Pics that make you smile

O :eek: that look like a post collision and not a motorcycle T bone.

Are the eclipse RWD ?
I saw this a few days ago on a hardware site, i think its pretty cool so it made me smile.

Okay so making that dent must have taken a family sized bucket of stupid, either by the driver or another driver forcing this result.
Thats what i loved working on ships, running are not allowed :cool:
Thats what i loved working on ships, running are not allowed :cool:
Wrong kind of ship. When in the Navy I was on 2 different aircraft carriers and we used to have track and field events on the hanger and flight decks.
I did a few laps on the first tanker i worked on, but all that salt in the air was just killing me, so that ended pretty fast in favor of lounging at the monkey island pool with a cold one ( soda ) in the hand.
But work related no running, but when we blew a exhaust valve on the big diesel the engine room became pretty hectic hell even the chief eng came down wearing work clothe. o_O
Pics that make me smile cuz those was the good old days.

This are phone pics of old fashion pics on paper.

Grill party on the Naphtha Express sailing empty from Japan to the Arabian golf.

One of the cold days ( some like it hot )

Me chilling in the Indian Ocean, as you can see i was not lying when i said i mostly looked like a skeleton in a skin bag.
Even on this pic of a pic you can count my ribs, no wonder my back are somewhat fawked up.
This are 1992.

Pic from the bar of MT Torm Kristina, looking back at the indoor pool on the other side of those windows.

The bridge on MT Torm Kristina, i did all my work in the engine for this last trip on a large tanker.

Engineer made a boo - boo with the MGO powering this +200 M long sucker, guess who had to clean that up :rolleyes:
This is the back of the exhaust stack.

Looking back from out front, this deck made up for a good surface for when we played deck golf.

Down in the hole as we Danes say, this are the 2 freshwater generators ( boiling sea water at a vacuum so you can do so with engine cooling water at a much lover temperature, fresh water that evaporate are caught and sent to the tanks below )

My Bitch Su Mishi pickup somewhere in Sweden.

Off roading with my friends land rover, this is about as hardcore offroad as it get here in Denmark.
Basically a hole with mud in it.

Drills on Bjal Senior on Greenland my #2 gig as engineer, why jump from the lowest tier when you can get some airtime, this is not me in the air but i did the same shortly after.

The Opel GT i have said i was driving in the first 3/4 of the 90ties.

A collage of stuff i was working on as a machine worker apprentice, so this pics are taken in 1986 or 87

Another pic of young skeleton me, this gotta be around 1986 too.
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I will have to agree.

Okay Apple are not a vase.

If i was to take a selfie today as i am now padded much more than before, the padding just seem to want to go in the same places.