Mobius Grainy at Night?

I do not miss your point. I say that the people are asking for what camera did before in older FW.

This is not much asking. And not the impossible as has been before.

Stable and as good as it was at night. Simple wanted thing.

I use the 1.20 until this time.
Like I said, the new firmware is phase two of three that are currently planned and I guess it will require some bug fixes just the way earlier versions have. This was to be expected, I think.
Sticking with v1.20 for now sounds like a good plan. That's actually what I am doing with the Mobius currently in my vehicle. At the same time I'm planning to load v2.10 onto one my other Mobius' and test it out.
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FW 1.13 and it's grainy. Any other settings to try or better firmware? During the day it's perfect.
I;m going to try out .53 tonight. so far from the video it looks great.
Want non-graininess?! fw 0.59! I've compared it to fw 1.20 in LOW LIGHT mode (2.10 is totally unusable for me in low light mode) and 1.20 has maaaybe 5% more details in darker areas, but it's grainy, while 0.59 is smooth. Fast movement is very jerky in 1.20, while it's smooth in 0.59. I should say that I've used 0.59 with WDR on. 1.13 for example is also smooth, but 0.59 simply gives more details in low light conditions. I can live without motion detection for the moment.
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Want non-graininess?! fw 0.59! (there is a lot of blockiness though, but not in original's probably some youtube thing...)

I'm using v0.59 too at the moment. One thing I noticed(b-lens, wdr on and standard data-rate), there is a noticeable red/orange tint when you drive in sunny areas. Night-video is pretty good though.

What's up with the driving ? o_O
Many times on the wrong side of the road or between lanes, pedestrians at 1:13, overtake at 5:17, too fast on those small streets at around 7:00...
I've got to admit I'm not so bothered now by the amount of noise in the camera - the newer firmware versions with the AGC etc may slightly slow down the frame rate but you're getting more info in the dark areas which for dash cam use is a good thing IMHO.

Need to try it in the day at some point as well as so far I have only tried v2.10 in the day with low light enabled so I need to try that with WDR.
I'm using v0.59 too at the moment. One thing I noticed(b-lens, wdr on and standard data-rate), there is a noticeable red/orange tint when you drive in sunny areas. Night-video is pretty good though.

Seeing all this discussion of earlier firmware versions like v.59 I've been surprised that no one had mentioned this yet. I guess that's because the primary focus here has been on graininess and flashing during nighttime driving.
At any rate, many earlier versions of the Mobius firmware up to v.59 had a serious problem with color shifts. If one reviews the revision history you'll see references such as "Adds further WB stabilization tweaks". This continued to be a problem through v.59 until it silently disappeared with no documentation in later versions although it was widely understood that the developer was working on the issue.

Specifically, the color shifts were to the exact opposite color on the RGB color wheel chart. So, for example, if when driving during the day you came upon a large red building or a large red truck the scene would suddenly shift to a cyan cast until the red object was out of the frame. If a large blue truck came into the scene the color cast of the frame would shift to yellow. The problem was especially vexing to the RC community due to the nature of the videos they shoot. I was very happy to see this issue finally resolved and it is why I wouldn't go back to v.59 even though it was basically the high point in phase one of the firmware evolution.

Edit: The color shifting issues were slightly different with different firmware versions. Some had more red shifting, others were more prone to cyan shifting. All in all, the problem seemed to be an issue of overcompensation. When a white balance adjustment was required it would jump too far in the opposite direction. This is why it was described as a "WB stabilization problem".

Interestingly, the flashing at night issue also seems to be a similar overcompensation, ie: "stabilization" problem.
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Seeing all this discussion of earlier firmware versions like v.59 I've been surprised that no one had mentioned this yet. I guess that's because the primary focus here has been on graininess and flashing during nighttime driving.
At any rate, many earlier versions of the Mobius firmware up to v.59 had a serious problem with color shifts. If ones reviews the revision history you'll see references such as "Adds further WB stabilization tweaks". This continued to be a problem through v.59 until it silently disappeared with no documentation in later versions although it was widely understood that the developer was working on the issue.

Specifically, the color shifts were to the exact opposite color on the RGB color chart. So, for example, if when driving during the day you came upon a large red building or a large red truck the scene would suddenly shift to a cyan cast until the red object was out of the frame. If a large blue truck came into the scene the color cast of the frame would shift to yellow. The problem was especially vexing to the RC community due to the nature of the videos they shoot. I was very happy to see this issue finally resolved and it is why I wouldn't go back to v.59 even though it was basically the high point in phase one of the firmware evolution.

