My SG9665GC-V2 Is On The Way!!!

getting off topic.
but "Fall" what does that actually mean? i thought it was winter, but you mention winter as well so its not winter. autumn? as in heat falls on its way to winter? is that how it got its name?
is that how it got its name?
I always thought it was because it's the season the leaves fall down. Well except if all you see is cactusses.

Demis Roussos/Aphrodite's Child
Cam handles fog quite well I think. This morning was crazy i had never seen anything like it. It was constant fog for the entire hour 20 min drive that morning

via Tapatalk on Galaxy Note 4
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reminds me of good ol' Adelaide where on a cold winter morning there would be fog.
Night Vid

via Tapatalk on Galaxy Note 4
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The whole of Denmark have pretty much been covered in fog for for 3 days now, not that thick but its there alright.
And it looks like this will carry over to Sunday too :rolleyes: