Mobius mounting solutions

Nice, it seems as if it's facing the sky in the pictures, yet the video looks level enough. If you decide to tweak it, you could point it down a little. It's pointed high enough that the exposure is thrown off by the bright sky and making the road look dark (for example at 15:00)

Nice install, thanks for sharing

Nice !
What solution did you use to re-mould mobius original bracket holder to shape it to fit contour of the helmet ? ( polymorph plastic, fibreglass, ... ? ? )
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I've read many adverse comments about & very few compliments. I'd shop elsewhere if possible.

There's nothing wrong with - but like every place that sells those sort of items, you need to do your research.

PS: It's also very easy to return items if they don't work or match specs.

@denver2013, this looks really cool but I'm wondering about how the lens will hold up to particles that hit it at high speed. We had a previous discussion about this in connection with the available silicone rubber weather cover you can buy for the Mobius. I was talking about how I live in a rural area and the windshield of my truck always gets pitted with tiny pockmarks from dirt particles and sand spread on the road during wintertime hitting it. One option to consider adding to your design would be to mount an optical quality flat glass lens over the Mobius lens. For example, you can get an ultra clear, low-iron glass, anti-reflective coated (flashlight) lens in exactly the right size to cover the Mobius lens (17mm) or (18mm if you prefer) from Of course, you will need to come up with a suitable method for mounting the lens on the camera but a lens such as this will not interfere with the quality of the image while offering excellent protection to the Mobius lens while driving your bike. The lenses sold by are cheap enough to replace every once in awhile.
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@denver2013, this looks really cool but I'm wondering about how the lens will hold up to particles that hit it at high speed. We had a previous discussion about this in connection with the available silicone rubber weather cover you can buy for the Mobius. I was talking about how I live in a rural area and the windshield of my truck always gets pitted with tiny pockmarks from dirt particles and sand spread on the road during wintertime hitting it. One option to consider adding to your design would be to mount an optical quality flat glass lens over the Mobius lens. For example, you can get an ultra clear, low-iron glass, anti-reflective coated (flashlight) lens in exactly the right size to cover the Mobius lens (17mm) or (18mm if you prefer) from Of course, you will need to come up with a suitable method for mounting the lens on the camera but a lens such as this will not interfere with the quality of the image while offering excellent protection to the Mobius lens while driving your bike. The lenses sold by are cheap enough to replace every once in awhile.
i like this ideea of an extra lens for protecting the lenses
i dont know if they sell to UK and how much is the shipping but it must be cheep.
i think i will buy one of these lenses
i like this ideea of an extra lens for protecting the lenses
i dont know if they sell to UK and how much is the shipping but it must be cheep.
i think i will buy one of these lenses

It should be easy enough to contact them and ask if they ship to UK. I imagine sending a single little glass disk would be no different or more costly than posting a letter, except that perhaps it needs something stiff to protect it.
Hope you'll report back and show how you've mounted it and post some video of your results.
ive just cheked the shippment and it double the price of the lens
its too much
Another option would be to look around for a modestly priced 18-20mm UV or skylight type camera filter you could adapt to the Mobius. One way or the other, for this idea to be practical you will probably need to find a way to protect the lens from road particles, even if it does cost some money.

I took a cheapo GPS mount like this and trimmed off the latch part at the top and cut a notch out of the wider bottom end for my cable. Then busted apart a cell phone charger and I super glued the outer half of the shell to the flat portion of the GPS mount. Filled in the gaps with some plastic bumper repair resin and spray painted the whole thing with black bumper paint so it was all the same color and less shiny.


Finally, I attached some velcro to the bare Mobius unit (it fits perfectly inside the cell phone shell) and I have a pretty slick little mounting system.
I'm having trouble finding tape that sticks to the otter casing on the Mobius.
I've tried a bunch of different ones and none stick well.
I cleaned the case with alcohol first. what do you guys use?
well, I spoke too soon. I let the velcro dry good but the camera still had too much wiggle using the velcro. I'm sure the camera would have jiggled around. I took the velcro off and will try something else. To get the velcro to stick to the mobius, add about 4 drops of good crazy glue. The special stuff for plastic.
well, I spoke too soon. I let the velcro dry good but the camera still had too much wiggle using the velcro. I'm sure the camera would have jiggled around. I took the velcro off and will try something else. To get the velcro to stick to the mobius, add about 4 drops of good crazy glue. The special stuff for plastic.

It has been mentioned many times here on the DashCamTalk forum but to avoid the wiggle from Velcro (even Velcro Extreme) you need to use 3M Dual Lock Tape also sold as Scotch Heavy Duty Fasteners. They are very secure and won't allow any wiggle.
See the thread "Where do I buy dual lock tape?"
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I thought the stuff I bought was pretty good. It was some industrial strength stuff from Home Depot. Sticky yes, but wiggly too. Oh well, this was just all an experiment.