Mobius support thread and Tech Guide (post all problems/help requests here) Read posts #1-8 first

Can anyone confirm the power requirements of the Mobius? I've just put a new 'multi-socket' adapter in my car, and it has a 5v, 500mA USB port on it. I didn't know if this would be enough for the Mobius, as I remember reading that the Mobius can draw up to 1A?
Can anyone confirm the power requirements of the Mobius? I've just put a new 'multi-socket' adapter in my car, and it has a 5v, 500mA USB port on it. I didn't know if this would be enough for the Mobius, as I remember reading that the Mobius can draw up to 1A?

You really need 1amp. 500ma may seem to work, but everything including the manual says it could lead to battery failure overtime.
Can anyone confirm the power requirements of the Mobius? I've just put a new 'multi-socket' adapter in my car, and it has a 5v, 500mA USB port on it. I didn't know if this would be enough for the Mobius, as I remember reading that the Mobius can draw up to 1A?

The requirement is 5V 1A. The adaptor you're using is asking for trouble, & almost guarantees premature LiPo failure. Safest bet is to buy an adapter from a respected brand like Anker, Belkin, Scosche, etc. From the Manual...

'Only use quality chargers capable of supplying 1000mA (1A) and a stable voltage of at least 5V. Low quality chargers may not be able to supply enough current and can lead to premature battery failure or, in the worst case, even destroy the camera.'
I've been very happy with the USB cigarette lighter adapter and cable I bought from Eletoponline365 along with my Mobius. It has the correct rating, was very affordable and reliable and is very small and discreet compared with the oversized plug-in adapters that come with many other dash cams. The one they sell now is a little different than the one I bought some time ago it is still 3.99 USD and when you buy from a trusted seller of the Mobius you can be assured that you are getting one that is suitable for the camera.
The Anker Dual port charger (24W/4.8A total) far exceeds the requirements but works very well with iPads and Androids tablets as well.

One of the small black 5v/1amp I received with the mobius got too hot for my liking after a long drive and had a bit of a smell. And while its small, it's sometimes difficult to remove and not constructed as nearly robustly as the Anker.
The Anker Dual port charger (24W/4.8A total) far exceeds the requirements but works very well with iPads and Androids tablets as well.

One of the small black 5v/1amp I received with the mobius got too hot for my liking after a long drive and had a bit of a smell. And while its small, it's sometimes difficult to remove and not constructed as nearly robustly as the Anker.

No doubt the Anker is a higher quality product than the 5V/1A one from Eletoponline365 but in my case it doesn't even get warm or smell and has been 100% reliable for many months. For running a single Mobius it's been just the thing. I guess that's the thing with many of these inexpensive no name items from China; you can't always count on what you're getting. In my case, I trusted that a trusted Mobius seller like Eletoponline365 would stock a decent product and it worked out.
I guess that's the thing with many of these inexpensive no name items from China; you can't always count on what you're getting. In my case, I trusted that a trusted Mobius seller like Eletoponline365 would stock a decent product and it worked out.
I think that is one part of the Mobius success story. The developer has verified a group of sellers that he knows are selling cameras/accessories from the factory and can prove that they give great customer service. We have seen it: Eletoponline365 replaced a camera that the owner fried, Novotm/ replaced a board on a Mobius free of charge and JooVuu replaced cameras after the warranty ended.

Such is the case with Banggood. They were selling the real cameras from the factory yet weren't verified sellers.

This system makes it easy to buy the Mobius confidently and not have to risk the Chinese quality control system which has bitten so many.
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I have written here before about color shifting when driving. In Motion Detect the problem is more noticeable. In MD the videos start out bluish then change color as objects pass the camera. For me I started noticing color shifting in v1.13 and was hoping 1.20 would fix it.

@Isoprop any idea on why? Is the developer aware of this?

It's not quite as bad as Niko's example Also note that it not affected by the silver window shade. It has also happened without it and on a cloudy day.
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GJHS, this is the same color shift problem we've been discussing for quite some time now, as you, me and others have mentioned and I'm confident the developer is aware of it, perhaps painfully so at this point.
I offered up a theory about this back in post #185 of this thread when I posted the RGB color wheel chart. What is happening in your video is exactly what I described previously. Observe carefully in your video in the above post how the blue cast of the image shifts to a yellow cast (more properly balanced actually) just after the truck with the blue cab passes through the scene. Blue is the exact opposite of yellow in the RGB color model as can be seen in the chart in post #185.
Something about the Mobius has trouble keeping the white balance in the middle (white circle) of the color wheel and instead jumps to the opposite extreme. Every color shift problem I've seen or experienced with the Mobius involves the opposite RBG color on the chart. When I first got a Mobius (v.39 as I recall) the issue was a shift to cyan (blueish-green) when a red object (cyan's opposite) entered the scene.
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Thanks Dashmellow, I never noticed the color of the truck. I posted it because it was finally a clear example of what we were saying and I was hoping 1.20 would fix it. I do tend to notice all my Motion Detect videos start out blueish. Maybe due to the static scene?
Thanks Dashmellow, I never noticed the color of the truck. I posted it because it was finally a clear example of what we were saying and I was hoping 1.20 would fix it. I do tend to notice all my Motion Detect videos start out blueish. Maybe due to the static scene?

