Pics that make you smile

loooool :D
I guess he have been rear ended at some time, or just needed some more room in the back.
loooool :D
I guess he have been rear ended at some time, or just needed some more room in the back.
Or he might be a redneck


You know the Americans love to chill out on pontoon boats on the lake, but they still got nothing on the Finnish ppl.

This is just a river, imagine how ther lakes look like. ( and mind you they have lots of lakes up there )


Vintage 1970s Men's Bad Hair

I have it on good authority than one of the gentlemen among these photos is our own @kamkar1! :D

A free dash cam may be awarded to the person who correctly identifies him. :cool:

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gee that's a tough one, there's a few there that have that maniacal serial killer/dashcam enthusiast look about them :D
gee that's a tough one, there's a few there that have that maniacal serial killer/dashcam enthusiast look about them :D

Yes, exactly, but there's only one Mad Dane.

Well, no dash cam for you then......:p
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My hair never get longer than 20 mm, and never shorter than 6 mm.

Actually some times my beard is longer than my hair, i am not happy about that shaving thing.

Here its all long.

This is my bedroom eye look, or reach for it stranger :p