Mobius support thread and Tech Guide (post all problems/help requests here) Read posts #1-8 first

I've noticed some weired pixelation with v1.17, not happening with v0.59. I updated one of my mobius (used as a dashcam) to v1.17 to try MD but gave up on MD for now.
I was reviewing today's clips and noticed some pixelization that I was not having before. I compared with a clip from past saturday with v0.59 with similar settings and the image was much sharper.
Has anyone noticed this?

I'm now making some tests with another mobius I got home and so far this is want I found:

Both stills are from a 1080p clip with Narrow FOV (no scaling).

I've done some quick tests with another Mobius I have laying arround and looks like a wide FOV reduced the effect (no good like conditons now for an acurate test)


  • v059.jpg
    496 KB · Views: 31
  • v117.jpg
    527.7 KB · Views: 30
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Yes, I did notice some pixelation, but it didn't worry me as this is my first test(s) with the mobius so I have nothing to compare too. It was very similar to the 2nd photo, where it was and what it looked like. Also I have only looked over overcast, and then dark, then night, skies so the noises is high.

Does the pixelation happen only when in MD mode with version 1.17?

I did notice very drastic WB balance changes (have it on auto)...No I dont have low light setting on...

I'll still keep it with MD on for now and check it when I can.

Work is at "that time of the month", where everything's due 10 yesterdays ago so my test time is limited. My yap time seems to be unaffected ;)
I've noticed some weired pixelation with v1.17, not happening with v0.59. I updated one of my mobius (used as a dashcam) to v1.17 to try MD but gave up on MD for now.
I was reviewing today's clips and noticed some pixelization that I was not having before. I compared with a clip from past saturday with v0.59 with similar settings and the image was much sharper.
Has anyone noticed this?

I'm now making some tests with another mobius I got home and so far this is want I found:

Both stills are from a 1080p clip with Narrow FOV (no scaling).

I've done some quick tests with another Mobius I have laying arround and looks like a wide FOV reduced the effect (no good like conditons now for an acurate test)
Pixelation has been reported in v1.17 when filming with the video flipped 180 degrees. The developer knows about it. Is your video flipped?
@Grimm I'm not using the MD feature on this clips. Just the normal recording on external power-on as before.

@GJHS, yes the video is fliped as the camera is mounted upside down on the windshield. That explains it. Going back to 0.59 on the dashcam unit for now :)
Mine is. Has to be.

I'll stick with a bit of pixelation to play with the MD and stuff...

Another MD related bug that I think is already known...
I noticed that in MD mode when I get back in the car and turn the ignition the camera stops and never goes back on. I have to pull the plug and plug it back in for it to work.
I'll try to strap one other Mobius side by side on the same road trip to compare v0.59 and v1.17 (not flipped) tomorow. I'll then post the results.
I'm affraid I may bump into problems with the SD cards, as I use the dreadred SanDisk UHS1 cards. I read there were some problems with these..
I am using a SanDisk Ultra 32gb class 10 from day one with no problems yet
I use SandDisk Ultra 32GB class 10s in both my Mobius cameras and have never had a hiccup. I've never had any pixelated footage either. I wonder what the deal is that the Mobius has such varied user experiences? Is there another camera where this happens to this degree? Still, the platform is compelling enough that most everyone hangs in there until the "next" firmware upgrade.......or downgrade.
I'm using these cards, in 32GB and 16GB sizes, with no problems since day 1 also. But I read somewhere that v1.13 had some problems with these cards (maybe people using fake cards complaining?).
Honestly I'm using these cards since 0.44 with no issues. But I moved straight from 0.59 to 1.17 so not sure this 1.13 card issue is a real case cenario. I guess I can give it a try.

The different user experiences surely depend on the card. There are many many cards out there, some of them sub-standard and capable of generating abnormal current draw on the devices using them, causing the rest of the circuitry to experience glitches.
Question guys...

I filmed some night footage this evening and was a little disappointed to see the picture is quite grainy/specky. Any ideas why this maybe or is it normal? (FW v1.17 - this is what it came preinstalled with).

Its normal to have some grain with low light. This has to do with how the image sensors work.
The "grain" is actually noise. That noise result of a greater signal gain, or amplification.
If you own any digital camera (even high end models) you notice that if you set the ISO to higer gains like ISO2200 or ISO6400 you get grain. But you can take a picture with low light conditions that you can't with an ISO setting of 100 or 200. Also the shutter speed decreases to capture more light, which leads to some blurness with fast movement.

Its just the way digital cameras work I'm afraid :)
Its normal to have some grain with low light. This has to do with how the image sensors work.
The "grain" is actually noise. That noise result of a greater signal gain, or amplification.
If you own any digital camera (even high end models) you notice that if you set the ISO to higer gains like ISO2200 or ISO6400 you get grain. But you can take a picture with low light conditions that you can't with an ISO setting of 100 or 200. Also the shutter speed decreases to capture more light, which leads to some blurness with fast movement.

Its just the way digital cameras work I'm afraid :)

Think I understood what you just said :D

So it's perfectly normal then?

I noticed my card is nearly full would that have anything to do with it?
normal and nothing to do with the memory card, the more ambient light there is the less grain there will be, look at promo videos from most dashcams and the night footage will be shot in some neon jungle in Taiwan or Korea somewhere
Good to hear, thanks again people :D
Think I understood what you just said :D

So it's perfectly normal then?

I noticed my card is nearly full would that have anything to do with it?

You have a better explanation here without going to technical to signal procesing.
You have a better explanation here without going to technical to signal procesing.

Hmm ok, so if I have my radio playing loud the image may appear grainy?
So it's perfectly normal then?
Yes it's normal. The image is grainy yet sharp. There are a lot of factors to this that are very technical. Even more expense cameras like the GoPro have noise in low light.

InV1.17 they introduced WDR to boost low light yet still with noise. Take a look at some raw footage from other cameras.
A few year ago I did some experiments with video processing.
I got some improvement sacrificing color in night footage. Instead of combining the R G and B layers to form a color image, adding the luminance values of them all into a single monochrome image yields good results IIRC.

But if raw data has already noise from resulting from the CMOS gain, it doesn't help much.

The new firmware allows to set the exposure manually. I might try to capture some footage of night driving with "low" gain and try to combine the channels afterwards...