Pics that make you smile

i have never played paintball or even shot a paintball gun but i would hope that there are restrictions to what you can bring to a public paintball range/arena/etc, so nobody gets hurt. i'm OK with rapid fire mods as long as the pressure isn't so high that it can do more than just bruise someone.
Why though? Just play with people you know. Plenty of people enjoy playing with frozen paintballs, guns with the pressure turned up and are proud of how big of bruises they can get.
As long as everyones aware thats whats happening, doing that and not telling people your shooting is pretty juvenile.

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Yes and sunny side or shaded side have a vast temperature difference.

The boys on Apollo 13 was freezing their asses off as all non essential electronics had to be powered down to save power.
No arguing with that, though here at least you some times get forced to do the same, that is if you let this kind of people push you to join them in stupid.

It start with one guy parking a little offset in his bay that then translate and multiply thru the bays to the side of him, and suddenly you will see this or a car partly blocking a area where people are supposed to walk.

Those offset parking guys i like to park next to and then also offset park towards him, forcing him to enter his car via the door in the other side ( cuz it is often the driver side that people offset towards )

We need to unite and fight stupid if it is not already too late.
Skunks can't stand the smell of old fashioned Pine-Sol disinfectant. To repel Skunks or get them to move from under a building, soak a rag with Pine-Sol cleaner and stuff it down their burrow or soak a boundary line you don't want them to cross. You can also staple rolled up towels under your deck and soak them with Pine Sol. Skunks are primarily crepuscular (active during dusk & dawn) and will usually spend the day in their dens, so if you wait for them to leave before deploying the Pine-Sol you will often be able to persuade a skunk family to find an alternate den site after they return.

Skunks will only spray as a last resort. They only have a limited amount of spray in their arsenal, and it takes a while to recharge their scent glands so they try not to use their ultimate defense weapon unless they have to. When a skunk decides to use the nuclear option, it swivels so that its face and butt are both pointing at the threat, it then ejects its two spray nozzles on either side of the anus and aims at the eyes of the presumed predator. A full blast can travel twelve feet. The thiols in the spray are such potent irritants that they can cause nausea and temporary blindness and can stop a bear. You can feel perfectly comfortable in the vicinity of skunks as long as the skunk is comfortable in the vicinity of you. If they feel nervous, they will pause, look at you, and stomp their front feet. If you move toward them, they next try a handstand to display their bold stripes which are a warning coloration. That's a sure sign it's time to back away. Dogs don't know any better so they usually jump right into the fray and get sprayed. That's also why they usually end up with a snout full of porcupine quills after they mess with these gentle creatures who would rather be left alone just like the skunks.

I've heard about the pine-Sol solution (never tried it though), however I have trouble with ground hogs getting under my front door stoop (concrete slab), almost every spring, here is the cure and it also works on skunks. Get one of those big containers of red pepper at Sam's or Costco, dump about a cup full down the whole, every time he/she comes out or go's in they get a load of it in the eyes/mouth/nose, and they decide to break the lease and move out, fast, even betterif you can blow the pepper down the whole with a leaf blower or whatever, works like a charm.
haha now that sign, that's what i call a good prank
Come on over and kick back.

I only wasted time with people like that, i was about 1/2 their size so had to play the mind game where winning are easier with this type of man.
And this one reminds me of how you see things and feel in reality:)

I lasted 5 minutes. I couldn't shake the feeling this was the induction into a cult. [emoji2]

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Hehe that's actually what i feel some times, and also she neglect to mention the Danes colossal intake of happy pills, and monumental intake of legal ( alcohol ) and illegal drugs ( pretty much anything )
Also she say 7 of 10 Danes are happy paying their taxes, that may be true but 7 of 10 Danes are also pretty creative when doing their taxes, actually cheating on tax have often been mentioned as the favorite past time of the Danes.

Sure it could be much worse, but analyzing the situation now and in the past i am pretty sure it could also have been much better here in Denmark now, and that's sadly what i tend to fixate on and so i am the oddball grumpy old Dane.