Pics that make you smile

This makes me do the opposite of smile. It's 10:30pm and it's still 90 degrees F in my garage. The big garage door has been opened to let some fresh air in, but it didn't help. I'm only out here because I have to finish replacing a defective camshaft seal in my wife's car so she can drive it tomorrow.
I hope you got a big fan to cool you, so you don't get cooked in your own sweat.:(
I agree with that, (almost sorry to say) AI will change the way so many things are done it will be astonishing and even magical to many people. I have a couple friends who have been working with AI programing for several years now and they won't even let me (even family) in on just what they are doing. I do have a clue but that's about it.
As an after thought security surrounding AI will be a nightmare, as good as it can be to the world, it can also be extremely dangerous with applications/knowledge in the wrong hands, it's hard to believe but it is possible to write AI apps that could change themselves and morph into something that would/might get away from controllers wether built in, mechanical, are through mans ever growing greed and lack of caring for humanity. You can bet the farm that universities are burning the midnight oil investigating and working with it. There are still analogical and analytical hurdles to be overcome but that is more are less just a matter of time type thing, slowly those hurdles will meet conditions that will make AI a reality in it's higher levels.

Yeah, it will get pretty scary, I believe. Just the other day I learned that the famous Russian arms manufacturer Kalashnikov is building AI directed weapons systems.

“ A range of products based on neural networks,” including a “fully automated combat module” that can identify and shoot at its targets. That’s what Kalashnikov spokeswoman Sofiya Ivanova told TASS, a Russian government information agency last week. It’s the latest illustration of how the U.S. and Russia differ as they develop artificial intelligence and robotics for warfare. The Kalashnikov “combat module” will consist of a gun connected to a console that constantly crunches image data “to identify targets and make decisions,” Ivanova told TASS"

"A range of products based on neural networks,” including a “fully automated combat module”and “to identify targets and make decisions,”
Sounds a lot like Skynet if you ask me. :eek:
Yeah, it will get pretty scary, I believe. Just the other day I learned that the famous Russian arms manufacturer Kalashnikov is building AI directed weapons systems.

“ A range of products based on neural networks,” including a “fully automated combat module” that can identify and shoot at its targets. That’s what Kalashnikov spokeswoman Sofiya Ivanova told TASS, a Russian government information agency last week. It’s the latest illustration of how the U.S. and Russia differ as they develop artificial intelligence and robotics for warfare. The Kalashnikov “combat module” will consist of a gun connected to a console that constantly crunches image data “to identify targets and make decisions,” Ivanova told TASS"

"A range of products based on neural networks,” including a “fully automated combat module”and “to identify targets and make decisions,”
Sounds a lot like Skynet if you ask me. :eek:

What would you rather have from a defensive stand point, that weapon, are a weapon that would detect it and take it completely out in less then 30 seconds:cool: ?
I read that about Kalashnikov too.
I think for a while people have been building and deploying illegal hunting "robots" which is sort of a rifle on a PTZ mount and then remote access to operate it.
And to honest if i got a house i would do the same, but just with a semi auto paint gun loaded up with marbles, and maybe a few oxy acytelen "claymores" here and there just to make sure Latvian or one of the other countries that bless out country with their visits, anyway they will NOT enjoy the visit to my property, and leave with sore marks and bleeding ears.

I constantly have a victim feeling i cant shake. :cautious:
I've been around guns my whole life, own some really nice rifles, pistols, and shotguns. I would definitely be categorized as a hunter even though I don't hunt anymore. But I will tell you right up front, if I had my way with the government, I would ban computerized weapons and sighting equipment on firearms immediately, like yesterday. You can say I'm paranoid and you would be right, when I know what can be done with today's weapons, there is no way that I would want the average Joe to have one of the self aiming/computer assisted weapons. These type of firearms are for the military only, that in itself is scary as all heck!
There is no way I would ban regular firearms because everyone has the right to defend themselves and hunt. Don't want to argue with anyone, if you don't like what I said, that's your problem not mine! My opinion and I do have a right to have that (at least as of today).

After seeing how civilization (?) has evolved to the point it has and the ability of the country's leaders to think and act on their own proves that man as a whole is not fit to govern/control what happens to the planet. I sincerely believe (hate being this pessimistic) that man will eventually end life on this planet.
Oh great. When I was younger I won competitions and awards for rifle marksmanship and now this! :(
Good for you and probably your dad for teaching you, learning about guns is NOT the overnight learning experience most people think it is. It take a long time and frequent familiarity with them to be safe and really understand the severity of not recognizing these facts. Then there can still be accidents, like there is with any dangerous tool.

Look why most of us are on this website, people drive like the other drivers aren't human beings, so they don't give a darn about anyone but themselves, we have become (not all) the "current" Roman empire with more modern toys, unbelievable!
Or on the positive side, it might give us a fighting chance against the Aliens. ;)


"A range of products based on neural networks,” including a “fully automated combat module”and “to identify targets and make decisions,” Sounds a lot like Skynet if you ask me. :eek:
Then again other movies seem to suggest that it will be fine just flinging poo at the aliens or cough in their direction. :D

Anyone remember the fire ant tank killer.

Here is some copper coming at ya at high speed.
That's why I said fighting chance. Auto guns will never completely stop the Aliens or Riddick for that matter.


I wonder how the new Kalashnikov autonomous AI guns mentioned above would perform in place of the Sentry guns from Alien?

....or the Navy's Phalanx CIWS deck gun for that matter.


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With tracer ammo you can make a spectacular but expensive 4 of July display :eek:
With tracer ammo you can make a spectacular but expensive 4 of July display :eek:

Yeah, can you imagine how much it would cost to shoot that thing? I had a buddy one time, a wounded Vietnam vet who became a highly specialized gunsmith. He was one of the few people who was licensed to own a .50 caliber machine gun; the only one I ever met. He was required to store it at the local police department under lock and key and had to check it out and sign for it if he wanted access. On rare occasions he would take it out to the range for certain police officers and friends and let us shoot it but it cost a buck a round for the privilege and it would probably cost way more than that now.
If i ever come to the US i will bolster the local economy, or at least the local gun range, i would just love 30 seconds of fire with the M 134D

While not large caliber it just chew thru it :eek:

And i would not rule out that after those 30 seconds the corners of my eyes might be a little wet,,,,,, but that's the gun smoke i am not used to.