
a couple of different ways to do this and I don't think there's a right or wrong way, it's something we're looking at now to see what's the best option within the scope of the hardware we're using
Following post 243, 244 want to add lens view angle comparison of Ultra-wide on Panorama2 vs Mobius
As you can see how much is advantage to have a wide view lens, - a lot wide area in front of a car is covered horizontal and vertically.
Of course the downside of any wide view angle lens is that objects are not that close and reading nubmerplates is not that sharp, but still can be readable for evidence purpose, because accident happens when other car is crashes into your car, - in this case it's close enough to record numberplate if accident happened in front of you or front - sides.
So there are pros and cons if using wide view angle lens.

Mobius vs LS300W vs Panorama2 Powerucc (12).jpg

Mobius vs LS300W vs Panorama2 Powerucc (11).jpg
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a couple of different ways to do this and I don't think there's a right or wrong way, it's something we're looking at now to see what's the best option within the scope of the hardware we're using
I agree there. The Mobius is what it is, and adding a G-Sensor would inevitably lead to a larger design and more power consumption. I know the values would be fairly small, but for many non-dashcam users every gram counts. The whole charm of the Mobius is it's small size, excellent video quality, versatility, vast amount of parameter settings for such a small device, and, last but not least, excellent developer support. I wouldn't want to see this changed. A G-Sensor or even Motion detection would never work perfectly for dashcam use in the Mobius because of the time lag between the event and the actual recording. The Mobius needs a few seconds after an event occurs before it starts recording when in standby mode. It is not designed to buffer events, which would, again, lead to larger power consumption and more heat generation. I also doubt if such buffering would be possible with the available memory. If this functionality is required, then I would think a dedicated dashcam would be the better choice.

Using schedules to adjust the brightness control would not work in conjunction with a Supercap because the RTC is reset every time power is removed. If the time is reset or incorrectly modified (by using the configuration file, for example) a schedule could play havoc and render videos over or underexposed. Personally, I don't think implementing schedules in the Mobius is a good idea, there are just too many risks.
yeah I think the Mobius does wonderfully well within the limitations of the hardware, there is possibly even room for it to get better still, fine tuning and getting better performance is one thing, adding functionality however is pushing the limits and people do need to be mindful of that, it's a great solution but it can't be all things to all people
For price vs what we get as a whole package Mobius is no doubt greatest all around mini video recorder at the moment.
I see isoprop point and agree on: if "we" dash cam users want more out of Mobius then it will be bigger in size, new hardware concept etc. In this case it will be reaching size of lets say mini 0801 and of course price goes up as well, where there will be hard to stay competitive.
Good point !
So I guess dash cam users can not "demand" too much changes / add-ons from Mobius. Within present form and hardware it has its own limitations. Most important is to squeeze out the most of it on ( tune up a firmware ).

One more proposal was already said before ( I think by jokiin ), is to add into menu option choice of changing a bit-rate, lets say: 12, 15, 18 Mbps. So every person can chose whats best for him.
Also recording with lower bit-rate would lower overheating.
I think 15Mbps is golden-middle figure.

Anyway, I am glad that isoprop actively participating in this discussion here and educating us. Its much easier and quicker to understand what is what.
having an option of some lower bitrates would certainly help with the heat issue, heat is obviously a much bigger problem in a car than it is in the RC category
Yes, lower bitrate should be another option. I have Itronics and I know how is recording at ... 6000kbps.

I agree there. The Mobius is what it is, and adding a G-Sensor would inevitably lead to a larger design and more power consumption. .
My ideas (and more) were transmitted before Mobius release, more than one year ago. You can check. ;)

For price vs what we get as a whole package Mobius is no doubt greatest all around mini video recorder at the moment.
I see isoprop point and agree on: if "we" dash cam users want more out of Mobius then it will be bigger in size, new hardware concept etc. In this case it will be reaching size of lets say mini 0801 and of course price goes up as well, where there will be hard to stay competitive.
Good point !
So I guess dash cam users can not "demand" too much changes / add-ons from Mobius. Within present form and hardware it has its own limitations. Most important is to squeeze out the most of it on ( tune up a firmware ).

