Pics that make you smile

My favorite George Carlin role

Rufus,,,,,,,, Dude !


And i might add at time of posting my avatar are most period correct.
Unidentified Driving Object.

I cant believe such a contraption ar legal on Danish streets, but then again there are a lot of stuff going on here i dont get.
Like have a quad bike regged as a car, and then driving it you dont have to wear a helmet cuz that's not a requirement for a car. :rolleyes:

Also on my shopping drive a while ago i was driving behind a small van / ppl carrier ( with a dashcam in the middle of the window ) but the dude just made a left turn where really he should have stopped for the color of the intersection.
And all for stopping 10 M from the intersection at a small fast food burger joint, and what exited the car ? a teen with a build that dident really need more fast food. :rolleyes:

Not that i myself haven't made bad decisions lately :oops: but i would hope i am a little bit better than that.

I must say dashcams are taking off in Denmark, already this year i have seen more dashcams than in all the previous years put together.
hehe :)

I captured a UDO on my way home yesterday.

Nice capture but that is suicidal. Here they are required to have an escort vehicle to prevent them from being run over :eek:
This one did have 2 bright red lights out back, but i also think it cant be legal here, you have little to no side view so you cant really orientate yourself properly in traffic.
And man it must feel creepy being all the way down there with huge vehicles passing by.

Also this very turn i passe thru on just about all of my drives, i have seen many cars cut the turn looking for the racing line, and if this little sucker are hidden by the stuff growing in the field, then there are a high chance for a head on collision.

Okay people should not be driving racing lines, but to me it seem like that's what Danes like to do when they think there are no one around, but really you should stay in your lane, i do that and i take the same turns at the same speed as the guy in front of me that take the racing line.
And I thought all the windmills were gone.
This is Kinderdijk, UNESCO world heritage, means busloads of chinese tourists.
But they do not like windmills, there was a lot of protest when the plan arose to place some new ones around there:

I did know that the Dutch people was 300 years in front of the rest of the world with wind power. I see there got high voltage power line in the back.;)

Well that just makes your morning, now doesn't it?
From the SG9665GC

And from a NEX6:
Good to know if you got problem with your data connection.
Very easy steps to follow.
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