Mobius support thread and Tech Guide (post all problems/help requests here) Read posts #1-8 first

Ok - I set all parameters to default and now ALL is working fine! Then I changed the settings I wanted again and no issues. Thanks very much for your quick reply and assistance. When in doubt, start from scratch is the lesson here. I've had this cam for quite a long time and it's been awesome.

I'm pleased to hear it is working now but it would have been good to know what the problem was.;)
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I'm pleased to hear it is working now but it would have been good to know what the problem was.;)
Yes, he should have created a profile or made a backup of his SYSCFG.TXT file for later analysis. Easy to say now that everything is working normally ;)
Yes, I've been eyeing those powered active/repeater USB extension cables for quite some time. I've used Mobius cameras for wildlife observation and the option of remotely powering a Mobius from a distance would be most attractive. You can order one as long as 82 feet! If you should buy one please report back with your experience.

I didn't need repeater cable, was able to use a 15-foot cable from Monoprice to connect cig lighter to rear cam on full-size station wagon, by running cable under seats and inside rear side insulation moulding (w/access panels front and back). Two or three feet more cable than necessary. Works fine.
I guess for certain people it might be considered a PITA but for some of us "enthusiasts" it is interesting and fun. ;)

In many ways people who find firmware upgrades to be a PITA and just want a set-it-and-forget-it camera probably shouldn't buy a Mobius considering the developer's change log history and dedication to improvement.

My mobiuses are wired in a way that are hard to take out but if it ain't broke don't fix it.
Even though I'm using the Mobius for almost two years now. Since yesterday I have never realized that it has a built in video stabilisator. As some of you may have seen in another thread ( ) I'm actually trying to mount the camera on my motorcycle with a velcro tape or magnet. I made a short test ride yesterday to see if the camera position is good and so. And as expected the video looks amazing as always but what is realy bothering me is the stabilizing system. Is there a possibility to switch the stabilizer off?

I used a Mobius V3 with wide angle B lens.
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Even though I'm using the Mobius for almost two years now. Since yesterday I have never realized that it has a built in video stabilisator. As some of you may have seen in another thread ( ) I'm actually trying to mount the camera on my motorcycle with a velcro tape or magnet. I made a short test ride yesterday to see if the camera position is good and so. And as expected the video looks amazing as always but what is realy bothering me is the stabilizing system. Is there a possibility to switch the stabilizer off?

I used a Mobius V3 with wide angle B lens.
There is no video stabilization built into the Mobius. I don't know where you got that information from.
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If that's true then there must be an automatic stabilisation built in in this video player I used.
I now watchted some of my videos again with different video players and it's very obvious there is some stabilisation.

The videos are looking weird and very wobbly there must be some kind of electronic image stabilization on the new Mobius.
I now watchted some of my videos again with different video players and it's very obvious there is some stabilisation.

The videos are looking weird and very wobbly there must be some kind of electronic image stabilization on the new Mobius.
Can you post a video?
If that's true then there must be an automatic stabilisation built in in this video player I used.

IIRC (and I may not) VLC player and maybe Windows does have image stabilization built into the players.

Thank you guys for your help. The Mobius isn't totally stable but I filmed often without a stable mount and never saw this extreme wobbling.

I've now uploaded the video to a website where you can watch it without downloading. I some other people are still interested in watching.
A help request please.
I have had my Mobius (V3 lens C) for nearly a week, intending to use it as a dash cam, and it seemed to work OK, using a 32GB Samsung card.
I have gone on holiday with it and have the following problem.
Auto power on works OK but after about 5 minutes the flashing yellow (and rear red) go on continuously.
It is not in standby record because pressing the shutter button has no effect and eventually I press the power button to shut down.
Nothing has been recorded.
I have updated to the latest firmware using the latest version of the software provided.
I have the same results with a 64GB class 10 Verbatum and a 4GB class 6 Transcend.
ALL of the chips have been tested with h2testw and successfully write and read to their specified size at the speed you would expect, (I have dealt with fakes before), all have been formatted in the camera using the software. The two big chips were bought specifically for this but the 4Gb has been used in other devices with no problem.
I have been working with and on computers for many years and I think I have covered all the angles, could one of you experts help please?
Thanks in advance David
P.S. Tried again with fully charged battery and no cable connected. Recorded fine for 10mins and 1second, then constant yellow and rear red. Is it when it tries to start the second file it fails? Video mode 1 was set to max as duration.

