Pics that make you smile

Hell if some one have a bolted down GAU 8 i will take some trigger time on that too, but i am sure that will take a huge bite out of my Visa card.
Given a choice I think this would be the one I would choose to shoot before any others - providing I didn't have to pay for the ammo. :eek:

I tried to shoot over a tree about 10 inch in diameter with 12 gauge slugs, it was still standing when my shoulder was hurting, and we agreed on we better split as i and others at the site was making WW3 sounds, and really it was just a bunch of punks with guns.
Not so much to cut down a tree, just the thought of putting out 3,000 rounds a minute is awesome. (y):D
Not so much to cut down a tree, just the thought of putting out 3,000 rounds a minute is awesome. (y):D

Meh! :meh::p, 3,ooo rounds a minute is OK I guess, but the Vulcan M61A2 cannon on the Phalanx CIWS (pronounced sea-whiz) does 6,600 rounds per minute.......and it's shoots 20mm cartridges!
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Meh! :meh::p, 3,oooo rounds a minute is OK I guess, but the Vulcan M61A2 cannon on the Phalanx CIWS does 6,600 rounds per minute.......and it's shoots 20mm cartridges!
True, but you're not holding it in your hand(s) and shooting it - more like operating a remote control car versus driving a real one. The adrenalin rush has to be a lot different.
True, but you're not holding it in your hand(s) and shooting it - more like operating a remote control car versus driving a real one. The adrenalin rush has to be a lot different.

Looks to me like they're both a pretty good adrenaline rush, either way. :jawdrop:
I remember some one making a .22 cal autogun, that more or less just emitted a solid string of .22, it just sawed thru a west that could stop a .44 mag.

But ill be dammed if i can remember who / where, but it was in a gun format and even a briefcase format.

Dont think it was this one, but :eek: daum thats some rimfire action right there.


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That one in your pic started life being called the "SAM 180" but the name was changed later on. It was initially available for civilian sales but that also changed. 180 rounds of 22LR at one pull of the trigger :D If the bullets didn't kill the bad guy the weight of having that much lead plastered on them would slow them down enough to allow for a reload :rolleyes:

Probably the most fun man-toy ever built because the low cost of it's feeding allows as much using it as opposed to just looking at it wishing you could afford to shoot it (y)

I would ban computerized weapons and sighting equipment on firearms immediately, like yesterday. You can say I'm paranoid and you would be right, when I know what can be done with today's weapons, there is no way that I would want the average Joe to have one of the self aiming/computer assisted weapons. These type of firearms are for the military only, that in itself is scary as all heck!
In 1787 when the Constitution was written the right to bear arms included the high tech arms used by the military. If the government ever becomes so tyrannical it must be overthrown as was done by our founders starting in 1776 to deny those high tech arms to the average joe is removing our right of protection from the government.

Remember, nazi Germany removed the right to arms before it became so oppressive. To be on an equal footing required the ability to also have the high tech arms the government has. Hopefully there will not be a need for the american people to fight their own government but it could happen again as it has happened before.
One can only hope, personally i would rather vote for a clown with good intentions ( like the Danes have put in out Parliament once already )
Than voting for the current selection, and after all we Danes do have a lot to choose from by the look of it, but really they are all the same so not worth it.

I even contemplated starting my own party, but that do give me some problems too, cus i would not kiss up to the voters and what would be on my party's agenda are probably too hard to swallow for the rubber spine liberals here.
And as i could not gain a majority ( more than half of 179 seats in our Parliament ) then i would have to work with or just stonewall oppose the current crowd.

Though i do really feel like a year or 2 with the military and police here running things while new parties are being formed and our current parliament building are getting boarded up and filled with concrete is much better than just keep up with the current trend.
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Well it was more so the old parliament could stand there forever and remember people not to be so complacent, and for people to feel ashamed.
iPhone captures turbo-prop. (In tricky lighting :))
(When will dash cams be able to do this? ;):greedy:)

Maybe they do - don't recall every seeing a dash cam in a turbo-prop. :D