Mobius support thread and Tech Guide (post all problems/help requests here) Read posts #1-8 first


Just wondering if the additional functions will enable us to, say, optimise Video Mode 1 for daytime use, & Video Mode 2 for the night? Would be nice...
If you are referring to the Advanced Image settings, then NO, there are absolutely no plans to implement this functionality. Such functionality would involve a gigantic firmware re-design and just isn't possible in the short/mid term. There are also still a few other nagging issues to fix in step 2 before even starting step 3.
I've been using 2 of the excellent Mobius cameras for a while now (1 with Lens A / 1 Lens B) and was hoping you could please help with this little issue / feature request.
With the current firmware (1.2) and all previous versions, I found the video just a little too dark on default settings so I changed the 'Exposure' to '+1'. For some reason, the setting with just '+1' seems to be a lot brighter (on both cameras) than '0' and a bit too much.
Could you please consider reducing the difference between +0 / +1 in a future firmware? or maybe allowing +0.5?
Or if there is some other way to increase the overall brightness (just a little) that i'm missing then it would be great if someone could kindly point me in the right direction. Ideally I would like to keep all the white balance setting to 'Auto'.
Thanks in advance for your help
Isn't there an advanced settings menu in the GUI where a much finer range of adjustments is available already?
I've been using 2 of the excellent Mobius cameras for a while now (1 with Lens A / 1 Lens B) and was hoping you could please help with this little issue / feature request.
With the current firmware (1.2) and all previous versions, I found the video just a little too dark on default settings so I changed the 'Exposure' to '+1'. For some reason, the setting with just '+1' seems to be a lot brighter (on both cameras) than '0' and a bit too much.
Could you please consider reducing the difference between +0 / +1 in a future firmware? or maybe allowing +0.5?
Or if there is some other way to increase the overall brightness (just a little) that i'm missing then it would be great if someone could kindly point me in the right direction. Ideally I would like to keep all the white balance setting to 'Auto'.
Thanks in advance for your help
Here are some quotes from Tom Frank who is maintaining the main support thread for Mobius and has very good connections with Mobius developer:

Tom Frank;28165212 said:
There aren't EV settings in the GUI, nor are any planned, but that doesn't mean you can't get an equivalent exposure using the small steps on the slider control. The one exception is the first step or two on the + side, which add too much exposure. I'm hopeful that can be addressed in a future FW.
Tom Frank;28060199 said:
The exposure increments the Mobius uses are not in the normal fractional EV amounts most cameras use. It's actually a sliding variation of plus and minus 128 set points, but is not linear. I agree the changes near the center normal set point are too great, especially on the plus side. I've alerted the developer about this, and am hoping this can be correct in an upcoming FW update.
I've been using 2 of the excellent Mobius cameras for a while now (1 with Lens A / 1 Lens B) and was hoping you could please help with this little issue / feature request.
With the current firmware (1.2) and all previous versions, I found the video just a little too dark on default settings so I changed the 'Exposure' to '+1'. For some reason, the setting with just '+1' seems to be a lot brighter (on both cameras) than '0' and a bit too much.
Could you please consider reducing the difference between +0 / +1 in a future firmware? or maybe allowing +0.5?
Or if there is some other way to increase the overall brightness (just a little) that i'm missing then it would be great if someone could kindly point me in the right direction. Ideally I would like to keep all the white balance setting to 'Auto'.
Thanks in advance for your help
I have found an easy way to lighten the video on the Mobius is to simply point the camera down a little. Parallel to the ground captures too much sky and can make the video dark. By angling the camera down, you will still see the same FOV, it just helps with exposure.
I have found an easy way to lighten the video on the Mobius is to simply point the camera down a little. Parallel to the ground captures too much sky and can make the video dark. By angling the camera down, you will still see the same FOV, it just helps with exposure.

I recall from somewhere on this site that around 40% of the video should be above the horizon & 60% below. Approximately.
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Thanks for the info/responses, I didn't realise that Tom had already put this as possible update for a future firmware.
In the mean time, I'll try to angle the camera down a bit and see how that goes.
I have a couple of question re modius:
Can I remove lipo battery and power it by 5v power? I am afraid of the story about lipo fire, and car dash will be a scotching hot place under sunshine. I tried using regulator and power it up, the camera seems working but will not save footage after power shut off, any solution to get a way lipo battery.

I feel the camera is pretty warm now when running in winter of canada, is it easy to get overheat in summer? with direct sunshine? I don't need anything to blow off over my head.

How about reliability, other than seeing the yellow led is blinking, we don't know if the camera is actually working. I used another dashcam, with screen showing its recording, seems to provide a bit more confidence. And we never know if camera will be able to save footage, surviving the high impact during collision.
I have a couple of question re modius:
Can I remove lipo battery and power it by 5v power? I am afraid of the story about lipo fire, and car dash will be a scotching hot place under sunshine. I tried using regulator and power it up, the camera seems recording but will not save after power off.
You need the battery to save the last file and to keep the time correct on the internal clock. Consider replacing the battery with a super-capacitor. Most people have had good luck with this (not everyone though) and it is cheap and easy to install.

