Mobius support thread and Tech Guide (post all problems/help requests here) Read posts #1-8 first

Question guys...

I filmed some night footage this evening and was a little disappointed to see the picture is quite grainy/specky. Any ideas why this maybe or is it normal? (FW v1.17 -

You might prefer the low-light video quality from v0.59 as some, e.g. niko, think it gives the best results.
You might prefer the low-light video quality from v0.59 as some, e.g. niko, think it gives the best results.

Would it be worth downgrading to v0.59 with v1.18 on the way?
Would it be worth downgrading to v0.59 with v1.18 on the way?

I haven't downgraded from v1.13 to v0.59 ... mostly through laziness. I hope the next firmware upgrade will improve low-light performance, but I won't upgrade until early adopters have given it the thumbs-up.
I haven't downgraded from v1.13 to v0.59 ... mostly through laziness. I hope the next firmware upgrade will improve low-light performance, but I won't upgrade until early adopters have given it the thumbs-up.

Hmm, I'm the same, I cannot be bothered. I'll leave it. See what v1.18 brings :)
A few year ago I did some experiments with video processing.
I got some improvement sacrificing color in night footage. Instead of combining the R G and B layers to form a color image, adding the luminance values of them all into a single monochrome image yields good results IIRC.

But if raw data has already noise from resulting from the CMOS gain, it doesn't help much.

The new firmware allows to set the exposure manually. I might try to capture some footage of night driving with "low" gain and try to combine the channels afterwards...
Just for fun, maybe you could set the Color Options to Mono (b/w) and see if you get better definition in low light. I don't believe anybody has tried the Mono setting in low light it so far.
I hope this is the right thread to post problems/issues as the title suggests?
So I was talking to GJHS before regarding the cameras' heatsink getting very hot when it was charging with mains power via a AC/usb adaptor.
The adaptors' output is 5.2V 1.0A.
Charging via the pc,the heatsink only feels warm-ish.
The heatsink gets so hot that I cannot rest my finger on it otherwise i'll get a nasty burn mark.
I also notice it gets even hotter still if I turn the camera on to record.
I'm a little concerned with so much heat emanating from the heatsink.
I'm also worried this heat may damage the circuitry over time?
This is my first dash cam and i'm not sure what is normal operation but common sense tells me the heat build up does not seem so.
Apart from the heat issue,everything seems to work fine,so far lol.
Is there a problem with my camera?
I hope this is the right thread to post problems/issues as the title suggests?
So I was talking to GJHS before regarding the cameras' heatsink getting very hot when it was charging with mains power via a AC/usb adaptor.
The adaptors' output is 5.2V 1.0A.
Charging via the pc,the heatsink only feels warm-ish.
The heatsink gets so hot that I cannot rest my finger on it otherwise i'll get a nasty burn mark.
I also notice it gets even hotter still if I turn the camera on to record.
I'm a little concerned with so much heat emanating from the heatsink.
I'm also worried this heat may damage the circuitry over time?
This is my first dash cam and i'm not sure what is normal operation but common sense tells me the heat build up does not seem so.
Apart from the heat issue,everything seems to work fine,so far lol.
Is there a problem with my camera?
First of all, the specs for your adapter are within limits.
All the same, it is is definitely NOT normal that the heatsinks are hot during charging. I don't think there's a problem with the camera, otherwise it would get hot when charging from the PC, UNLESS there's something wrong with the camera's charging circuitry and it's drawing too much current. Your PC USB power is most likely limited to ~500mA whereas your power adapter is limited to 1A.
I would first suspect the USB cable from your power adapter. Can you swap cables? Are you certain the two data wires are not connected?
When you charge, are you sure the camera is turned off?
Do you have another USB power supply to test?
If the camera still gets this hot during charging, please disconnect any charging cables immediately.
First of all, the specs for your adapter are within limits.
All the same, it is is definitely NOT normal that the heatsinks are hot during charging. I don't think there's a problem with the camera, otherwise it would get hot when charging from the PC, UNLESS there's something wrong with the camera's charging circuitry and it's drawing too much current. Your PC USB power is most likely limited to ~500mA whereas your power adapter is limited to 1A.
I would first suspect the USB cable from your power adapter. Can you swap cables? Are you certain the two data wires are not connected?
When you charge, are you sure the camera is turned off?
Do you have another USB power supply to test?
If the camera still gets this hot during charging, please disconnect any charging cables immediately.
Thanks for the quick reply Isoprop.
Are you certain the two data wires are not connected?
I'm not sure if I understand what you mean by this?
When you charge, are you sure the camera is turned off?
Although,I did try the 2 scenarios with the camera turned on and with it off while charging.
And as i mentioned in the above post,the heatsink gets hotter(to the touch) if the camera is turned on.
Will try different usb adaptors and cables and report back of any changes.
Thanks for the quick reply Isoprop.

