Pics that make you smile

I absolutely love Blond jokes

my 8 year old daughter has dark blonde hair, and sometimes she acts like that. it's like really? she's reading at a level higher than anyone else in her class, picking up multiplication and division as if she already knows it, but then sometimes she says or does something that just makes you stop dead in your tracks...

RIP George
I know that throwing coin in a well should bring luck.
I didn't know it will bring luck to throw them into a engine.
seems fishy to me. i would think that shanghai's airport was big enough and modern enough that they'd have jetways to let people board, so they don't have to walk on the tarmac/pad/whatever. protection from noise, smells, weather, etc.
I absolutely love Blond jokes:

That reminds me of a long time ago, I was outside a large disco/bar, and a lady was fishing through her purse, looking for 'something'.
She finally walks up to me and says 'give me a quarter, I need to make a phone call'. (remember pay phones?)

I replied 'why should I give you a quarter'?

He answer was 'because I'm pretty!'

I grabbed a penny out of my pocket, handed it to her, and said 'you're not that pretty!' (she wasn't)

She was furious. Threw the penny across the parking lot, then went over to the doorman/bouncer, talked to him a a minute, still agitated, and pointed at me.

He ended up giving her a quarter.

Here's a Thai pile driver, that works better after a big lunch.

So when do dashcams get BDD ? ( Bad Driver Detection )

I will still settle for ANPR :D

And here I thought cell phones were the electronic gadget that would destroy man kind, but no, now even the sheep and goats will be on the endangered species list before long!
There will be many problems I imagine, like illegitimate latex babies, robot gonosyphalatex (deadly) and God knows what other diseases in upcoming new fabric STDs. Just awful things!
However divorce will be easy, a good sharp pin and your partner will be history :D. No fuss/no mus:cool:!
I'm still waiting for my holodeck...
Whoops, I forgot about those! Now that would be the final invention man would need to end civilization, Heck Gibson99, you and KamCar would never leave the room, LOLAL, Denmark would be like a ghost town!
And here I thought cell phones were the electronic gadget that would destroy man kind

This is actually pretty cool for cheap AR.
And here I thought cell phones were the electronic gadget that would destroy man kind, but no, now even the sheep and goats will be on the endangered species list before long!
There will be many problems I imagine, like illegitimate latex babies, robot gonosyphalatex (deadly) and God knows what other diseases in upcoming new fabric STDs. Just awful things!
However divorce will be easy, a good sharp pin and your partner will be history :D. No fuss/no mus:cool:!

The synthetic AI future that lies before us in the next decades will be stranger than any of us can imagine. :stig:

Suicidal robot security guard drowns itself by driving into pond

Then imagine when the robots decide to not jus off them self but choose death by cop instead, and what if robots go extremist and join ISIS on facetwitt and then run amok.