I feel it is pretty warm now when running in winter of canada, is it easy to get overheat in summer? I don't need anything to blow off.

It gets hot but it is designed to. So far only a few people have reported problems but some have added a heat sink to help cool the device.

How is the reliability, other than seeing the yellow led is blinking, it seems we don't know if the camera is recording. And we never know if camera will be able to save footage, with high impact in collision.

The Mobius cameras have had a reputation as being very durable and reliable so far. It's always a good idea to check the footage now and again and make sure it's working as it is supposed to.
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Hey everyone,
If anyone is interested in reselling the Mobius Waterproof Case please fill out the form located here: . Please do not discuss or anything here. This is just to get the message out there more. Any interest or wanting to negotiate please contact us at


Hi there, newbie post to this forum :-)

I've had the Mobius Actioncam for a while now, using it as a dashcam in my car.

I never had this issue before, but I have noticed this recently, and I think it started when I updated to the latest firmware version.

When I switch my car on, power starts to the camera, and it switches on and starts recording. Then when I start my engine, the car turns off the accessory power temporarily while the motor start to turn. Once it starts, accessory power to the car returns.

Previously, the camera would just continue to record like normal. NOW, the camera will turn itself off a few seconds after the power temporarily disconnects.

If I manually disconnect the power and reconnect, the camera turns back on and continues as normal.

I've checked and double checked all the settings, they all seem okay.

Camera has been fully charged overnight to ensure that wasn't the issue.

Any thoughts? Is this a FW issue? Or am I doing something different from before when all was okay?
I think they have a firmware issue, not all users seem to be affected by this which does make it harder to sort out I know
Bought myself a Mobius to use as a dash cam, but cant seem to connect it to the PC!
I managed to download the settings file and used the mobius gui website to configure it, but I have to remove the SD Card and use an adaptor to plug it into my PC. When I plug the camera in I can use it as a webcam no problems but it wont recognise the camera for me to use the mobius software or to access the files on the camera. Ive tried 2 different computers both running Windows 7 (one was 64 bit the other not) and Ive tried various different USB cables and different ports. Im leaving the camera turned off and then plugging it in and it finds the device but then doesnt create a drive and msetup stays greyed out. Normally I can sort computer issues myself but am stumped! Anyway the camera appears under the Devices and Printers page and here are the details, any help would be gratefully appreciated!
I am going to assume you have formatted your SD card first...
You need to leave the SD card in the Mobius to be able to get the settings from & back onto the Mobius.
If you have a read of the attached thread it should help you do this:
I hope this resolves your issue.;)
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Yes formatted the sd card using the sd format tool, then put card in the camera and plugged camera into the computer.

I can get the syscfg.txt no problem its when I try to use the gui with the camera attached to the pc I have the problems
What is the GB size of the Micro SD you are using? Is it a well known make from a renowned supplier?

Also how are you generating the SYSCFG.TXT file?
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I take it you've the read the Instruction Manual here:
and fully charged it before trying to use it. There is a Troubleshooting Section at the back of the Manual.
If you renamed your micro SD card, your PC should pick it up when it is in your Mobius and it is connected using USB cable. This is what you're saying you're not seeing?
Is this the first time you've used your Mobius? You could try resetting it using the end of a paper clip in the reset hole (see Instruction Manual).
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32gB class 10 Sandisk bought from Amazon a while back. I can get the syscfg.txt by pressing power and m button then remove the sd card and put in computer and then do the reverse the upload the settings
"Devices and Printers" don't tell you a great deal about the camera connection. Click on "Computer". Most likely there is no drive letter assigned to your camera which could be caused by a bad USB cable but could also be due to a corrupted driver or bad USB port.
If you are sure the cable, port and driver are OK, then the card is your problem.
USB communication, and thus mSetup, will not work so long there is no drive letter assigned to the camera. I think you've already realized the camera is not recognized by Windows and that's why you used a card reader.
Sandisk 32GB class 10 cards are notorious for not working properly with the Mobius - but some work fine!!!
Try formatting your card in your card reader with SDFormatter. It may help a bit, at least for the card to be recognized.
In some cases restarting your PC can also solve a USB issue.
Since this seems to be the official help thread for mobius... I need help with the jello/wavy effect the camera is giving me.

It's currently mounted as a motorcycle dash cam in two pieces. Main body and the lens on a different place using the 8 inch extension cable. I had to bend the cable in a couple places (i'm not sure if that could be the jello effect) otherwise, since it's a motorcycle, there is decent vibrations.

The video is fine until highway speeds (~100kmh) where it starts to become wavy. I'm having a hard time uploading a 5 min clip I recorded earlier today as it seems too big for youtube (help?). I've read about some elastic band trick or silicone guys with UAV use however, in my case, I'm not sure what's creating the jello effect. Most likely it's the lens being affected by certain vibrations? How would I go about to fixing that?
Improve your mount, the jello effect only happens if the mount is not solid enough and it's vibrating
Thanks jokiin!

I'm guessing it's mostly on the lens side I should improve it. Any tips on something that would reduce the vibrations? Hard casing or a make do silicon casing for the bottom of the lens?