Pics that make you smile

Saw this yesterday in my news feed...

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Security robot In the words of Beldar Conehead, the CEO of cone Security robots INC.

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Yea but they are only logging them now, if we could get ANPR and expand that to detect car badges then at least we could get a alarm with a BMW or Audi around.

WARNING !!!! High risk of bad driver BMW detected.
So that security robot, which presumably cost several (if not hundreds of) thousands of dollars, didn't have drop-off sensors that even the cheapest (around $100) robotic vacuums have? SMH...

We don't know if the robot chose to ignore his drop-off sensors. They say the security robot was bored and unhappy about his dead-end job. Maybe he was just depressed and decided to end it all? :dead::p

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We don't know if the robot chose to ignore his drop-off sensors. They say the security robot was bored and unhappy about his dead-end job. May he was just depressed and decided to end it all? :dead::p

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At least Marvin is realistic, unlike the automatic doors he's always complaining about.
And here I thought cell phones were the electronic gadget that would destroy man kind, but no, now even the sheep and goats will be on the endangered species list before long!
There will be many problems I imagine, like illegitimate latex babies, robot gonosyphalatex (deadly) and God knows what other diseases in upcoming new fabric STDs. Just awful things!
However divorce will be easy, a good sharp pin and your partner will be history :D. No fuss/no mus:cool:!
Robot sex is nothing new. :D
How do you know you're not a self aware computer generated character who's already trapped in the holodeck right now, professor Moriarty?


I'm still waiting for my holodeck...
How do you know you're not a self aware computer generated character who's already trapped in the holodeck right now, professor Moriarty?

Because all good self aware characters are aware of what they are. The real truth is we are all nothing more than characters in someone's dream. :D
It seems the drowned security robot (whose name was Steve) was well loved and will be sorely missed by
his co-workers who have created a memorial on his charging pad. :(:cry:


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I know that I am not in a holodeck. My life is more like being in a Hell-odeck :rolleyes: And this isn't a dream but a long-lasting nightmare instead :eek:

I'd like a dashcam with ANPR (Automatic Number Plate Remover) in the form of a RPG launcher :D That should remove the number plate (and the rotten driver) from the roads rather effectively :p

I have no idea why YouTube recommended this to me...

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Almost as good as Twisted Sisters Christmas song album :D

This makes me do the opposite of smile. It's 10:30pm and it's still 90 degrees F in my garage. The big garage door has been opened to let some fresh air in, but it didn't help. I'm only out here because I have to finish replacing a defective camshaft seal in my wife's car so she can drive it tomorrow.
It aint easy being the nice guy, but its the hard things that are most rewarding i think.
Many people think being friends are easy, i think its the hardest job around, hating some one is much more easy, just stay away from the person.

We can only hope people appreciate our effort.
The synthetic AI future that lies before us in the next decades will be stranger than any of us can imagine. :stig:

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Suicidal robot security guard drowns itself by driving into pond

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I agree with that, (almost sorry to say) AI will change the way so many things are done it will be astonishing and even magical to many people. I have a couple friends who have been working with AI programing for several years now and they won't even let me (even family) in on just what they are doing. I do have a clue but that's about it.
As an after thought security surrounding AI will be a nightmare, as good as it can be to the world, it can also be extremely dangerous with applications/knowledge in the wrong hands, it's hard to believe but it is possible to write AI apps that could change themselves and morph into something that would/might get away from controllers wether built in, mechanical, are through mans ever growing greed and lack of caring for humanity. You can bet the farm that universities are burning the midnight oil investigating and working with it. There are still analogical and analytical hurdles to be overcome but that is more are less just a matter of time type thing, slowly those hurdles will meet conditions that will make AI a reality in it's higher levels.