Pics that make you smile

my first digital camera was an Apple Quick take, got it around 1994 would tak around 15ish photos in its built in memory, not sure but think it was 1 meg and had to download all the images to the computer before when you got to 15ish or you had to delete all the photos on the camera, still have it somewhere
my first digital camera (not counting that logitec golf-ball webcam with the triangular white rubber base/stand) was a sony mavica that stored photos on a 3.5" floppy disk - i think it held like 30 or so "high resolution" 640x480 photos per 1.44MB disk. :D

I know my wife like, when she got a gift card to facial, but I'm sure she won't be happy for this.
Face facial slimmer.JPG
I know my wife like, when she got a gift card to facial, but I'm sure she won't be happy for this.
View attachment 29009
I am glad you and your wife still have a happy marriage relationship.
Who need this mouth exercise device right? ;)
Yeah it should say selfies and not just photos.

It would be a epic fail to go to the moon and only take 5 pictures.

And her side shouldent say 105 as thats just too simple and look fake, it should say 92 ot 53 or something, that would make the whole deal seam more true.
Haha :)

As bird shot was / is all you can get here in 12 gauge, needless to say there was a bit experimenting going on to get more stopping power in a sawed off shotgun or for that matter a fully normal one.

in the end a lot of shells was drained of little lead pellets and outfitted with 8 mm steel balls, and that worked quite well.
And then proper 12 gauge ammo started to flood the black market, its also why i was at one time building on a 12 gauge minigun as i had crates of 12 gauge deer slugs :eek:

And just in case anyone is listening in, the 12 gauge minigun project is scrapped a long time ago, and so is most of the slugs aside for a few i keep in a secret storage location in case there is a zombie apocalypse one day, cuz i sure as hell am not leaving it to my gooberment to take care of a zombie problem, how can they when they literally are zombies them self.

The large caliber rifle ammo with a smaller bullet in a plastic sabot always confused the living hell out of me.
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...Was her achievement, the photo.
She found the bathroom by herself and had to prove it. You know what the kids say "If it's not on-line it didn't happen."
Well i got my presents yesterday and today thanks to SJcams :cool: otherwise my Chinese birthday would have been like my Danish one, pretty bleak and with no presents.
But today its just the weather thats on the grey side of things.
OK before you open the spoiler, what's the most common nickname for people named Richard?

(no worries - this should be OK for work/etc)
my wife's best friend's husband just had his vasectomy done by this doctor.

you can't make this stuff up:
