Mobius support thread and Tech Guide (post all problems/help requests here) Read posts #1-8 first

i'm trying to help you. but still we don't understand each other.

please do these steps:
1. make sure that the mobius is off.
2. insert the 32gb card.
3. connect the mobius to your computer (with the 3ft usb cable that you received with the mobius) and do not press anything.
the mobius should be automatically turned on and you will see a "mobius" removable storage device.

after you did all that, without pressing any key, you still can't see the removable storage device named: "mobius" ?
Yes that was correct. I bought a new card and it all works properly now! Thank you for hanging in there despite that little misunderstanding :)
How do I solve this:

Unusable in this setting. WDR is ON.

LOW LIGHT setting any better? Anyone? Does low light setting affect daytime recordings?
I tried last night the low light setting on 720p and there wans't any image flickering, unfortunatelly the image was quite grainy.

LE: from what I can tell, the low light setting doesn't affect the daytime recording.
Janke at RCGroups recommends lowering the Sharpness setting to -80 to reduce graininess. Worth a try?

Of course, but it won't help. I think it's in the parameters and algorithm. Just use firmware version 0.47 or 0.53 and the graininess will be gone.
Reverend, what settings did you use for your time lapse video?

It's very good.
It was one frame every 30 seconds, high quality video, b lens and wide angle view off the top of my head.

It was framed better but the usb cable pulled it down overnight (either that or my snoring!!)

I might stick it under my dashcam today and see what it produces in the other mode.

Really happy with that though, these are well cool and I wish I'd bought one sooner :)
Thanks for that. I'm going to give it a try.
I'm seriously impressed with the night video - I'm at the other halfs so can't easily upload as her internet bandwidth is terrible.

City video is absolutely superb and detail is way beyond most cams I've tried. I'm actually sat here watching this wondering f the LS460W will match the quality of the night footage!

When I hit dark bits of road I can see it either kicking into WDR or ramping the AGC up - it feels like the frame rate drops as well which I'm guessing is because each frame is exposed longer?

Absolutely superb work!
Bizarrely just done all the screen comparisons and the Mobius looks less sharp in the pics than it did played back via XBMC. I need to work that out - but you can see light levels at night are very similar indeed and much closer than I expected :)

Lots of pics here:

You can actually see the Mobius is on a very close par and in quite a lot of the pics a brighter image at night!
2.10, high data rate, and low light enabled I think mate off the top of my head. All others at defaults with this :)

Got lots of tinkering with this!

I see that pulsing and its when its dark and the camera turns the gain up - seems to trigger depending on the difference between street lights.
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still getting grainy at night time. During day is perfect. Tried firmware 1.13 & .59. I have wide dynamic range on. Any other settings I can change to improve?
I shall try the 2.10 - low light - high data rate - setting when recording at night rides. Will let you asap know guys.

If it fails, then I wonder what it is that you do different my dear reverend...
Regarding the metallic tape explained in FAQ #3 above:

First, note that your module has some metallic tape on the underside. Do not remove this tape because it's purpose is to conduct heat from the metal CMOS back plate to the metal module housing which then helps cool the CMOS imager. But do look to be sure the tape is aligned on the module and does not have any creases or folds that can keep the module from seating fully in the case.


I am using a lens extension cable, so the module is out of the case and the metallic tape is visible.

Are there any recommendations for how to hide the metallic tape? Black marker? Black electrical tape?

Or would these methods interfere with the heat conduction purpose of the metallic tape?
The metallic tape is important and gets very hot, so black tape wouldn't work. I imagine black marker would be fine.