Pics that make you smile

The Wall, if there are any truly epic albums that's it.
And i listened to it,,,,, again, just yesterday.
also, how on earth did we get from wolves to that little teddy bear thing?
First you take a big bad wolf and then you take a very tiny and white wolf and let them have babies together and that's it:)
I would have been fawked long before that as i dont have a grasp on the vowels and consonants thing, and though Denmark are much relaxed in this regard i doubt the wheel of fortune people would have dared to go there.
It is indeed worrying how Media seem to operate nowadays.

And me who just learned about the Coffin Handbills and others in the 1828 Presidential election between Andrew Jackson and John Quincy Adams.
I am barely catching up with history so i can learn where i am going, and then they throw everything upside down every 3 month, making it impossible to keep up, and making me fear that's part of the agenda.

It is indeed worrying how Media seem to operate nowadays.

And me who just learned about the Coffin Handbills and others in the 1828 Presidential election between Andrew Jackson and John Quincy Adams.
I am barely catching up with history so i can learn where i am going, and then they throw everything upside down every 3 month, making it impossible to keep up, and making me fear that's part of the agenda.


Quotes from George Orwell always seems to be brilliant, prescient and quotable, but here his quote is merely being deployed as right wing conservative propaganda by those who were probably hoping some guy in Denmark, or wherever, would repost this crap somewhere.

The truth of that matter regarding the removal of political and military leader's statues throughout history is quite a different matter. It really depends on which regime's cruel legacy a society decides to honor, or eventually reaches a collective decision to dishonor.

People who argue that removing statutes of certain toxic political leaders or military war heroes of a certain era is somehow "erasing history" should take a moment to remember that we still have a thing called "books", which now happen to include something called "photographs". And there's even a thing called video. History is a complex process that is ultimately hard to really "erase", despite the efforts of despots.

It's not about erasing "history", it about societies values.

Germany, for example has gone to great lengths to remove Nazi monuments and to make other public gestures in remembrance of the victims and fallen conscripts, but they have hardly "erased history", especially if you examine what is taught in their schools.

And it would hardly be the only example of toppled monuments.

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hehe yeah.

To be honest i could not give a damn if statues or Mausoleums for so and so person still existed, i look at them as a monument of history and a lot of history are best if it is remembered.

I wouldn't even mind Hitler or Stalin statues, still living fans of these creeps would properly congregate there and so should be easy to find and kick their ass.

And its not like i like those people, when i was 15 or so we was brewing TATP and talking about blowing up the local Nazis place up, and if the place had been in a house where it could be done without hurting anyone then we might just have been stupid enough back then to have done it. :rolleyes:

I must admit i dont like how we Danes allow for people like Nazis to spew their vile, dont get me wrong i like freedom of speech, but some things you just do not need to preach as it is a dead end street.
I also dislike parasitic organizations like biker gangs are allowed here, while i also like the right to assembly for most reasons then feeding upon sick people like these guys do and at the same time talk about honor and brotherhood, well that just mess me up.

German Nazis have their propaganda printed up here, cuz here its alright :oops::sick:

It is the same here when these 2 groups meet, Nazis do nazi stuff, left wind commandos in skimaske counterprotest, and as a result a few streets are trashed.
Both are a sad bunch of SOBS if you ask me.
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I don't know if Orwell was a prophet, a genius, or just lucky at guessing the future but he hit many bulls-eyes and there are many things we should learn from "1984". Cams everywhere = London today, and done with the implied consent of the people. Cams at home = malware and your laptops and phones. Elon Musk and I know the value of electrical tape (He's intelligent though I don't claim to be :p). We've seen many media stories where history was altered, and in American schools today there have been several cases where textbooks were inaccurate and only discovered some time later. And while not altering history directly, schools and textbooks try to change history by showing the perspective they want you to see while hardly mentioning vastly different perspectives of the people who lived through those events. This is especially so with electronic media and textbooks which are easily spoofed or altered.

