Pics that make you smile

oh great... now peta is going to sue the owner so the cat and dog have the copyright on this selfie, like they did w/ the monkey selfie.


Sometimes the animals are on the other side of the camera too. I'll bet the Koala owns the copyright. :)

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I may find out if there is truth to this or not.
I plan on being an irate minority...

Spoiler because there's some mild language inside.
S h i t is the most versatile word in english language, you should not be ashamed by it.
I may find out if there is truth to this or not.
I plan on being an irate minority...


  • It does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority keen to set brush fires in the minds of men.
    • Will Bunch, In The Backlash: Right-Wing Radicals, Hi-Def Hucksters, And Paranoid Politics In The Age Of Obama (2010), p. 49, declares that this has also been attributed to John Adams, and states that it seems to have originated as a paraphrase of something by that Adams from a 1987 article in Parade magazine. The earliest publication of this quote yet found in internet searches is in Third World International, edited by Syed Jawaid Iqbal, Vol. 14 (1990), p. 17 and The Journal of Historical Review, Vol. 19 (March-April 2000) by Institute for Historical Review, p. 68
Problem with that Samuel Adams (or whoever) quote, is it works both ways, as we are seeing today. There are irate, tireless minorities setting bushfires throughout the world, but it isn't freedom they are after, it's obsession with their way being the only acceptable one and wanting to force it on others. Some of it is simple selfishness, some of it is downright evil dogma. The thing they all have in common is arrogance.

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Problem with that Samuel Adams (or whoever) quote, is it works both ways, as we are seeing today. There are irate, tireless minorities setting bushfires throughout the world, but it isn't freedom they are after, it's obsession with their way being the only acceptable one and wanting to force it on others. Some of it is simple selfishness, some of it is downright evil dogma. The thing they all have in common is arrogance.

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That is 100% true -- a quote or mis-quote can be used by BOTH sides with equal fervor. Both can't be right but both can be wrong.

That i can do :D
Good that the brain are not something that can be transplanted yet, it seem like his are subject to massive amounts of microwave energy.
That lecture are missing a major component in the bottom part of the slide.

Give them a good spanking when they deserve it.
I swear to god,,,, and anything else you like me to, the human gene pool need a high pressure water jet cleaning.
Both can't be right but both can be wrong.

You've just described American politics where all we get to choose is which wrong we will live under, and neither one is any good for anyone except the Politicians :(

but it isn't freedom they are after, it's obsession with their way being the only acceptable one and wanting to force it on others. Some of it is simple selfishness, some of it is downright evil dogma. The thing they all have in common is arrogance.

And arrogance is essentially self-imposed stupidity- the worst possible form of that malady :mad: When shown a better way most people will choose to follow it, and it will not need to be forced upon them. Those few who still reject it should be forced only to live with the consequences of their choices, and nobody in a free society should be compelled to accept them, only to tolerate them as equal citizens with equal rights and the responsibilities which go along with having those rights ;)

Here's a pic kamkar1 might enjoy. My sister's friend just came back from Denmark with this which became a gift to me for my birthday as they all don't like licorice- but I do :D It was yummy indeed!