Pics that make you smile

I like some people think guys like that are susceptible to common sense. :p
Doesn't look like the "Safety Test" label was filled in. Perhaps the safety tester was it's first victim :p
"Whatever you do, don't pull that lever!" Or push that switch!

Glass doors, the real reason you dont run with just about anything in your hands :D
News that made me smile.

Australia are now collecting passports from known pedophiles, so they cant travel to other countries and do nasty stuff there.

Again i tip my hat to the Aussies, i think this are a responsible action to take. :cool:
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I'm just curious how that effects the pedos who are already out of the country? Do they cancel the passport? I think you can get a document from your embassy or consulate that allows you to travel back to your home country, only. (If the passport is cancelled) I think this is a good move, also, but these sickos are slick...and most hard core perves will find a work around. :(
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