sometimes. Usually it works for many hours without a problem.

I think that it is overheating when it goes wrong, but I don't think the problem is being caused by overheating: seems more like the problem is causing the overheating: it doesn't make the heatsink triangles get more than warm before it goes wrong.

I wondered if the problem was in the power supply or the memory card, but swapping both seems to make no difference.
Did you use M1 for dashcam ?
then change battery by capacitor.
Did you use M1 for dashcam ?
then change battery by capacitor.
I've been using my M1 as a dashcam for 3 years, almost since it went on sale. Switched to capacitor about 2 years ago. I also have a capacitor in the M2.
i am asking Iain. He got trouble with mobius 1. The battery runs flat.
I saw something new yesterday on my drive home.

I found a similar blackout in my M2 recording this morning. Comparison with GC shows it's definitely a glitch with only the M2.
If there's any similarities between your video and mine, I noticed that the blackout occurs just after a bright light source enters the frame off-centre.
That blackout is interesting. In a few of the beta versions I've tested there has been an exactly opposite occasional very brief "whiteout", usually during an abrupt change in lighting conditions as when driving under trees or down a street with taller buildings.
I have also noticed that 'whiteout' sometimes when driving into dense tree areas.
I am assuming its a matter of the camera lacking computational powers at times where it need to make changes in exposure parameters.

Then again mine was in the middle of a file so the camera should not be doing anything else but recording at that time.

Hope to get news soon, i have not gotten a new Beta firmware in a long time and i chek every day for new official firmware.
Late last night, I received what is being considered for the actual next full public release version V.200 but it is still undergoing testing. The last beta I tested still has some major issues especially in low light conditions but it did not display any whiteouts or blackouts. Everything that has been wrong with this camera has been slowly improving across the board.