Pics that make you smile

Math was never my strong side, but even i can figure that one out and get to -5000 pounds :)
Police should have made a drug test on her.

Warning insane women flip the bird and get followed by man.
She should not be allowed to have kids.

:rolleyes: hope her kids have something strong inside they can draw on later in life, cuz that woman don't seem to have much to offer in the brains department.

And if you flip someone off, well that's a invite to get even, and here smart ppl know getting even often get out of hand with some people.

So its pretty simple, if you cant stand drama, don't start a drama.
Since we are on the 2 candidates, lets hope that old Time Magazine front page don't come true again in another larger and even more frightening way.


Just been watching Cocaine Cowboys :eek:

Man Florida was fawked up good by that Colombian "flour"

I know not much to smile about, other than they did sort of manage to put a lid on the problem,,,, sort of.
I cant even remember open air wires, we don't have that here any more aside for the largest Kvolt transmission lines.

My childhood neighborhood did have the street light that way with the lamps suspended on wires, and the power was on a unshielded wire from pole to pole.
But i cant remember when it was changed but properly when i was like 15 or so, cuz later on when we was drunk it was popular to climb up the same old masts and sit on the top and sway back and forth, and it was not electrocution that was the biggest danger to us then.
I cant even remember open air wires, we don't have that here any more aside for the largest Kvolt transmission lines.

My childhood neighborhood did have the street light that way with the lamps suspended on wires, and the power was on a unshielded wire from pole to pole.
But i cant remember when it was changed but properly when i was like 15 or so, cuz later on when we was drunk it was popular to climb up the same old masts and sit on the top and sway back and forth, and it was not electrocution that was the biggest danger to us then.
you can go to vietnam and live again in your childhood :D
persornly, i dont think this power wires system cant change soon. Maybe in the end of my lifes, it still cant change until our political systems change first.
I agree, not least as i have become too old and decrepit to come and help rebuild it.

I would hate to miss those guys over there, not cuz they once bailed out my ass, and properly will have to do that again.

Its just they are a crazy bunch of ppl and its just the kind of crazy i like :cool:
Somebody have been creative with the post production software :D

Hehe yeah Randy got in trouble there.

One of my favorite SP episodes is the one where the internet stop working :D
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