Mobius 2 Action/Dash Cam support thread

Mine has been recording in my car without a hiccup for almost a year, initially using a 128GB card but now with a 200GB card. I always record at 1080p@60fps, H.265 and the highest video data rate.
For a few 10-hour trips I've also been driving a car without A/C with temps in the 30°C range.
For me, this camera is totally reliable and has started perfectly every single time and never, ever, turned off unexpectedly.
I don't normally have loop recording enabled because, for testing purposes, I want to be sure no clips are missed. After max. 10 hours I swap cards, but you'll need a 200GB card for this length of clips with the settings I use.

I format the card every now and again, maybe every month or two, not really sure exactly how often.

Thanks for the replies.

Any comments on which SD card to use that isn't overkill? TIA
Hi, I've updated my M2 to the latest 2.03 Firmware through mSetup V and when I change settings and set parameters it tells me everything worked and I may unplug the cord now. However, when I plug it back in all the settings are unchanged and backed up to the default settings. I'm using a 64 EVO+ Micro SDXC and W10.
- What I have done so far is turn off my Virus Scan
- Switched different USB ports on my laptop
- used different cables.
- Formatted the SD Card in Windows
- Formatted the SD Card In-Camera.
- Tried changing the settings through the Android App with an OTG Cable.

None of the settings I change make it to the camera, if it were so it would start auto recording and it would turn off the rec light.

Right now I'm at a loss. Anybody else encountered this? What am I missing?

I bought the M2 in early August from did I adopt to early? Did I get a lemon?
Try going back to 2.02 and check if the issue persists. If the previous firmware works without any issues, could be a bad flash while updating. Did you wait for the update to complete (does take a while with the M2 in comparison to the M1)?


You could also try resetting the camera using the reset button/hole before trying the above.
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I formatted the SD with Rufus and redid the firmware update via my Nexus 6P over OTG. It's working now. Thanks.
I accidentally confused my M2 today.

I parked in a tight parking place. Got out and realised that I was just over the line. Got back in, turned on the engine, and rolled back a foot or so. Got out and left the car. 20 minutes later when I came back the M2 was still recording on battery power.

I have the M2 with battery installed and set to automatically record upon USB power input. When moving the car briefly, I had managed to cut power to the M2 whilst it was performing its start up procedure. Instead of the auto-off happening as normal when external power was removed, it switched over to internal battery power and carried on recording.

Im not sure I would call this a fault, but I would like the camera to always turn off when the USB power supply is switched off.
I've got one G1W-HC that is prone to changing it's LED and loop time settings by itself if there's a glitch during its shutdown so I moved it from the back to the side where I can more easily watch it and reset it. I'm guessing power glitches have also been the cause of a few damaged files I've had over time so I wait ten seconds between any on/off powerings.

There are 15 pages to this thread, I apologize if I missed this... How can I tell if I have a fake Mobius 2?
I just got mine last night. Today I recorded some video in different formats. I used Msetup Version
All of the videos are grainy.
There are 15 pages to this thread, I apologize if I missed this... How can I tell if I have a fake Mobius 2?
I just got mine last night. Today I recorded some video in different formats. I used Msetup Version
All of the videos are grainy.

Unfortunately the M2 video quality is shocking, particularly in low light, so what you are seeing is probably as good as it gets.
Just got mine
1. Video is indeed very grainy for no reason.
2. No external power off delay??
3. Wish there was an option for LED recording indicator rear only.
Got mine M2 a month or so ago, and although it records perfectly from the battery I can't use it as a dashcam. I have clip length set at 5mins, but when connected to the USB adapter through 2 meters of cable
I get the files to be random length . Like 1sec ; 10 sec; 2min11sec and ect. and it may stop recording for prolonged period of time, so I don;t get the seamless video.
I wanted to blame the USB adapter, but Mobius 1 works well with it, and I get the same results (or no auto start recording at all) if I use the wall chargers at hoe.
p.s. been updating the software. same.
good point, but no.,
motion detection function is off.
Check the USB adapter for the requirements - something like 5v @ 1A (not sure)

Make sure your cable is good, thin cables have high resistance dropping the current.

Also check the connection and the card.
Particularly cold weather?
I tried different cables and chargers at home and in the car, still no "auto start" it's just turns on stays on with steady yellow light and then goes to charging.
tried different cards too, the thing is that it does record well if I turn the camera manually and record with it while unplugged . Also the camera turns her self of when unplugged well to.
p.s. I can connect the camera to PC only with the cable provided with M2 all other cables says the devices is connected but can't open it. And if I try recording with this cable it also does not do the auto start.
I think I killed her M2 is dead? as FW 2,08 was released I tried the full update after that it's in constant RED led when turned on manually or by charger :(((
this is what I got before the update
I think I killed her M2 is dead? as FW 2,08 was released I tried the full update after that it's in constant RED led when turned on manually or by charger :(((
this is what I got before the update
View attachment 30961
Have you tried the reset button?
Have you tried the reset button?
Sure I did but it didnt help. I also tried manually update the software (copying the update file to sd card and turining on the camera) the problem I have is that the camera does not turn on. It stays with red LED on forever (until it turns off itself in a 2-3min or so)