Somewhat surprised no-one offered any suggestions.
For the benefit of anyone having the same problem, the camera was faulty and has been replaced by the supplier "mobiushd" on UK Ebay.
Highly recommend him, just needed to see video of the light pattern described above to accept it was faulty and send replacement.
Much more help than this forum, which seems full of in crowd comments which could be called "Off Topic".
Goodbye and thanks for nothing.
Thank you guys for your help. The Mobius isn't totally stable but I filmed often without a stable mount and never saw this extreme wobbling.

I've now uploaded the video to a website where you can watch it without downloading. I some other people are still interested in watching.

that's a mount problem, you need something more solid
Somewhat surprised no-one offered any suggestions.
For the benefit of anyone having the same problem, the camera was faulty and has been replaced by the supplier "mobiushd" on UK Ebay.
Highly recommend him, just needed to see video of the light pattern described above to accept it was faulty and send replacement.
Much more help than this forum, which seems full of in crowd comments which could be called "Off Topic".
Goodbye and thanks for nothing.

Sorry that nobody here was able to diagnose the rather rare defect you encountered with your Mobius. Indeed, the issue with your defective Mobius was unique enough that nobody had an answer at hand without further input and information. Perhaps if you had posted that video you sent to your vendor here on DCT you might have received a reply here as well.

You know, DashCamTalk is perhaps one of the friendlier, more helpful forums of its type on the internet. Unlike many internet forums where the "cognoscenti" look down their noses with disdain upon "newbies" and neophytes looking for answers and assistance, here on DCT members usually trip over each other trying to be the first to come forward to share their knowledge and expertise in an effort to help others, and quite often so called "newbies" express surprise and appreciation that the atmosphere here is so welcoming.

What you call the "in crowd", we call community and very often "newbies" and others who gain experience and develop excitement about this technology evolve into enthusiasts in their own right and become part of our little community. Now and again we have a fellow like yourself show up, pounding the table impatiently, demanding an instantaneous resolution to their particular issue as if that is our sole purpose and sworn duty here and when they don't find immediate gratification they go off in a huff. Since you seem to be part of that special "crowd" we wish you farewell too and all the best in your future dash cam endeavors.
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Sorry that nobody here was able to diagnose the rather rare defect you encountered with your Mobius. Indeed, the issue with your defective Mobius was unique enough that nobody had an answer at hand without further input and information. Perhaps if you had posted that video you sent to your vendor here on DCT you might have received a reply here as well.

You know, DashCamTalk is perhaps one of the friendlier, more helpful forums of its type on the internet. Unlike many internet forums where the "cognoscenti" look down their noses with disdain upon "newbies" and neophytes looking for answers and assistance, here on DCT members usually trip over each other trying to be the first to come forward to share their knowledge and experience in an effort to help others, and quite often so called "newbies" express surprise and appreciation that the atmosphere here is so welcoming.

What you call the "in crowd", we call community and very often "newbies" who gain experience and develop excitement about this technology evolve into enthusiasts in their own right and become part of our little community. Now and again we have a fellow like yourself show up, pounding the table impatiently, demanding an instantaneous resolution to their particular issue as if that is our sole purpose and sworn duty here and when they don't find immediate gratification they go off in a huff. Since you seem to be part of that special "crowd" we wish you farewell too and all the best in your future dash cam endeavors.
I have an early mobius action cam. I would like to know if there is a good quality glass filter i can get.I mislaid the lens cover for the cam.thanks
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I have an early mobius action cam. I would like to know if there is a good quality glass filter i can get.I mislaid the lens cover for the cam.thanks

You can easily purchase spare lens caps to replace the one you lost.

"A" lens cap -----
"B" & "C"lens cap------
As for a filter, some folks have made DIY filter holders for their Mobius cams but I'm not aware of a factory made option.