Edit: The color shifting issues were slightly different with different firmware versions. Some had more red shifting, others were more prone to cyan shifting. All in all, the problem seemed to be an issue of overcompensation. When a white balance adjustment was required it would jump too far in the opposite direction. This is why is was described as a "WB stabilization problem".

Interestingly, the flashing at night issue also seems to be a similar overcompensation, ie: "stabilization" problem.
I will look for this. Using 0.59fw two day and not had one of the problem you mention. I will keep the checks.

Overall as no issue that far I am happy very. The brighter colors help with picture instead of the faded natural colors at later softwares.

It seem that the different FW matches maybe different people preferences. I myslef am excited very for the 0.59 which I had on when I first bought my two mobius year over ago.
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I'm surprised also that so no one is mentioning the older firmware problem with start up that so many have posted about, especially diesel owners. Owners who had to wait at ACC before start up were having to unplug and reinsert the USB plug after the car started to get their Mobius' running. V2.10 has made startup almost flawless.

Yes, maybe v0.59 is better at night, yet new firmwares were introduced to improve so many usability issues, for example color shift, color balance, saturation, adding motion detect, start up and sd card compatibility. Not to mention so many extra user requested items like 25fps and the ability to set more settings to truly have 3 usable Modes.
Yeah, I agree with @GJHS. It's like some sort of selective memory thing to say that v.59 was "better" even if it may show less grain at night. Many other issues needed to be addressed in earlier versions. In fact, in regard to the night time performance, some of the videos that have been posted touting the performance of v.53/v.59 seem a little misleading because they are shot at a latitude and time of the evening when the sky is still fairly bright. Even a few lux can make a big difference in the apparent "WDR" performance in a video when it comes to such things as shadow detail and even graininess.
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It is user choices which is prefered.

You like lots of options and full control and enjoy that.

I like to turn on car and forgets. I dont want to heavily involved with it other than knowing it records good.

So this is me. i respect you choice also.

The software people must find they are split, one minute they are asked for more reals picture tone, the next time they are asked for better night. So it make sense to add more controls to let the using people sort it out themsleves. So understand the new gui. But i not want to fiddle mutch as a person.

Cant please everybody a lot of the time I know. As long as the records clear enough to catch bad driver I am happy to date as my finding is good with 0.59fw to new. I will upload some footage soon, but is difficult here sometimes.

This was good video but was 1.13 to compared 0.59.

I find this very useful as same light to comparing. Would like to see with 2.10fw.

ROXOR video was amazing.

Also 0.59 and 1.20

I know may have seen before, but very goods.
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@Rickardo you're right. I guess we need to thank the developers for giving us so many choices. With so many firmware upgrades, there is enough to please us all. The Mobius is a great little camera

Don't tell my wife I like control, please :p
I hope they will optmize the low-light quality, grain and smear a bit more.

At any rate, many earlier versions of the Mobius firmware up to v.59 had a serious problem with color shifts. If one reviews the revision history you'll see references such as "Adds further WB stabilization tweaks". This continued to be a problem through v.59 until it silently disappeared with no documentation in later versions although it was widely understood that the developer was working on the issue.

Specifically, the color shifts were to the exact opposite color on the RGB color wheel chart. So, for example, if when driving during the day you came upon a large red building or a large red truck the scene ....

Are you proving no color shift as you have a truck also red building on video? Or shift and I not see?

What bit you refer please? Nice clear video.

I like speedo you have in dash. :)
@Signhere, for some reason I don't quite understand, you seem to be trying to present a case that well documented issues with earlier versions of the Mobius firmware that have been reported, discussed and demonstrated numerous times on DCT, RCgroups, YouTube and elsewhere, along with being acknowledged and eventually resolved by the developer are somehow completely non-existent. Just because you can present a video where the problem doesn't manifest doesn't really prove much of anything useful and cherry-picking video that doesn't happen to show well documented firmware problems confuses the issue. For example, driving into the sunset or bright sky at dusk behind a truck with red & bright yellow stripes won't likely initiate the color shifts being described here and as mentioned previously footage shot at night when the sky is still not quite dark doesn't give a completely fair assessment of night time performance.