The more people document what is happening here and strive to identify what is actually happening the more it should help the developer address the problem, so it's good to post this stuff.
● If instead you see the video from your built-in iSight camera, click on the small down pointing white triangle on the right hand side of the floating control palette in the QuickTime window and select "Mobius" instead of "Built-in iSight". A fresh "New Movie Recording" window will launch with the Mobius operating as a "webcam".

When I try this, the Mobius does not show up. It does appear in System Profiler.....
When I try this, the Mobius does not show up. It does appear in System Profiler.....

It seems to work for me. As a reminder, you need to remember to press the Shutter Button after you press the Power Button. THEN click the small white triangle and it should appear as in the screen shot below.

Screen Shot 2014-03-27 at 9.13.23 PM.png
Hi Folks,
I am currently building a “Bixler 2” kit, which is being modified, strengthened, up-powered and adapted to provide the longest duration and best load carrying, for FPV in the future, but for video recording in the short term. I am seriously considering the Mobius ActionCam, but want a camera I can press into service for other purposes, namely recording Motorcycle trips.

My question; Can the Mobius be configured to record straight to a Portable External Hard drive (bypassing the Micro SDHC card) providing virtually unlimited recording time? If the question doesn’t tell you, I know nothing about video recording, so go easy on the overly techy, acronyms, etc, please.
I’m not, necessarily, asking HOW to do it at this stage, just IF it can be done. Then I know whether to buy it or not and I can deal with the rest later.

Thanks in anticipation


P.S. To pre-empt the inevitable “Why would you want to” questions, I’ll explain. Read on only if you are interested it that!
Inevitably, on any tour, certain things happen which can’t be repeated. Deer breaking from cover, crossing pigeon exploding on the windscreen (yes, it has happened to me) and the only way of catching these is to have the camera on full time.
My plan would be to place a portable hard drive in the pannier, linked to the dash mounted camera, and the whole to come on and record with the ignition. At the end it would be a simple matter of finding the interesting bits and editing them into a record of the tour.
BTW. Anticipating possible problems with heat generation during prolonged use in possibly hot environments, I intend to mount finned heat sink on the camera heat sinks using heat transfer paste (the camera will be in airflow). I am also doing this with the ESC on the plane, which I will mount recessed in the front of the motor pod in the airflow. Overkill maybe, but that is what I’m going for rather than regrets later.
The short answer is no, the Mobius cannot record to an external hard drive, at least directly. As we've been discussing here though, a Mobius can be used as a web cam so it is conceivable that one could configure a set-up using a Raspberry Pi connected to a hard drive. Never heard of anyone trying it but it's an interesting idea now that I think about it.

Edit: A little searching and indeed, using a Rasberry Pi as a USB web cam server has been done. There are also many sources about using a Rasberry Pi with an external hard drive as well. Here are the instructions for the cam set-up: How To: Raspberry PI Web Cam Server

It remains to be seen if this could really be adapted as a dash cam but it could make for an interesting DIY project.
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Hello everyone.

I just wanted to know if someone has tried putting in a higher capacity battery into a Mobius?
I'm a battery user and not a super capacitor user. I use the camera on multiple cars and find more convenience in using the internal battery.
I get about ~70 minutes of recording with 1080p standard quality and would like to at least double the usage time.

Hello everyone.

I just wanted to know if someone has tried putting in a higher capacity battery into a Mobius?
I'm a battery user and not a super capacitor user. I use the camera on multiple cars and find more convenience in using the internal battery.
I get about ~70 minutes of recording with 1080p standard quality and would like to at least double the usage time.


One solution might be to use an external battery to power your Mobius. Some folks here use this method for extended parking mode. One example is the Anker Astro E5 15000 mAh battery. It is about the size of a (fat) smartphone, has two USB ports and can power a Mobius for many hours.

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The Anker works fine for me.


Now I have to look into a Bixler 2!
32gigs will give you...approx 4.6 hours in standard settings @1080p (rounded bitrate high to 16). How many hours do you need?