One more proposal was already said before ( I think by jokiin ), is to add into menu option choice of changing a bit-rate, lets say: 12, 15, 18 Mbps. So every person can chose whats best for him.
Also recording with lower bit-rate would lower overheating.
I think 15Mbps is golden-middle figure.

Anyway, I am glad that isoprop actively participating in this discussion here and educating us. Its much easier and quicker to understand what is what.
Ha, Ha! I'm not educating anyone :) I'm learning what you guys need and translating that into what I believe is possible or not possible. I realize perfectly well that different people have different ideas. Some want GPS, others want WiFi, others want G-Sensors, others want RS232, some want a detachable monitor, the list is never ending.
I'm sure the developer is perfectly capable of building a device which would include all these components, but it would take a long time and would not be small and compact. I also very much doubt if such a device could ever be so popular as the Mobius - at least with today's technology.

The Mobius firmware is still in Kindergarten, namely phase1 isn't even completed. The work plan was built long before there were any rumors about a successor (if I can call it such) to the #16 and the developer knew everything would take a long time to complete. I must add that he's a perfectionist and doesn't want to release firmware that hasn't been fully tested. Given the complexity, it's no longer possible to test all the possible parameter combinations and functionality, so there will most likely always be a bug or two that need to be corrected.

So, yes, there will be many firmware modifications in the upcoming months. I don't know all of them, but there are a good many. Dashcam users can always make requests, but I would say that any hardware modifications are out of question. At most they could be of interest for a future Mobius HW version, if such a project would ever become reality.
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Ha, Ha! I'm not educating anyone...

My Mobius Wide Angle Model arrived today, after much research into my dashcam choice.

I was startled by how small the camera actually is! I read the dimensions before purchase, but in my mind it was somewhat larger than the reality.

I just want to thank you for devising / creating the GUI software & the User guide. So easy to use.

I've left the Video Data Rate on the default 'Standard' setting. If you think I might detect some visible benefit from changing it to 'High', then please let me know. If not then no need to reply to this post.
I took a snapshot from 1080p / WDR ON clip, and I wonder, shouldn't I have a sharper image? License plates are difficult to read, especially the car on the right...

Actually, the recordings by night are pretty blurry if it comes to sharpness....

My Mobius Wide Angle Model arrived today, after much research into my dashcam choice.

I was startled by how small the camera actually is! I read the dimensions before purchase, but in my mind it was somewhat larger than the reality.

I just want to thank you for devising / creating the GUI software & the User guide. So easy to use.

I've left the Video Data Rate on the default 'Standard' setting. If you think I might detect some visible benefit from changing it to 'High', then please let me know. If not then no need to reply to this post.

Glad you appreciate the guide. Keeping it up-to-date is a bit of pain!

By the "Wide Angle Model" do you mean the model where the lens protrudes about 9mm out of the camera? That is called the B lens. The color spectrum is a little different in this lens so it needs an extra parameter toggle. This toggle isn't quite ready yet.

I can't comment on the differences between the standard and high data rates. I haven't seen any convincing comparison videos yet.
My Mobius Wide Angle Model arrived today, after much research into my dashcam choice.

I was startled by how small the camera actually is! I read the dimensions before purchase, but in my mind it was somewhat larger than the reality.

I just want to thank you for devising / creating the GUI software & the User guide. So easy to use.

I've left the Video Data Rate on the default 'Standard' setting. If you think I might detect some visible benefit from changing it to 'High', then please let me know. If not then no need to reply to this post.

Mobius at the moment the best versatile dash cams. Especially I like it mounted as a rear camera.
If you havnt yet read my diy projects, you may take a look, maybe it gives you some ideas.

Glad you appreciate the guide. Keeping it up-to-date is a bit of pain!

By the "Wide Angle Model" do you mean the model where the lens protrudes about 9mm out of the camera? That is called the B lens. The color spectrum is a little different in this lens so it needs an extra parameter toggle. This toggle isn't quite ready yet.

I can't comment on the differences between the standard and high data rates. I haven't seen any convincing comparison videos yet.

B lens? Don't think that'll be a popular name for it. Yes, it's the 116 degrees HFOV lens as per...

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
One more proposal was already said before ( I think by jokiin ), is to add into menu option choice of changing a bit-rate, lets say: 12, 15, 18 Mbps. So every person can chose whats best for him.
Also recording with lower bit-rate would lower overheating.
I think 15Mbps is golden-middle figure.

I was under the understanding that the Mobius could be set to record at different bit rates. See "Video Data Rate, "Low", Standard" & "High".




From what I get from the RCForum, Standard is 15Mbps and High is 18Mbps. I have no idea what low is.
You are right Bob, there are already three bit rates to choose from. What we need are adjustable EV values like it's predecessor (808#16) had, but it's on it's way I believe.
Mobius at the moment the best versatile dash cams. Especially I like it mounted as a rear camera.
Yes, versatility is a big advantage and this was the reason why I used also the 808 cameras as dashcams. I like to have also a dashcam, a HD camera which I can hold in any pocket, or to record without using my hands (hat-cam, something invented by me for 808). But for this normal camera usage, the Mobius must stay with internal battery.
All people like so much the size of the camera, but they forgot one thing: the windshield support ruins the size of camera. I saw your rear window mount and I can say it is great, your camera is almost invisible but imagine if you used the standar suction cup or the adhesive mount. Your camera will be more visible, just make a test.

Yesterday I was making some tests about how to mount the camera to be almost invisible: the best result is to not use the official mounts but create one myself. I will explain why: in two cars I tested, I can mount the camera in very top position to be hidden, but none of the mounts can fix the camera in that top position, but much lower. Also for both cars there is no place to hide the camera in the front of rearview mirror. I think on some cars the lower position of the camera is needed because there the windshield wipers are cleaning, not in very top positions like mine and the actual mounts are very good.

I have a smaller mount from another camera which can be used with Mobius and my sugestion to the developer is to sell also a much smaller mount like the one from 808 #26.

These days I will post some pictures regarding these mounts, my actual ultra-mini-mount (for another camera) and in the future I hope to find a solution also for Mobius. Also a 90 degrees USB cable could be a better thing.

Yes, versatility is a big advantage and this was the reason why I used also the 808 cameras as dashcams. I like to have also a dashcam, a HD camera which I can hold in any pocket, or to record without using my hands (hat-cam, something invented by me for 808). But for this normal camera usage, the Mobius must stay with internal battery.
All people like so much the size of the camera, but they forgot one thing: the windshield support ruins the size of camera. I saw your rear window mount and I can say it is great, your camera is almost invisible but imagine if you used the standar suction cup or the adhesive mount. Your camera will be more visible, just make a test.

Yesterday I was making some tests about how to mount the camera to be almost invisible: the best result is to not use the official mounts but create one myself. I will explain why: in two cars I tested, I can mount the camera in very top position to be hidden, but none of the mounts can fix the camera in that top position, but much lower. Also for both cars there is no place to hide the camera in the front of rearview mirror. I think on some cars the lower position of the camera is needed because there the windshield wipers are cleaning, not in very top positions like mine and the actual mounts are very good.

I have a smaller mount from another camera which can be used with Mobius and my sugestion to the developer is to sell also a much smaller mount like the one from 808 #26.

These days I will post some pictures regarding these mounts, my actual ultra-mini-mount (for another camera) and in the future I hope to find a solution also for Mobius. Also a 90 degrees USB cable could be a better thing.


Hehee, I see you thinking in the same direction as me. I am also working on experimenting of few DIY brackets / mounts for much discrete install on most top windscreen position. It would be interesting to share ideas. I will have time over next 1-2 weeks, now too busy. But I will keep eye on your posts.

I totally support your idea of having 90 degree usb power cable as a standard accessory.
I bought separately 90 degree Left turn usb head power cable / 12 to 5v converter to hardwire to car 12v electrical loom.
Something like this:

