My Mobius Maxi

Oops, wasn't set to Centre-Spot, was on Centre-Weighted.
I found that when the light level falls below a certain point the motion blur increases noticeably. Perhaps there is a big step-change in the gain/exposure settings?
Tried 'Immediate' on 1.90 with the capacitor kit installed, still the same, turns off like the M1 (on 2.41). Back to 2 seconds for now.

Opened it up as there was a rattle in the audio while going over uneven roads, could hear the rattle on shaking the camera as well. Turned out to be the Mode button, fixed it with a little UV glue, did the same for the Record button.


Since the board was out, removed the thermal pad and checked if there's anything printed on the CPU die


SunPlus SPCA6350M

Little searching reveals this chipset is normally deployed with the OV4689. Is it?

Back together with the capacitor kit

I would be more inclined to pair the OV4689 with A7 chipsets.
My M2 had a rattling noise coming from the (hard plastic) buttons. This issue resisted every effort to fix it so I'm glad to hear it was fixable on the Maxi. Since then, spare cases have become available for the M2 so there's that but I haven't bothered as I don't use either of my M2 cameras anymore. Hopefully spare parts will become available for the Maxi too.
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My M2 had a rattling noise coming from the (hard plastic) buttons. This issue resisted every effort to fix it so I'm glad to hear it was fixable on the Maxi. Since then, spare cases have become available for the M2 so there's that but I haven't bother as I don't use either of my M2 cameras anymore. Hopefully spare parts will become available for the Maxi too.

Don't hear it anymore on shaking the camera. I would assume similar treatment should work for buttons in the M2, maybe a little more glue.

Buttons on my M2 also rattle on shaking the camera but I have the audio off so never bothered.
The available resolutions match, max 2.7K, fake 4K. All action cameras available with this chipset use the OV4689, so this also most probably does.
At $75 with minimal accessories and no screen, expensive for a SPCA6350M + OV4689 combo. Eken H9 standard package with all basic accessories retails for $37 on AE.
At $75 with minimal accessories and no screen, expensive for a SPCA6350M + OV4689 combo. Eken H9 standard package with all basic accessories retails for $37 on AE.

people have happily paid double what some other same spec hardware from other manufacturers sells for with every Mobius model so far, I don't see why they would change their business model now, sure way to go out of business if you just try and price match a box mover that only cares about sales volumes
people have happily paid double what some other same spec hardware from other manufacturers sells for with every Mobius model so far, I don't see why they would change their business model now, sure way to go out of business if you just try and price match a box mover that only cares about sales volumes

Not complaining, I like their cameras, don't mind paying extra for this form factor. What I mean is, at least mention what's inside and let customers make an informed decision.
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Not complaining, I like their cameras, happy to pay extra for this form factor. What I mean is, at least mention what's inside and let customers can make an informed decision.

they've always been like that, they used to wipe off the chipset markings on the M1 and claim to have some different variant of chipset, I'm not sure why they thought that was a good idea, much greater respect for what functionality they can achieve from the platform rather than trying to pretend it's something else

Talking about markings, this A129 module is also interesting. Care to...?

they've always been like that, they used to wipe off the chipset markings on the M1 and claim to have some different variant of chipset, I'm not sure why they thought that was a good idea, much greater respect for what functionality they can achieve from the platform rather than trying to pretend it's something else

I always assumed that laser etching the DSP on the M1 was just an attempt to postpone the inevitable cloning of the camera. I'm not so sure it was an attempt to pretend it was something else really since ultimately it's not that hard to determine the components as outlined in the DCT write-up on the Mobius processor & sensor.
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I always assumed that laser etching the DSP on the M1 was just an attempt to postpone the inevitable cloning of the camera. I'm not so sure it was an attempt to pretend it was somethings else really since ultimately it's not that hard to determine the components as outlined in the DCT write-up on the Mobius processor & sensor.

perhaps a little from column A, a little from column B

they did used to claim to have some non existent chipset, perhaps as you say it was more about trying to stave off the copycats, for the most part the clones were using other brand internals although I did find one that had the same chipset and sensor, they all came along after the bulk of their business had been done on that model so I don't know that the knockoffs ever got their return on investment on that one, they seemed to disappear from the market just as quickly as they arrived
All this cloak and dagger go well with me right now watching Kojak on ski chasing a certain tree numeral guy down a Swiss mountain. :giggle: