Mobius footage - close calls and accidents. Post your videos.

You make all the same noises that I do :D

That was really close though - do you get that sort of thing a lot out there?!
Not too much to show from November. The idiot on the motorbike is probably the highlight. I don't even think you should watch it to be honest.

I really know how to sell something eh?
You make all the same noises that I do :D

That was really close though - do you get that sort of thing a lot out there?!

People run red lights all the time, but just after they change. This guy never even saw the light. Thankfully I don't see that very often.
Dumbass Bound Brook New Jersey, cop cuts me off, real nice, now if that was me doing that to him, i would be sitting in traffic court...

This one was so lucky, they missed all of the other cars on the road and also sustained only minor injuries

Nice to see the white car caused that accident and then just kept on driving away - hopefully they'll be able to have a word with them about that - glad they're ok though as that's nasty!
Nice to see the white car caused that accident and then just kept on driving away - hopefully they'll be able to have a word with them about that - glad they're ok though as that's nasty!
wtf? looks like he just rips the wheel over to the right for a fast lane change and forgot he was doing highway speed? wasn't paying attention maybe??
To be honest mate over here in the UK loads of cars will join the motorways and then pull straight over to the second or third land without checking properly to see what's coming as they're only focussing on trying to beat the car in front they just joined behind. Some junctions are shocking for it and I'm surprised we don't see that more often - saying that a couple of the junctions around here are proper accident blackspots for things like this exact thing.

It looks like he couldn't stop in time to miss the white car and like you say pulled the wheel a bit too hard and off it went - cars with a higher centre of gravity and soft suspension are a tit for this as they can't take the quick change.
To be honest mate over here in the UK loads of cars will join the motorways and then pull straight over to the second or third land without checking properly to see what's coming as they're only focussing on trying to beat the car in front they just joined behind. Some junctions are shocking for it and I'm surprised we don't see that more often - saying that a couple of the junctions around here are proper accident blackspots for things like this exact thing.

It looks like he couldn't stop in time to miss the white car and like you say pulled the wheel a bit too hard and off it went - cars with a higher centre of gravity and soft suspension are a tit for this as they can't take the quick change.

At first, I thought the red car just didn't see the white car come in (like he was texting or somehow otherwise distracted), and then looked up too late only to slam the brakes and swerve out of control.

But rewatching the video, I see the red car does hit the brakes in response to the white car coming in. In fact, the video shows the brake lights appear to come on, then off, then on again, and finally off before the car goes into a spin.

So, what should have the red car done differently for a better result? Apply brakes continuously, and smoothly throughout entire time, right? But if there was not enough distance for that, would it be better to slam the brakes hard while keeping a straight trajectory, or attempt to swerve (but just not so severely, as in the video)? Some combination?
The white car shouldn't have made the lane change like that and they should have really had the decency after seeing they'd caused an accident to stop - odds are they never checked their mirrors properly in the first place and were completely oblivious to it all happening. Very selfish driving unfortunately from the white car.

Without actually driving one of those Citroen Picassos I can't really say if they could have done anything better as potentially that was the best it can do - it's a big people carrier and they're not going to have the best handling unfortunately and just can't brake or change direction that quickly.

If they hadn't of changed direction they would have hit the car in front and potentially taken more cars out.

You can see in a review here it's got excess body roll and vague handling - exactly the combination you don't want in a situation like that.

It's really lucky that they were ok afterwards.

If you watch the white car in the lane coming onto the motorway he's right up the arse of the car in front of him already and he's too preoccupied with trying to get past him!
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1st idiot:

2nd idiot:

3rd idiot:
Why? But it happens.

Yes, the shiny stuff on the road is mostly ice.

Almost lost my precious 1980 XS650 there, near accident.....

Almost lost my precious 1980 XS650 there, near accident.....
could have trimmed the 4 minutes video down to something like 20 seconds or told us where to look in it. wasted 4 minutes + youtube slow time, another 4 minutes, there looking at a ride where nothing happened except for 20 seconds.
dear wozzzzza, the near accident happens in 40 sec, you didn't have to watch the whole video..... Besides, it's my video, I cut where I want, or not at all, not your call.

Thanks for watching though!
2 videos for you all, first one is a minor incident, 2nd is a bit more serious.

This one was so lucky, they missed all of the other cars on the road and also sustained only minor injuries

The Citroen driver was obviously not watching the road ahead. He could have avoided that so easily, either by moving into the third lane or just by braking more progressively. But I always make allowances for Brits who buy French cars. Bits fall off them even without hitting the guard rail. :p

Not really a close call.. I kinda anticipated the a-hole to roll right straight onto the road.