Pics that make you smile

Kentucky drifting.

Too high bitrate.


He he. like thats going to stop me :D
@mike-k.............I hope it does......:D.......Ipol
Finally somthing cool made with genetics :cool:

Imagine - moving model connected to the lorry's powersource (or indipendent power), and someone in the cabin is hitting the remote-control for head-movements of that beast...

And now imagine you're the guy with "roling camera" next to the truck to record the panik when at next red traffic-light the head starts moving (and start making noises ;)

oh gosh, i got ideas again..... ;-)
2012_03_07_fr_4f57b02376d70.jpg @mike-k If its meals on wheels you will need a decent sized fork :D

...thats great. I'm always impressed on how thos quadropeds (and even aeropeds ;) behave better in traffic than some of the humanoid bipeds...

and that proofs the saying "pets are better humans"...
Moscow dogs use the Subway
For sure some humans can still learn, and in some cases even from a animal :D

Never see stuff like that here as dogs at least dont just roam around here, the dog i saw 2 weeks or so ago is the first one i have seen in decades.

Regarding cats many ppl let ther cat run around outside as it please, and thats okay with me as long as they had ther cat "fixed"
We got plenty of feral cats in some places even too many, so no need for the pets to add to that problem.
You have to make a vacation at lake constanze...

Over here, even Foxes (including their cubs) wait at the side of the street until the cars stopped so they can cross safly... (so do the cats, but they hide until the street is clear)

i can't help myself, but i realy do believe that this subway will be late:

I will be bold and question the intelligence of the ppl waiting for a train there.

But it would be cool to see a express train barrel thru that station in that condition. :p