Pics that make you smile

You should have used a lower velocity explosive :rolleyes:

My first attempt a year ago enlarging the post box with high pressure did not work as expected.
You were only supposed to blow the bloody doors off! [emoji2]

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I am going to my bank to talk with them tomorrow, that is if i get the warm up parcel i expect to get in time for me to reach my bank before it close ( Thursday is extended open + 2 hours )

I am warming up my post box for that Street Guardian Parcel :) if i know Rick right me stretching the post box will only be adequate.

you should get a few pieces this month
I have been using little manual actuators and then a lot of 1 mm sheet metal and pop rivets, my mailbox can now hold 3 pairs of sneakers ( in their boxes )

Just checked my lotto ticket, no win this time either, so next Wednesday there are 135 million for the big winner.
It go up with at least 16 million every week, and since they changed the format the big one have not yet been paid out, i think they made it too hard to win it factoring in this lotto are only for the Scandinavian countries and not the whole EU.

With the old format the big one paid every so often with the biggest payouts around 30 mill or so, but now no winner for 10 weeks or more.

But off course the bigger prize the more people play and the more people play the more the tax man collect in his cut, and the tax man win every week.
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Struck a deal with the bank today, so new LCD computer screen ordered :cool: but it was not in stock so i will probably have to make do with my TV until Monday.

That luggage picture lack some thing

A DOM with the SUB carrying all the luggage you can pile on it :D
Yes but those guys was reading actual relevant news back then, those 2016 guys are just liking pictures of cupcakes or something similar totally non relevant.
On the other hand if people really used the phones and the powers of the internet, then the world would not be so fawked up, but they dont so every day is a little worse.

Personally i feel embarrassed every time i look for no reason on my phone in public, but at least i just do a quick glance to see if the notification LED are flashing, dont even have to turn screen on.
Biggest smiley i have ever seen, IRL its 65 CM in diameter ( +25 inch )

not that long ago i upgraded from a 23" 1920x1200 monitor to a 28" 3840x2160 monitor, and i have it at arm's length on my desk, and run 100% scaling in win10. and i find myself moving my head back and forth when looking at different windows. can't imagine how tired @jokiin's neck is at the end of the day :D

as for the newspapers - how do you know they weren't reading their horoscopes, the funny pages, editorials/opinion, tabloids, and other drivel they still print even today? not to mention the stuff they considered "good science" back then...


Druggists :D

As the car industry and its lobbyists said,,,, LEAD ???? come on that's not bad for ya.
That chart is misleading as it suggests that lead in gasoline is the sole reason for the dramatic declines in lead concentrations in blood. Other significant reasons for the decline in lead levels include the elimination of lead in paints and consumer products, especially food packing (tin cans) and certain toys. (which toddlers tend to put in their mouths). The gradual elimination of lead plumbing pipes has also been one of the more significant reasons for the long term decline in lead levels in humans.
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yeah at one time you would be hard pressed to find anything without lead in it, just like it seem cocaine was in just about every druggist product in the old days.

As i painter i have heard of old paint types not necessary with lead in them that was really - really nasty, making Epoxy look like play dough.

And not forgetting the nasty stuff i sailed with in the tanks of those little petrochemical tankers, most was boiling already at 10 - 15 degrees, and most had a text on the warning label saying dont say this product name 3 times in a row.
It wasn't just the lead in the fuel which made it bad- it was more it's chemical form Tetra-ethyl Lead. In it's pure form TEL is deadly toxic to touch or inhale, and it's chemical make-up is such that animal tissue absorbs it almost instantly :( Once it went back into the ground, nature broke it down and removed most of it's toxicity save for the lead itself which was in the ground to start with. Now we have MTBE in our fuel which nature cannot break down, and it's already in all of our aquifers deep on the ground where it will remain toxic forever. That stuff reduces reproductive fertility, causes cancer, gets into the plants we eat, and in higher concentrations can alter DNA :eek:

Lead, like asbestos, isn't as bad as most folks think. It's damage was mostly to those who were exposed to high concentrations of it without protective measures in place over long periods of time who were harmed by it. The effect on the average person was so minimally proven that it would not be accepted as proof for other scientific purposes. It is only that we knew it was bad for us overall and that we had ways of mitigating it that got people so paranoid about it :whistle: Lead is still being spewed in the air by piston-powered airplanes. It's in your phone and computer. It's in batteries and most of the metals all around you. It's in most of the older municipal water supplies. In all the hundreds of years we used it without caution it didn't harm the human race so don't worry about it- just be careful with it and enjoy the benefits it brings us :cool:

Lead poisoning from rotating cylindrical objects coming toward you at high velocities is a whole different story and the most deadly of all forms of lead poisoning :whistle:
