Mobius 2 Action/Dash Cam support thread

I used to get that flashing effect (more pronounced) with my Mini 0805 due the HID's if tailing a silver or white car.
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mSetup is posted independently of the firmware and normally has nothing to do with when new firmware will be released.

But your hunch is right, the developer has given his OK to release the firmware. So, unless something unexpected turns up, it should be available any time now.

[EDIT]FW v2.02 is now available for (automatic) download[/EDIT]
I'm quite aware that mSetup and firmware updates are not always linked. It was just a hunch - turned out to be correct :)
Tested a little with latest official firmware.
and so far it seem WDR make footage grainy ( 1080/60 and /30 )
More or less grainy than WDR on the previous firmware?
It's nearly midnight here and I'm almost tempted to get out of bed and try the new FW myself, but I think I can wait a few more hours :D
I found a new mounting position for the M2 alongside my GC today, in preparation for testing the new M2 FW. I'll be testing the M2 with the SG CPL too.
Now that the V2.00 public release of the M2 firmware seems imminent and some screen shots of the newest mSetup version have been posted by @kamkar1 I thought you guys might like to check out the new Exposure Metering options; they're pretty cool and add a lot to how the camera can be used. This feature has actually been in the works for the M2 for quite awhile already, long before this new version of mSetup.

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So many variables to play with :)
Hope I get a chance try the snow WB option soon - I'm switching to winter tyres again tomorrow.
I suppose the upper-weighted metering will be a bit like the low-cut option on the GC? And will we have to use lower-weighted if using the camera upside down? :confused:
So many variables to play with :)
Hope I get a chance try the snow WB option soon - I'm switching to winter tyres again tomorrow.
I suppose the upper-weighted metering will be a bit like the low-cut option on the GC? And will we have to use lower-weighted if using the camera upside down? :confused:

Yeah, I had to chuckle a bit over the seemingly self evident choices of "Upper or Lower Weighted" for the M2 vs the SG9665GC designation of "Low Cut" (as in plunging neckline sweater.:D)
Yeah, I had to chuckle a bit over the seemingly self evident choices of "Upper or Lower Weighted" for the M2 vs the SG9665GC designation of "Low Cut" (as in plunging neckline sweater.:D)

actually when I read that I thought perhaps you had suggested the naming convention, you're probably the only one I'm aware of that is more dashcam focused than everyone else that contributes feedback, the naming is not something I've worried too much about on ours right now as we still have work to do on the tables anyway, I'll sort that out once done

does the AE table also invert when the image is flipped?
does the AE table also invert when the image is flipped?
I'd like to think the developers thought of that, but it needs testing for sure
Good question.
I am somewhat handicapped in testing with the mobius as i have no other means to connect with it other than my computer.
I could do it with the Asus tablet too i assume, but as i understand that demand a OTG cable, and i dont have one of those.
Besides the Asus tablet is also a pain to carry around, make me sort of wish my WP phone die soon, then again it have started to act normal again.
Good question.
I am somewhat handicapped in testing with the mobius as i have no other means to connect with it other than my computer.
I could do it with the Asus tablet too i assume, but as i understand that demand a OTG cable, and i dont have one of those.
Besides the Asus tablet is also a pain to carry around, make me sort of wish my WP phone die soon, then again it have started to act normal again.
OTG cable and Android app are a good way to make quick changes in configuration settings whilst in the car. Beats running inside to a computer every time you want to toggle WDR on/off or try a new metering option.
OTG cable and Android app are a good way to make quick changes in configuration settings whilst in the car. Beats running inside to a computer every time you want to toggle WDR on/off or try a new metering option.

I tend to choose two things I want to test at a time and set them up as mode 1 and mode 2 then give each a try
I tend to choose two things I want to test at a time and set them up as mode 1 and mode 2 then give each a try
Fair point, however the advanced image settings (such as the metering options) are not mode dependent so need to be changed separately.
Yeah the 2 modes is nice indeed, i always mix them up too, though i have to admit mode 1 is more or less always 1080/60.
And with the M2 i have been pretty fixed on H265 for the past months.

Dont know what the hell i have done right with my computer after i reinstalled my OC on the new SSD, but now both registrator viewer and movie maker handle H265, but movie maker off course still cant output that format or 60 FPS footage for that matter.

But before my C: crash i could only handle H265 with moviemaker, "RV" did not want anything to do with H265 video back then, but it did play the audio part off M2 recordings.
Dont get Microsoft they say the next major update is a content creator one, but there is no news about movie maker, and more and more people do video these days :rolleyes:
I tend to view M2 files with PotPlayer, and edit with avidemux. Both handle H.265 and 1080p60 ok.
Im waiting for my car to defrost, when i woke up the little red thing was more white than red, and it have not snowed here its pure frost on the thing.
actually when I read that I thought perhaps you had suggested the naming convention, you're probably the only one I'm aware of that is more dashcam focused than everyone else that contributes feedback, the naming is not something I've worried too much about on ours right now as we still have work to do on the tables anyway, I'll sort that out once done

does the AE table also invert when the image is flipped?

I guess only on a forum like this would anyone be discussing the finer points of dash cam menu naming conventions but I agree, it probably doesn't matter all that much in the long run. Still, I think it ultimately makes sense to use terms that avoid confusion and are as self evident as possible. It's fairly common here at DCT to see questions posted by new dash cam buyers who are mystified by certain menu options, like "looping" for example. So, "Low Cut" might not be so immediately obvious to dash cam buyers who don't understand how exposure tables work. I recall when I participated in the group of pre-production beta testers for the mini-0806 there was an entire thread dedicated just to the menu settings where a lot of discussion and debate took place and the product that eventually went on the market was much better for it. I think "upper weighted" or "lower weighted" work well for the M2 and seems a logical choice as these terms are in line with the common light metering convention of "center weighted" that most people seem familiar with.

Anyway, for me, ever since my girlfriend made that wisecrack about "Low Cut" sounding more like some of the blouses she owns rather than a camera menu setting I can't help but think about that and smile whenever I see that choice on the menu. Of course, if you Google the term - "Low Cut" you might find the results amusing and indicative of the prevailing and commonplace meaning of the term. :)
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M2 - In transit. :)

Don't know why I got it as I definitely don't need it as of now. :confused: Still, can't wait for it to get here! :)
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