I'm not sure if I understand what you mean by this?
For charging you only need two wires, +5V and ground. However, a normal USB cable has 4 wires: +5V, Ground, Data+ and Data-. When you use a normal USB charger the data wires are normally not used, i.e. they are disconnected. Apple chargers have all sorts of different "standards" and have different voltages on the data lines. These chargers normally work for charging the Mobius but don't work properly for charging and recording at the same time. Android chargers sometimes also use the data wires.
For reliable operation using external power supply you should ensure the data wires aren't used. If you have a spare cable or two you can slice the outer plastic and cut the two data wires. Unfortunately, you can't trust the wire colors! USUALLY black and red are the wires you want to keep intact, so you need to cut the other two.
Since upgrading to v1.13, I notice a lot of color changes in the scene as I drive. I notice for example if I pass a spot on the road with shade, the whole picture changes color then back again.

Has anyone else experienced this? Is the developer aware of it? Of course later I will upload a video showing a few examples
Since upgrading to v1.13, I notice a lot of color changes in the scene as I drive. I notice for example if I pass a spot on the road with shade, the whole picture changes color then back again.

Has anyone else experienced this? Is the developer aware of it? Of course later I will upload a video showing a few examples

This is an old issue that I experienced with earlier firmware versions (For example here is a snippet from the version history - v0.44 - "Adds further WB stabilization tweaks".) I've been under the impression that this problem had been addressed. At least for me there have been no unusual color shifts with v.1.13. There are numerous mentions of the color shift issue on RCgroups, however. Here is one example:

Edit: Here's another mention from last July -
This is an old issue that I experienced with earlier firmware versions (For example here is a snippet from the version history - v0.44 - "Adds further WB stabilization tweaks".) I've been under the impression that this problem had been addressed. At least for me there have been no unusual color shifts with v.1.13. There are numerous mentions of the color shift issue on RCgroups, however. Here is one example:
My colors are great, they just change for a second or two at different moments.
My colors are great, they just change for a second or two at different moments.
Yes, that's the issue! For me they would change for more than a second or two but then would go back to normal. I finally figured out that if there was a lot of red in a scene then the colors would shift (to a slightly blue or greenish hue) until the red object (like a large truck or building) was out of view.
Yes, that's the issue! For me they would change for more than a second or two but then would go back to normal. I finally figured out that if there was a lot of red in a scene then the colors would shift (to a slightly blue or greenish hue) until the red object (like a large truck or building) was out of view.
Thanks Dashmellow. I had seen extreme cases of this on the RC forum just wanted to confirm it was known. V.059 didn't seem to have it for me.
Thanks Dashmellow. I had seen extreme cases of this on the RC forum just wanted to confirm it was known. V.059 didn't seem to have it for me.
Yeah, I guess the phrase, "further WB stabilization tweaks" from the firmware version history confirms that it was an ongoing issue for awhile. I believe it was one of the things that needed to get resolved before going onto the Step 2 firmware.

Except for you I'm not aware of anyone reporting the issue with v1.13.
Would the car power cord from an old Garmin GPS be acceptable to use on the Mobius? Stated output is 5Vdc and 1A which would meet the needs, but I'm unsure if it would be a "stable 5V" as the information posted here states is needed.
Yeah, I guess the phrase, "further WB stabilization tweaks" from the firmware version history confirms that it was an ongoing issue for awhile. I believe it was one of the things that needed to get resolved before going onto the Step 2 firmware.

Except for you I'm not aware of anyone reporting the issue with v1.13.
Here's an extreme version in v1.17

Of course I will see when v1.18 is out if it changes.
Would the car power cord from an old Garmin GPS be acceptable to use on the Mobius? Stated output is 5Vdc and 1A which would meet the needs, but I'm unsure if it would be a "stable 5V" as the information posted here states is needed.
If the cable isn't a data cable used to connect the Garmin to a computer then it should be fine.