One of the vexing things about some of these early color shift issues at the time was that they sometimes only manifested under a unique combination of circumstances. The DSP would overcompensate the WB adjustments only when a particular set of RGB numerical values came into view. Nevertheless, this happened quite often and when it did in these earlier firmware versions they were deemed unacceptable to everyone for obvious reasons.

I think we can all acknowledge that more recent firmware versions have been beset with their own problems and this is perhaps the reason for the focus on these older versions but I vote we march forward rather than backwards. Of course, anyone who wishes to use earlier versions of the firmware should certainly do so if they work well for you and by all means post videos of the results but implying that these problems simply don't exist in these firmware iterations makes little sense.

A quick YouTube search turned up this cyan color shift example. Notice that the color shift occurs shortly after the red CocaCola sign enters the frame on the left side of the road at the 12 second mark where it becomes a large enough percentage of the frame to achieve a tipping point for the shift, continues as more red lettering appears again on the left side of the road and then very slowly begins to resolve as the car proceeds. THIS is the real and well documented firmware white balance stabilization issue being discussed here.

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@Signhere, for some reason I don't quite understand, you seem to be trying to present a case that well documented issues with earlier versions of the Mobius firmware that have been reported, discussed and demonstrated numerous times on DCT, RCgroups, YouTube and elsewhere, along with being acknowledged and eventually resolved by the developer are somehow completely non-existent. Just because you can present a video where the problem doesn't manifest doesn't really prove much of anything useful and cherry-picking video that doesn't happen to show well documented firmware problems confuses the issue. For example, driving into the sunset or bright sky at dusk behind a truck with red & bright yellow stripes won't likely initiate the color shifts being described here and as mentioned previously footage shot at night when the sky is still not quite dark doesn't give a completely fair assessment of night time performance.

One of the vexing things about some of these early color shift issues at the time was that they sometimes only manifested under a unique combination of circumstances. The DSP would overcompensate the WB adjustments only when a particular set of RGB numerical values came into view. Nevertheless, this happened quite often and when it did in these earlier firmware versions they were deemed unacceptable to everyone for obvious reasons.

I think we can all acknowledge that more recent firmware versions have been beset with their own problems and this is perhaps the reason for the focus on these older versions but I vote we march forward rather than backwards. Of course, anyone who wishes to use earlier versions of the firmware should certainly do so if they work well for you and by all means post videos of the results but implying that these problems simply don't exist in these firmware iterations makes little sense.

A quick YouTube search turned up this cyan color shift example. Notice that the color shift occurs shortly after the red CocaCola sign enters the frame on the left side of the road at the 12 second mark where it becomes a large enough percentage of the frame to achieve a tipping point for the shift, continues as more red lettering appears again on the left side of the road and then very slowly begins to resolve as the car proceeds. THIS is the real and well documented firmware white balance stabilization issue being discussed here.

I myself have not had this with 0.59fw as yet. Maybe it is rare? It was the orininal FW on my mobius that I have had since release over a year agos. I never had problem then either. But again maybe unique circomstances need to hapen. I check footage a lot.

But I have to notice that plates of cars and road signs when i stop the frame are more clear on 0.59 that later.

Maybe its the cartoon like colours instead of natural i dont know. But every time i stop the video even at speed I am see the plates and road signs better.

So please dont gang up on signhere or me just because we see that the picture is different, better?

This should be taken onto board and then used to strengthen the next firmware no?

I dont argue with you but voice my opinion just like signhere. If you want robots who just say yes and agree with all you says then there is no point in having an open forum and also how honest feedback will continue?
But it seem that you, russ and also isoprop dont like that people are disagree with you and offer their opinions. If you want this forum to yourself then just say so?

Not everyone has same issue with startup like maybe not all with color shift etc. So why cant we voices the FW we like to help others try it? If Roxor hadnet said in the other post about 0.59FW being worthy of the try I would not have gone back to it. So another opinion instead of follows blindly was usefell to me. To which I thanks.

So if a particular FW works for one man, he can chosing that? Why you get so annoyed? You say you not, but why the long post?

To quite frank be I feel unwelcome heres and any speach of free seems to be frowned onto. You all seems to act like we attack your loved mobius and defend without open minds.
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Nobody is ganging up on anyone my friend. Russ, Isoprop, me and others are just stating the facts as we know them. Your mileage may vary and as I stated in my previous post you should use any firmware version that pleases you. I think it's great that you have not experienced the color shift issue but that doesn't mean it doesn't exist or that any of us shouldn't be mentioning it or discussing it, especially if videos are published that attempt to disprove the phenomenon.