What differs is that in "1984" the government was doing this openly, while today it's not necessarily governments doing the altering and in most cases it's being done clandestinely :( Those who understand human psychology can see where and how this is happening, and where even the supposed protection offered by the masses having instant input via social media can be used as a tool to alter society. People and groups are doing this for profit and for power. And it's happening right now :eek:

I'm not one of the paranoid conspiracy theory types who sees evil lurking in the shadows everywhere. I question my own self as much as I do anyone else. But the truth is that there are various groups who are trying to control society and the future by altering what is said and seen of the past. There's no need to lie if you can cause someone to believe you by omitting or glossing over opposing viewpoints. And the more that you can reduce the number of information sources, the more easily this can be done. Nowadays almost all information comes across the internet which has in some ways become the "Ministry of Thought". We have to have a "" to dispel errata. We're being played for suckers and the percentage of people like that is increasing daily. It's a scary thought :censored:

One example of how we're being played is in the recent "Zombie" craze. History and science proves there are no such things, but billions of dollars went toward defending against them, and many people now have an honest belief that they exist. People were (and are) so focused on them that they missed almost everything else going on around them. People are drawn away from reality by gaming and social media. Whether that was the original intent or not is irrelevant because those who desire to control others now see how to do it, and how easily it can be done.

Orwell got it right except for the timing and we'd darn well better learn to see the truth of what is happening in our world if we are to avoid the larger excesses he wrote of. If we don't, we all will be "Proles" sooner than we think :oops:

When people cant even figure out to use the expensive and main feature camera of their expensive smartphone, that lead me to think WTH :confused:

My nice just posted a picture of their new Audi A3 on her Instagram, and she used camera wrong and forgot to rotate it 90 degrees ( dunno if Instagram do that automatic )
So it look as if their car are parked on a wall or at least a extremely steep incline. :rolleyes: i am constantly nagging her about that as i think that's not even silly it is down right stupid.

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Quotes from George Orwell always seems to be brilliant, prescient and quotable, but here his quote is merely being deployed as right wing conservative propaganda by those who were probably hoping some guy in Denmark, or wherever, would repost this crap somewhere.

The truth of that matter regarding the removal of political and military leader's statues throughout history is quite a different matter. It really depends on which regime's cruel legacy a society decides to honor, or eventually reaches a collective decision to dishonor.

People who argue that removing statutes of certain toxic political leaders or military war heroes of a certain era is somehow "erasing history" should take a moment to remember that we still have a thing called "books", which now happen to include something called "photographs". And there's even a thing called video. History is a complex process that is ultimately hard to really "erase", despite the efforts of despots.

It's not about erasing "history", it about societies values.

Germany, for example has gone to great lengths to remove Nazi monuments and to make other public gestures in remembrance of the victims and fallen conscripts, but they have hardly "erased history", especially if you examine what is taught in their schools.

And it would hardly be the only example of toppled monuments.

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While i agree orwells book isnt as relevant to today as some people think- brave new world seems to fit better- what makes you think the statues are only to honor people?

The reason the statues from ww2 stuff were torn down is because of their purpose. They were set up by the leaders to honor themselves and were basically supposed to be worshipped while the leader was alive. When they were finally killed and their power was gone the people got rid of the statues as a sign they were sejecting what the statue symbolized.

The statues in the usa were set up after the civil war to remind people what happened. Same way writing what happened in books is supposed to. In the hopes that some kid or adult sees the statue and is either reminded of what happened or learns more about it. That being in the hope that it doesnt happen again, not to glorify what went on.
So getting rid statues and monuments set up to cause people to remember what went on is trying to cause people not to remember what happened.
Getting rid of statues set up to honor and glorify a leader is meant to dishonor them and show their rejection.

By your line of thinking why is having their photo or their story in a book any better? Its really no different than a statue.
Why not get rid of all memory of abe lincoln because he was racist? FDR because of his atrocities?

