Pics that make you smile

I have a book from the early 1970's that talked about plants feeling pain when harvested. They measured some electrical impulses and claimed that plants screamed when they knew they were going to be harvested.

I have a book from the early 1970's that talked about plants feeling pain when harvested. They measured some electrical impulses and claimed that plants screamed when they knew they were going to be harvested.

That book was titled "The Secret Life of Plants" and was published in 1973. I've read it and found it fascinating and even in some cases quite compelling, but well regarded botanists have since described it as "pseudoscience", "nonsense" and that it "should be regarded as fiction".
Thats a good example of what religion do to people, making them argumentative and judgemental and that's the recipe for trouble.

And they highlight only the king
CRT screen died today, or at least the red cannon died so no red colors on it.

Just made a little changes, and i dont think a 42" screen are too much on my computer table :D


Only problem is i cant get the damn setup to work via HDMI, so i had to use the old VGA cable from the CRT monitor.
The 42" screen may seem a little small in a few years. The problem with getting older is your eyes start to demand bigger things to look at and focus on.
CRT screen died today, or at least the red cannon died so no red colors on it.

Just made a little changes, and i dont think a 42" screen are too much on my computer table :D


Only problem is i cant get the damn setup to work via HDMI, so i had to use the old VGA cable from the CRT monitor.
There is one problem, display is so wide that you have to move your head from side to side like audience in tennis game.
Indeed, while i do feel i have a excellent peripheral view, then it dont seem to apply with little things like a cursor on a screen, so i do indeed move my head back and forth.

I got my eye on this one
Iiyama G-MASTER Red Eagle 27"

Its one of the cheapest 27" screens here with 144hz, will have to see if i can borrow 3000 kr in the bank, 2300 for the screen and 700 for booze to drown my sorrow over loosing my trusty old CRT friend with who i have killed 100.000s of digital people.
@kamkar1 I have a working 17" CRT monitor here, just drive over anytime and I'll hand it to you for free :p I'd send it to you but shipping that much weight that far would probably cost me half a years wages. I sent a lightweight but similar sized package to AUS about a year ago and that cost me $242 :eek:

Sorry that you lost your old friend but at least you've got a new friend there soc you;re not dead-in-the-water ;)

My friend have a old 24" HP too if the going get tough, but so far i found a way to watch TV at my cable provider via the internet.
Or rather i have found the option, now i just need them to send something i like on one of my "many" channels.

That would just choke mt GTX 570, though it do have 3 outputs 2 X DVI i think they are called and 1 mini HDMI

In 1998 or something when i was ship engineer the first time, my friend called me in Australia, my phone rang 3 times and then he hung up, and that cost me 79 DKkr to hear that nokia ring tone
I am going to my bank to talk with them tomorrow, that is if i get the warm up parcel i expect to get in time for me to reach my bank before it close ( Thursday is extended open + 2 hours )

I am warming up my post box for that Street Guardian Parcel :) if i know Rick right me stretching the post box will only be adequate.
My first attempt a year ago enlarging the post box with high pressure did not work as expected.