Pics that make you smile

The sad thing is that there are people who will believe this.

Gosh, I hope not. :eek: I threw it together in Photoshop the other night, so at least for now it's only here on DCT. :cool:
I'm not quite sure how hackers could blow up a dash cam from "thousands of miles away" but I figured that would be a stretch too far for most people. :rolleyes:
Gosh, I hope not. :eek: I threw it together in Photoshop the other night, so at least for now it's only here on DCT. :cool:
I'm not quite sure how hackers could blow up a dash cam from "thousands of miles away" but I figured that would be a stretch too far for most people. :rolleyes:
Gosh, I hope not. :eek: I threw it together in Photoshop the other night, so at least for now it's only here on DCT. :cool:
I'm not quite sure how hackers could blow up a dash cam from "thousands of miles away" but I figured that would be a stretch too far for most people. :rolleyes:
I'm guessing you're lucky enough to not have to deal with members of the public on a regular basis?

When fear and ignorance combine the results can be mind boggling.
I'm guessing you're lucky enough to not have to deal with members of the public on a regular basis?

When fear and ignorance combine the results can be mind boggling.

Well, I do deal with the public on a regular basis and I understand what you are saying, but a home brew satirical image I might post to a humorous picture thread on a forum such as this is hardly something I would place in a public venue where even something as outlandish as an over the top "fake" supermarket tabloid page might be taken seriously. ;)
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...a home brew satirical image I might post to a humorous picture thread on a forum such as this is hardly something I would place in a public venue where even something as outlandish as an over the top fake supermarket tabloid page might be taken seriously. ;)
It would be an interesting experiment to see how long it would take to go viral if you were to post it on some social media site. I'm thinking maybe 10 days or so?

Note: I am not advocating you do this and strongly suggest you don't because odds are our technically inept leadership in Washington will probably spend a few billion dollars to combat the new 'threat'. :rolleyes:

Note 2: Even scarier is you might give the 'bad guys' the idea and they actually would develop it. :eek:
It would be an interesting experiment to see how long it would take to go viral if you were to post it on some social media site. I'm thinking maybe 10 days or so?

Note: I am not advocating you do this and strongly suggest you don't because odds are our technically inept leadership in Washington will probably spend a few billion dollars to combat the new 'threat'. :rolleyes:

Note 2: Even scarier is you might give the 'bad guys' the idea and they actually would develop it. :eek:

Interesting experiment indeed......hmmm.......don't give me any diabolical ideas! :cool: I have enough of my own!!!

jokiin's right. I don't think it would take anywhere near 10 days.
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Note 2: Even scarier is you might give the 'bad guys' the idea and they actually would develop it. :eek:

The funny thing about all this is that the whole joke about turning a dash cam into a bomb came about because of the issue of the (remote) possibility of having a lithium battery explode in a dash cam on a hot perhaps it's already something to worry about. ;) Who needs hackers?
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Well, I do deal with the public on a regular basis and I understand what you are saying, but a home brew satirical image I might post to a humorous picture thread on a forum such as this is hardly something I would place in a public venue where even something as outlandish as an over the top "fake" supermarket tabloid page might be taken seriously. ;)
Aren't the public fun? :confused:
I just meant IF it were to be posted on FB or similar.

I like the idea of posting it somewhere to see if it gains traction, however I'm sure there is some kind of law against that in Aus :rolleyes:
Aren't the public fun? :confused:
I just meant IF it were to be posted on FB or similar.

I like the idea of posting it somewhere to see if it gains traction, however I'm sure there is some kind of law against that in Aus :rolleyes:

If you walk through the check-out isle of any supermarket in the US you wouldn't believe the outlandish stuff that gets published every day. My exploding dash cam thing pales in comparison to some. In fact, the spoof concept I posted here was originally from a story in the Weekly World News about hackers making peoples home computers explode. (And from a similar idea in Neil Stephenson's novel Cryptonomicon).

I don't go anywhere near FB but if I really wanted to perpetuate a hoax I think I would focus on a subject matter far more mainstream than dash cams. Hmm......the possibilities...... hehe. Oh great, now I'm going to be up all night thinking about it. :D

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We dont seem to have the same selection of magasines here, but within the fjew we do have there is ones that we could do without as ther content have no significance.
But in and among those magasines, you will find a slew of porn magasines, right in the face of your child.

Found a pic of such a selection, but i am not sure its okay to post it here, anyway you catch my drift.
Allways been like that here, all kind of weekly magasines on the same stand as porn and the walt disney stuff for kids too, normally found close to check out along with a lot of candy.
I don't go anywhere near FB but if I really wanted to perpetuate a hoax I think I would focus on a subject matter far more mainstream than dash cams. Hmm......the possibilities...... hehe. Oh great, now I'm going to be up all night thinking about it. :D

Something along the lines of dash cams would be a pretty good subject for this kind of prank. They are mainstream enough that most people know what one is, but they still don't know much about them.

Edit- Not sure if it still exists, but when I was a kid People magazine in Aus was a soft core porn mag.
Something along the lines of dash cams would be a pretty good subject for this kind of prank. They are mainstream enough that most people know what one is, but they still don't know much about them.

I'm not so sure how a mainstream hoax terrorizing people about dash cams would go over with all the vendors and manufacturers here on DCT, but perhaps a hoax about some very usual "things" captured on dash cams could be interesting. Might even make the cover of the Weekly World News! :eek:

I think you're misunderstanding me/I'm not explaining myself clearly as usual.

Comedy prank rather than "scare" hoax, and something along the lines of dash cams but not dash cams, ie well known but not well understood. Oh and nothing that's one of my hobbies ;)

Not sure if this has been posted before.
Sassy bobcat
Better dihydrogen monoxide than deuterium oxide.

Did any of you guys have a chemistry kit when you was kids ?
I had one and it really sparked my intrest in chemestry, years later resulting in a 11 score ( out of 13 ) in school, and in spite of severe exam nerves on my part.

I have brewed up some nasty **** back then, and "made" som extremely nasty toxins :eek:

Its scary how easy some nasty things are to make, :eek:
If you walk through the check-out isle of any supermarket in the US you wouldn't believe the outlandish stuff that gets published every day. My exploding dash cam thing pales in comparison to some. In fact, the spoof concept I posted here was originally from a story in the Weekly World News about hackers making peoples home computers explode. (And from a similar idea in Neil Stephenson's novel Cryptonomicon).

I don't go anywhere near FB but if I really wanted to perpetuate a hoax I think I would focus on a subject matter far more mainstream than dash cams. Hmm......the possibilities...... hehe. Oh great, now I'm going to be up all night thinking about it. :D

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It was not true. Darn :D
The sad thing is that some panicking politician will probably push for a ban on dashcams because he believes the hoax :eek::confused:

... and that's the sad truth... :-/


Careful with such "pranks", a few years ago, I often scared semiparanoid People (who were scared by being spied on, but didn't mind to secure there PC's) by saying "careful, LCD-TV's are spying at you"... Today, the joke is on me: they invented HbbTV :-/