Why have books with info about bad things when we can pass that info on by word of mouth? Works pretty well you know. An old invention, been around a long time...

Also, getting rid of the memory of something doesnt happen all at once. They arent going to ask to have info about the loosing side of the civil war removed from books on the same day they try to remove it from public sight.

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Nazis and less extreme socialists rely on control of information to sway people to their ideology. You see that everywhere. Even our federal government in Canada here when they took power from the conservatives asked google to either get rid of or archive a ton of info about our last prime minister so it would be hard/harder to find.

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So, back on topic...

My daughter (8) made this and put it in a clear liner so she could write different messages on the liner each day with a dry erase marker. It's posted on her bedroom door. Yesterday it said "Taking questions from 11:00 to 1:00 - NOW OPEN!" :D
While i agree orwells book isnt as relevant to today as some people think- brave new world seems to fit better- what makes you think the statues are only to honor people?

The reason the statues from ww2 stuff were torn down is because of their purpose. They were set up by the leaders to honor themselves and were basically supposed to be worshipped while the leader was alive. When they were finally killed and their power was gone the people got rid of the statues as a sign they were sejecting what the statue symbolized.

The statues in the usa were set up after the civil war to remind people what happened. Same way writing what happened in books is supposed to. In the hopes that some kid or adult sees the statue and is either reminded of what happened or learns more about it. That being in the hope that it doesnt happen again, not to glorify what went on.
So getting rid statues and monuments set up to cause people to remember what went on is trying to cause people not to remember what happened.
Getting rid of statues set up to honor and glorify a leader is meant to dishonor them and show their rejection.

By your line of thinking why is having their photo or their story in a book any better? Its really no different than a statue.
Why not get rid of all memory of abe lincoln because he was racist? FDR because of his atrocities?

Why have books with info about bad things when we can pass that info on by word of mouth? Works pretty well you know. An old invention, been around a long time...

Also, getting rid of the memory of something doesnt happen all at once. They arent going to ask to have info about the loosing side of the civil war removed from books on the same day they try to remove it from public sight.

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You have no idea what you are talking about and are apparently ignorant of American history. Your post is riddled with inaccuracies and falsehoods.

The majority of Confedate memorials and statuary in the US were NOT set up to "remind people what happened".

There are 1503 monuments to Confederate leaders. While, yes, some of these monuments were originally put up to honor Confederate leaders and soldiers and as war memorials, the timing of the monument building and number of them constructed is significant and makes it pretty clear what the real motivation was: to physically symbolize white supremacy over blacks. The greatest period of Confederate monument construction took place, not after the Civil War during the Reconstruction Era but after 1900. Construction peaked during the 1910s and 1920s and all of these monuments where were erected in the 11 secessionist slave-holding states of the United States. The other peak in number of Confederate monuments constructed was in the 1960s as a direct response to the Civil Rights movement. In each case and in each time period, these monuments became rallying points for Segregationists. This is a large part of the current controversy surrounding their removal and is the reason the neo-nazis chose that particular location in Charlottesville, Va. for their rally. These statues were not merely war memorials to "remind people what happened" but were erected for political reasons as part of an ideological campaign. If they were intended as any form of "reminder", it was to remind blacks about their "place" in Southern society.

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There will always be people that will associate them self with by gone people or organizations.
And as we Danes prove even if it is like +1000 years ago, there will still be people that wannabe like those guys back then.
Maybe in another 1000 years the wanna be viking BS will finally be put to sleep and the real vikings can rest at peace in history where they belong.
Many Danes still think they are vikings, but if there was any vikings here they would kill our weak asses and dance the fandango on our graves.
Also if there was any Vikings here, then they would be in prison here ar at Guantanamo as they would be considered terrorists by today's measures.

In regard to KKK i think they do a good job them self, dress up like ghosts with a dunces cap on :D so to me that signal "has been" and hardly susceptible to learning / knowledge.